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Nestle alfare Haominrui has a significant effect on the establishment of intestinal villi and the increase of baby's weight in terms of clinical performance. (Literature: 1. Anne Pardou and Luc Brion. JPEN 1982;7:121; 2. Narmer F et al., JPGN 1988;7:76)

Nestle Alfare Good Minrui


Nestle alfare comprehensive nutrition


High calorie (72kcal/100ml); high protein (3.4g/100kcal) >>Increase calorie intake and provide growth needs

Highly hydrolyzed (amino acids, double peptides, tripeptides) >> Rapid absorption, rapid utilization

100% whey protein (biological value higher than casein) >> high utilization rate, providing muscle building

Contains branched-chain amino acids BCAA >> is metabolized outside the liver and preferentially utilized by skeletal muscle

MCT oil (moderate content of 48%) >> enhance fat absorption and increase calorie intake

Lactose Free >> Reduces intestinal irritation

Add taurine (5.7mg/100ml) >> Supplement essential amino acids for premature infants

Low osmotic pressure design (200mOsm/L) >> 100% nutritional intake from a full-concentration diet



  1. chronic diarrhea
  2. milk protein allergy
  3. Eczema, Atopic Dermatitis
  4. severe malnutrition
  5. Nutrient supply after massive intestinal surgery
  6. Nutrient supply of pancreatic fibrocyst
  7. Nutrient supply for intensive care
  8. At the same time, in clinical practice, if you encounter feeding difficulties, excess milk, poor food intake, inability to gain weight, premature infants or low birth weight infants, you can choose Nestlé alfare, which is full of nutrition.

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