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Si-Huei Lee

Si-Huei Lee B.Sc., M.D.                                                                                      

Phone: +886-2-28757361

FAX: +886-2-28757359

E-mail: [email protected]



1988-1992    Bachelor of Science, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

1992-1999    Medical Doctor, Department of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan        



  Board Certification, Physical Therapist, Taiwan                                                                       

Board Certification, Chinese Medicine Physician, Taiwan                                                                      

Board Certification, Medical Physician, Taiwan                                                                                     

Board Certification, Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine Specialist, Taiwan 

Board Certification, Geriatric medicine Specialist, Taiwan 

Board Certification, Ultrasonic medicine Specialist, Taiwan                     

Board Certification, Acupuncture Therapist, Taiwan                                          



2008- present   Attending Physician ,Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Taipei Veterans General Hospital 

2005 – 2008   Research Fellow, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan                               



2002-2004   Resident Physician, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

2004-2005   Chief Resident Physician, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Taipei Veterans General Hospital 

2007             Training of Geriatric medicine in Guy’s and St.Thomas’ Hospital in U.K.



2002     Taiwan Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation                                             

2004     Society of Ultrasound in Medicine, Taiwan R.O.C.                                              

2004     Gerontological Society of Taiwan

2005     Chinese Medical Association, Taiwan 

2015     Taiwan Association of Prolotherapy and Regenerative Medicine



Musculoskeletal disease rehabilitation

Intelligent medicine rehabilitation

Gerisatric rehabilitation



  1. Chung CR, Su MC, Si-Huei Lee*, Wu EH, Tang LH, Yeh SC. An Intelligent Motor Assessment Method Utilizing a Bi-Lateral Virtual-Reality Task for Stroke Rehabilitation on Upper Extremity. IEEE J Transl Eng Health Med. 2022 Oct 20;10:2100811.
  2. Si-Huei Lee*, Kao CC, Liang HW, Wu HT. Validity of the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) recommended performance-based tests of physical function in individuals with symptomatic Kellgren and Lawrence grade 0-2 knee osteoarthritis. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2022 Dec 1;23(1):1040.
  3. Lin BS, Lee IJ, Hsiao PC, Yang SY, Chen CY, Si-Huei Lee*, Huang YF, Yen MH, Hu YH. Design of a Multi-Sensor System for Exploring the Relation between Finger Spasticity and Voluntary Movement in Patients with Stroke. Sensors (Basel). 2022 Sep 23;22(19):7212.
  4. Lin WM, Lin BS, Lee IJ, Si-Huei Lee*. Development of a Smartphone-Based mHealth Platform for Telerehabilitation. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 2022;30:2682-2691. 
  5. Hwang YT, Si-Huei Lee*, Lin BS. Assessment System for Predicting Maximal Safe Range for Heel Height by Using Force-Sensing Resistor Sensors and Regression Models. Sensors (Basel). 2022 Apr 30;22(9):3442.
  6. Chen YL, Liu PT, Chiang HK, Si-Huei Lee*, Lo YL, Yang YC, Chiou HJ. Ultrasound Measurement of Rectus Femoris Muscle Parameters for Discriminating Sarcopenia in Community-Dwelling Adults. J Ultrasound Med. 2022 Sep;41(9):2269-2277. 
  7. Wu CW, Lin SN, Hsu LM, Yeh SC, Guu SF, Si-Huei Lee*, Chen CC. Synchrony Between Default-Mode and Sensorimotor Networks Facilitates Motor Function in Stroke Rehabilitation: A Pilot fMRI Study. Front Neurosci. 2020 Jun 16;14:548.
