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Low back pain

Common causes: Poor posture, herniated disc, spinal degeneration, bone spurs, disc slip, arthritis, back muscle inflammation, primary or metastatic spinal tumors, kidney disease, ureteral stones, prostatitis or pelvic inflammation, emotions and stress, etc.

Hospitalization objectives:

  1. Relieve acute pain.
  2. Arrange examinations to confirm the cause and any related complications.
  3. Health education: teach the patient daily life and work precautions, sitting posture, standing posture, sleeping posture, etc.

Treatment plan:

  1. Drug treatment: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, etc.
  2. Physical therapy: massage, acupuncture, low-level laser therapy, etc.
  3. Wearing a back brace and abdominal binder.
  4. Surgical treatment (if back pain is caused by structural problems).

Examination plan: General physical examination, spinal X-ray examination, spinal CT or MRI examination, electromyography examination, etc.

Discharge plan: teach the patient how to prevent recurrence of back pain, such as:

  1. Avoid prolonged sitting. If necessary, use a back cushion to support the lower back and a high-backed chair.
  2. When lying down, the least pressure is applied to the spine.
  3. When resting in bed, use a wooden board bed and add a layer of bedding or tatami.
  4. When resting in bed, you can put a pillow under your knees.
  5. Avoid movements that may hurt the back, such as sudden bending and rotation or excessive backward extension of the body.
  6. When reaching or picking up things, do not just twist the upper body. Try to turn the whole body.
  7. When lifting objects, stand with your feet about 45 cm apart, with one foot forward and the other slightly behind, bend your knees and keep your back straight, hold the object as close to your body as possible, straighten your legs to lift the object.
  8. Heat therapy can improve back pain, such as taking a hot shower or applying a hot compress, but the temperature should not be too high, and the time should not be too long to avoid scalding the skin.
  9. Do not maintain the same posture for a long time.
  10. Appropriate exercise can improve and prevent symptoms of lower back pain, such as swimming, weight lifting, walking, jogging, etc.

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