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Angeli’s special milk powder designed for liver and gallbladder diseases, the main source of protein is whey protein (rich in branched chain amino acid BCAA), no lactose, no sucrose, no gluten, low sodium, rich in multivitamins, Minerals and trace elements, complete and balanced nutrition.


GENERAID plus Angeli special formula nutrition


1. Liver dysfunction.

2. Biliary atresia.

3. Congenital liver and gallbladder disease.


1. This product must be used in accordance with the instructions of medical staff.

2. Not suitable for general intravenous injection.

Instructions for use:

1. Under the guidance of a doctor or nutritionist, please determine the dosage according to the individual's age, weight, and clinical condition

2. A higher concentration can be given gradually according to the patient's needs and intestinal acceptance.

3. Take 17 grams of Anjili and mix it to 100ml, the concentration is 0.8kcal/ml; the osmotic pressure is 280mOsm/kg.

4. Take Angeli 22 grams and brew to 100 ml, the concentration is 1kcal/ml; the osmotic pressure is 390mOsm/kg.

5. Take Angeli 34 grams and brew to 100 ml, the concentration is 1.57kcal/ml; the osmotic pressure is 810mOsm/kg.


1. Store in a dry or cool place.

2. Use up within 1 month after opening the bottle.

Expiry date: Please use it within the expiry date marked on the bottom of the tank.

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