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Department of Critical Care Medicine  is composed of 3 divisions as 1st surgical ICU, 2nd medical ICU, 3 rd Critical information,

Or department have  one department head, 3 division chiefs, 10 intensivists. 100 nurses, 4 respiratory therapist, one pulmologist, i nutricionist, 1 pharmacologist, 1 socialist, make the dedicated care team for severe illness patient care.

Under the construction of new CCM ,previous individual Intensive care units , SICU & MICU,which found since 1976, were merged togather.

We have 100 specialized nurse involved daily cares.

Subspecialized Intensivists take care critical patient daily, according to thier own medical or surgical specialties.

At present, 4 dedicated intensivists and 12 residences take care 42 beds patients  24 hours a day, 7 days a week,.

About 1700 cases admission  every year since 2004. The bed occupied rate about 95%.

The average patient's illness severity about  23  points for APARCH II scoring system.

The average mortality rates about 9 % for medical ICU patients, 5 % for surgical ICU patients;\, which is comparable to american first calss medical center level.

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