編號 | 作者 | 著作名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 發表日期 | 型式 |
1 | 周千瀅科主任 | An Explorative Study of Applying Team-Based Learning and Case Method in Pharmaceutical Ethics Course for Pharmacy Students | 2023國立成功大學醫學院暨義大醫療財團法人義大醫院〈科技.創新.全人.跨領域醫學教育〉國際醫學教育研討會 | 2023/2/4 | 壁報 |
2 | 周軒羽,黃相碩,嚴錦城,王笙帆 Hsuan-Yu Chou, Shiang-Suo Huang, Jiin-Cherng Yen , Sheng-Fan Wang |
The possible protective role of Salubrinal in doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in mice | 第三十七屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 | 2023/3/18-19 | 壁報 |
3 |
Hsuan-Yu Chang, Ju-Chieh Wung, Chia-Chen Hsu, Shih-Lin Chang, Yuh-Lih Chang 張軒瑜、翁如潔、許家禎、張世霖、張豫立 |
An Improvement in Learning Effectiveness of Oral Anticoagulants in Pharmacy Students via the Smart AFib care system | 2023 ACCP Virtual Poster Symposium | 2023/5/24 | 壁報 |
4 |
Ling-Ya Chou, Meng-Shui Lu, Chian-Ying Chou 周鈴雅、盧孟穗、周千瀅 |
Prescription Pattern and Prognosis Analysis of Patients with Mechanical Ventilation During COVID-19 Pandemic in Taiwan – The Impact of Opioid Analgesics and Sedative Agents | 2023 ACCP Virtual Poster Symposium | 2023/5/24 | 壁報 |
5 | Li-Fang Hu, Yuh-Lih Chang | Use of Remdesivir in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients with COVID-19 | American Transplant Congress 2023 | 2023/6/5 | 壁報 |
6 | 楊子涵, 于慧慈, 周千瀅, 張豫立, 劉智方, 盧重品, 林志誠 | 藥品引起病毒性肝炎復發自動查核警示功能 | 中華醫學會112年度聯合學術研討會CiC | 2023/6/15 | 壁報 |
7 | 周軒羽,黃相碩,王笙帆,嚴錦城 Hsuan-Yu Chou, Shiang-Suo Huang, Sheng-Fan Wang, Jiin-Cherng Yen |
Potential cardioprotective effects of Salubrinal on doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity | 19TH WORLD CONGRESS OF BASIC & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY 2023 | 2023/7/2-7 | 壁報 |
8 | 周千瀅、楊子涵、張豫立 | From bench to bedside -以模組化課程融合問題導向學習模式與創作SDM輔助工具於藥學系學生實證醫學教學 | 2023年高雄長庚醫學教育國際研討會-醫學教育新視野-跨世代「學」與「教」的觀點與思辨 | 2023/9/16 | 壁報 |
9 | 蕭琦昀、陳慶鴻、張豫立 | 整合多媒體藥教資源暨語音朗讀功能於藥品資料暨外觀查詢系統 | 社團法人臺灣臨床藥學會2023年度學術研討會 | 2023/9/17 | 壁報 |
10 | 黃冠慈, 陳寬軒, 林家潔, 陳慶鴻, 王斯郁, 張豫立, 林志誠, 李孝瑞, 盧重品 | 醫學中心處方開立系統增設針劑藥品「輸液濃度速率及相容性資訊」檢核警示功能及其成效探討 | 社團法人臺灣臨床藥學會2023年度學術研討會 | 2023/9/17 | 壁報 |
11 | 盧孟穗、周千瀅、張豫立 | Multifaceted strategies to optimize fentanyl buccal soluble film prescribing for breakthrough cancer pain in Taiwan | 13th Congress of the European Pain Federation | 2023/9/20 | 壁報 |
12 | Sheng-Fan Wang, Yi-Sheng Lin, Yuh-Lih Chang, Chian-Ying Chou, Wan-Yu Yeh,Chern-En Chiang, Chen-Huan Chen, Ling-Ming Tseng, Hsin-Chen Lee, Shiaun Chen, Chun-Yu Liu, Hao-Min Cheng (王笙帆, 林益生, 張豫立, 周千瀅, 葉婉瑜, 江晨恩, 陳震寰, 曾令民, 李新城, 陳瑄, 劉峻宇, 鄭浩民) | Exploring the Clinical Impact of Antiresorptive Agents on Patients with Primary Breast Cancer Receiving Endocrine Therapy | 2023 台北國際乳癌研討會 TIBCS | 2023/9/23 | 壁報 |
13 |
Wei-Lun Huang, Ting-Ruei Yan, Li-Yu Shih, Yu-Shiuan Lin, Chia-Chen Hsu, Yuh-Lih Chang 黃偉倫、顏廷叡、施立于、林于瑄、許家禎、張豫立 |
