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Traumatic brain injury

Traumatic Brain Injury (Rehabilitation Medicine Department)

Purpose of Hospitalization:

  1. To prevent complications after traumatic brain injury, such as joint contractures, muscle atrophy, or aspiration pneumonia.

  2. To train patients to use remaining limbs to compensate for impaired limbs in daily self-care activities and achieve self-care goals.

  3. To assess the potential occupational and social-psychological obstacles of the patient after discharge.

Treatment Plan:

  1. Identify the clinical problems caused by central nervous system damage, which may include impaired motor or sensory function, language impairment, and restricted daily living functions.

  2. Train patients to maintain proper posture in bed and wheelchair to avoid tension and limb contractures.

  3. Passive joint mobility training. If the patient has developed limb contractures, strengthen stretching exercises.

  4. Train patients in shifting and turning techniques, including moving from bed to wheelchair and from wheelchair to toilet.

  5. Train patients in walking on parallel bars.

  6. Train patients to walk with assistive devices.

  7. Train patients to walk with quadripods.

  8. Arrange an appropriate swallowing training program based on the patient's swallowing radiographic results, including supraglottic swallowing technique, Meldelson's maneuver, etc.

  9. Daily living function training, including buttoning, zipping, and turning doorknobs.

Examination Plan:

  1. Routine blood, fecal, and urine tests.

  2. If the patient has urinary voiding problems, consider arranging urodynamic testing.

  3. If the patient has swallowing difficulties, consider arranging swallowing photography.

Discharge Plan:

  1. Arrange for patients to return to the rehabilitation department outpatient clinic for continued physical, occupational, or swallowing therapy.

  2. Evaluate whether the patient needs aids to assist daily living activities or prevent complications, and assist the patient in applying for social welfare aid, such as an air mattress or custom wheelchair.

  3. Teach patients and their caregivers the key points and techniques for daily posture and shifting, emphasizing the importance of home rehabilitation training.

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