  8. Niddam DM, Si-Huei Lee*, Su YT, Chan RC. Altered cortical morphology in patients with chronic shoulder pain. Neurosci Lett. 2019 Nov 1;712:134515.
  9. Wu MH, Tsou PY, Wang YH, Lee MG, Chao CCT, Lee WC, Si-Huei Lee*, Hu JR, Wu JY, Chang SS, Lee CC. Impact of post-sepsis cardiovascular complications on mortality in sepsis survivors: a population-based study. Crit Care. 2019 Sep 2;23(1):293. 
  10. Wu FL, Shih YF, Si-Huei Lee*, Luo HJ, Wang WT. Can short-term effectiveness of anti-pronation taping predict the long-term outcomes of customized foot orthoses: developing predictors to identify characteristics of patients with plantar heel pain likely to benefit from customized foot orthoses. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2019 May 31;20(1):264.
  11. Cui J, Yeh SC, Si-Huei Lee*. Wearable Sensors Integrated with Virtual Reality: A Self-Guided Healthcare System Measuring Shoulder Joint Mobility for Frozen Shoulder. J Healthc Eng. 2019 Apr 10;2019:7681237.
  12. Lai CC, Lee MG, Lee WC, Chao CC, Hsu TC, Si-Huei Lee*, Lee CC; National Taiwan University Hospital Health Data Science Research Group. Susceptible period for cardiovascular complications in patients recovering from sepsis. CMAJ. 2018 Sep 10;190(36):E1062-E1069.
  13. Wu FL, Shih YF, Si-Huei Lee*, Luo HJ, Wang WT. Development of a clinical prediction rule to identify patients with plantar heel pain likely to benefit from biomechanical anti-pronation taping: A prospective cohort study. Phys Ther Sport. 2018 May;31:58-67. 
  14. Yeh SC ,Si-Huei Lee*, Chan RC, Wu Y, Zheng LR, Flynn S. The Efficacy of a Haptic-Enhanced Virtual Reality System for Precision Grasp Acquisition in Stroke Rehabilitation. J Healthc Eng. 2017;2017:9840273.
  15. Chang CK, Lin YY, Wong PC, Kao HC, Chen HY, Si-Huei Lee*, Cheng CK. Improve elderly people's sit-to-stand ability by using new designed additional armrests attaching on the standard walker. J Chin Med Assoc. 2018 Jan;81(1):81-86.
  16. Hsu SC, Chang SS, Lee MG, Si-Huei Lee*, Tsai YW, Lin SC, Chen ST, Weng YC, Porta L, Wu JY, Lee CC. Risk of gastrointestinal perforation in patients taking oral fluoroquinolone therapy: An analysis of nationally representative cohort. PLoS One. 2017 Sep 5;12(9):e0183813.
  17. Chen CC, Si-Huei Lee*, Wang WJ, Lin YC, Su MC. EEG-based motor network biomarkers for identifying target patients with stroke for upper limb rehabilitation and its construct validity. PLoS One. 2017 Jun 14;12(6):e0178822. 
  18. Wang CC, Si-Huei Lee*, Lin HY, Liu FW, Chiou HJ, Chan RC, Chou CL. Short-term effect of ultrasound-guided low-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid injection on clinical outcomes and imaging changes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis of the ankle and foot joints. A randomized controlled pilot trial. Mod Rheumatol. 2017 Nov;27(6):973-980.
  19. Si-Huei Lee*, Yeh SC, Chan RC, Chen S, Yang G, Zheng LR. Motor Ingredients Derived from a Wearable Sensor-Based Virtual Reality System for Frozen Shoulder Rehabilitation. Biomed Res Int. 2016;2016:7075464. 
  20. Wu JY, Lee MG, Lee SH, Si-Huei Lee*, Tsai YW, Hsu SC, Chang SS, Lee CC. Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Active Tuberculosis: A Population-Based Study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 May;95(19):e3579. 
  21. Si-Huei Lee*, Lu WA, Lee CS, Wang JC, Lin TC, Yang JL, Chan RC, Ko SC, Kuo CD. The therapeutic effect of collateral meridian therapy is comparable to acupoint pressure therapy in treating myofascial pain syndrome. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2014 Nov;20(4):243-50. 
  22. Yeh SC, Si-Huei Lee*, Chan RC, Chen S, Rizzo A. A virtual reality system integrated with robot-assisted haptics to simulate pinch-grip task: Motor ingredients for the assessment in chronic stroke. NeuroRehabilitation. 2014;35(3):435-49.