Impact of video-assisted pharmacist-led first chemotherapy education in cancer patients | 2023 FIP WORLD CONGRESS | 2023/9/24 | 壁報 |
14 | 李珮甄 | Developing a Multidimensional Approach Analytical Framework to Evaluate the Supply Chain Capacity of Parenteral Nutrition Components and Maintain its Resilience when Shortages Occur in Taiwan | The 23rd Congress of PENSA 2023 | 2023/10/21 | 口頭 |
15 | Mei-Yu Chen, Chia-Lin Chou, Tzu-Chun Chou, Shao Chin Chiang, Joseph Wang, Yuh-Lih Chang | Advancing Asian Pharmacy Practice: The Good Pharmacy Practice International Training Program in Taiwan |
2023 FAPA Congress | 2023/10/24-28 | 壁報 |
16 | Yi-Sheng Lin, Chien-Hsing Wu, Hue-Chia Hsueh, Cheng-Han Juangs, Sin-Wei Liu, Chian-Ying Chou, Yuh-Lih Chang (林益生 吳建興 薛慧嘉 莊承翰 劉馨薇 周千瀅 張豫立) | Utilizing Power BI in Pharmacy Services: Pre-End Stage Renal Disease (Pre-ESRD) Pharmaceutical Care as Example | 2023 FAPA Congress | 2023/10/24-28 | 壁報 |
17 | Tzu-Chao Lin (林子超), Han-Yi Tsai (蔡涵怡), Wan-Shih Lee (李婉詩), Yuh Lih Chang (張豫立) | Power BI Application on the Drug Maximum Dosage Verification and Warning System at a Medical Center's Pharmacy in Northern Taiwan | 2023 FAPA Congress | 2023/10/24-28 | 壁報 |
18 | Chia-linChou, Chia-Chen Hsu, Chian-Ying Chou, Yuh-Lih Chang | Integrating Non-patient Care Electives in an Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience | 2023 FAPA Congress | 2023/10/24-28 | 壁報 |
19 | Chian-Ying Chou, Yuh-LihChang | Applying Team-Based Learning, Case Method and Role Play in Ethics Course for Pharmacy Interns in Taiwan | 2023 FAPA Congress | 2023/10/24-28 | 壁報 |
20 | Yeh-Yun Hsu, Yuh-Lih Chang, Kuan-Hsuan Chen | Effectiveness and safety outcomes of direct oral anticoagulants in atrial fibrillation patients with low body weight | 2023 FAPA Congress | 2023/10/24-28 | 壁報 |
21 | 盧孟穗、周千瀅、周鈴雅、張豫立 | Comparison of Opioid and Sedation Prescription Patterns between COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 Hospitalized Mechanically Ventilated Adults in Taiwan | 2023 FAPA Congress | 2023/10/24-28 | 壁報 |
22 | 楊子涵 | 以可信賴專業活動進行藥學實習生撰寫SOAP之評估 | 臺北榮總國際醫學教育研討會 | 2023/11/17 | 壁報 |
23 | 周千瀅 | 創新藥學倫理混成學習模式結合團隊導向學習、案例教學法與角色扮演教學法之成效初探 | 臺北榮總國際醫學教育研討會 | 2023/11/17 | 壁報 |
24 | 王明業、楊子涵、周千瀅、張豫立 | 建置擬真處方判讀教學系統 | 臺北榮總國際醫學教育研討會 | 2023/11/17 | 壁報 |
25 | Chih-Chia Lu, Hsuan-Yu Chang, Li-Jen Chang, Yuh-Lih Chang | Effectiveness and Safety of Remdesivir in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 and Severe Renal Impairment | 2023年美國醫療機構藥師學會綜合大會 | 2023/12/5 | 壁報 |
26 | Yuh-Lih Chang, PhD; Po-Han Chiu; Li-Fang Hu; Chih-Chia Lu; Lip-Lin Tiunn; Jung-Chen Su, PhD |
Comparing the Effectiveness of Remdesivir, Nirmatrelvir-Ritonavir, and Molnupiravir in Hospitalized Patients with Mild to Moderate COVID-19 |
2023 ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting | 2023/12/5 | 壁報 |