  23. Chou CL, Si-Huei Lee*, Su YT, Hong SY, Pan BR, Chan RC. Impact of Phase II cardiac rehabilitation on abnormal heart rate recovery. J Chin Med Assoc. 2014 Sep;77(9):482-6.
  24. Si-Huei Lee*, Chan RC, Chang SS, Tan YL, Chang KH, Lee MC, Chang HE, Lee CC. Use of bisphosphonates and the risk of osteonecrosis among cancer patients: a systemic review and meta-analysis of the observational studies. Support Care Cancer. 2014 Feb;22(2):553-60. 
  25. Chang BC, Liu DH, Chang JL, Si-Huei Lee*, Wang JY. Plantar pressure analysis of accommodative insole in older people with metatarsalgia. Gait Posture. 2014;39(1):449-54.
  26. Shih-Ching Yeh, Si-Huei Lee*, Yao-Jhong Fank, Yi-Hang Gong, Jyun-Han Lin, Yi-Chun Hsieh. 2013, July.  A Cloud-based Tele-rehabilitation System for Frozen Shoulder.  Advanced Materials Research. Vol 717:766-771(co-coresponser)
  27. Shih-Ching Yeh, Si-Huei Lee*, Rai-Chi Chan, Shuya Chen, Albert Rizzo. 2014. A virtual reality system integrated with robot-assisted haptics to simulate pinch-grip task: Motor ingredients for the assessment in chronic stroke. Neuro Rehabilitation. 35(3):435-49. (co-coresponser)
  28. Ming-Chun Huang, Si-Huei Lee*, Shih-Ching YehRai-Chi ChanRizzo, A.Wenyao XuWu Han-LinLin Shan-Hui. 2014, May. Intelligent Frozen Shoulder Rehabilitation. Intelligent Systems, IEEE. 29(3): 22-28. (co-coresponser)
  29. Shih-Ching Yeh, Si-Huei Lee*, Jia-Chi Wang, Shuya Chen, Yu-Tsung Chen, Yi-Yung Yang, Huang-Ren Chen, Yen-Po Hung, Albert Rizzo, Te-Lu Tsai. 2013. Stroke Rehabilitation via a Haptics-Enhanced Virtual Reality System. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Applications. Vol: 21, pp 439-453. (co-coresponser)
  30. Shih-Ching Yeh, Si-Huei Lee*, Jia-Chi Wang, Shuya Chen, Yu-Tsung Chen1, i-Yung Yang, Huang-Ren Chen, Yen-Po Hung. 2012, Oct. Virtual Reality for Post-Stroke Shoulder-Arm Motor Rehabilitation: Training System & Assessment Method. e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom), IEEE . P190-195. (co-coresponser)
  31. Lee SH, Chan RC, Wu JY, Chen HW, Chang SS, Lee CC. 2013, Nov. Diagnostic value of procalcitonin for bacterial infection in elderly patients - a systemic review and meta-analysis. Int J Clin Pract. 67(12):1350–1357
  32. Si-Huei Lee, Rai-Chi Chan, Shy-Shin Chang, Yin-Ling Tan, Kai-Hsiang Chang, Matthew C. Lee ,Huai-En Chang,Chien-Chang Lee .2013, Nov. Use of bisphosphonates and the risk of osteonecrosis among cancer patients: a systemic review and meta-analysis of the observational studies. Support care cancer.22:553–560
  33. Jiunn-Yih Wu, Si-Huei Lee, Chih-Jung Shen, Yueh-Che Hsieh, Ping-Hsiung Yo,Hsiang-Yun Cheng, Rai-Chi Chan,Chien-Chang Lee, and Shy-Shin Chang. 2012, Sep. Use of Serum Procalcitonin to Detect Bacterial Infection in Patients With Autoimmune Diseases A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM. 64(9);3034-3042.
  34. Chia-Hung Yo, Pei-Shan Hsieh, Si-Huei Lee, Jiunn-Yih Wu, Shy-Shin Chang, Kuang-Chau Tasi, Chien-Chang Lee .2012, Nov. Comparison of the Test Characteristics of Procalcitonin to C-Reactive Protein and Leukocytosis for the Detection of Serious Bacterial Infections in Children Presenting With Fever Without Source: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 60(5);591-600.
  35. Chang SS, Lee SH, Wu JY, Ning HC, Chiu TF, Wang FL, Chen JH, Li CH, Lee CC*, Chan RC*. 2010, Nov. Evaluation of the value of rapid D-dimer test in conjunction with cardiac troponin I test for early risk stratification of myocardial infarction. Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis. 30.472-478. (co-first author)
  36. Chen JH, Chang SS, Liu J. J, Chan RC, Wu JY, Wang WC, Lee SH *, Chien- Chang Lee* 2010, Nov. Comparison of clinical characteristics and performance of pneumonia severity score and CURB-65 among younger adults, elderly and very old subjects. Thorax. 65,971-977.  (co-coresponser)

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