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Tien-Yow Chuang

 Tien-Yow Chuang 

Address: Dept. of PM&R, Veterans General Hospital Taipei. No. 201, Sec. 2, Shih-Pai Road, Taipei, Taiwan 11217.

Telephone: (O) +886 2 28757296, (Fax) +886 2 28757359.


1981-1988         Medical Department, China Medical College


Professional Experience:

1988-1989    Residence, Department of Surgery, Taichung

Veterans General Hospital Taichung

  1.    Residence, Department of Physical Medicine and 

Rehabilitation, VGH Taipei

1991-1992    Residence, Department of Orthopedics

Johnannesburg General Hospital, South Africa

1996-1997     Fellow, Department of Physical Medicine and

Rehabilitation, Baylor college of Medicine, Houston, Tx, U.S.A

1997-present    Faculty of the Dept of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, VA Taipei

        2001-2007 Associate Professor of National Yang-Ming University, School of Medicine, Taiwan

        2006-present   Chief of the Dept. of PM&R, Division of Orthopedics, VA Taipei.

        2007-Present   Professor of National Yang-ming University, School of Medicine

        2003-present   Academic Reviewer of Journal of Medical Science Monitor

        2003-present   Academic Reviewer of Journal of Spinal Cord

        2006- Invited Speaker, WSENS, Miami, Florida

        2007-2008 Invited Speaker, WSENS, England.

        2007- present  Academic Reviewer of WSEAS, European Computer Science Society.

         2014 Invited speaker , AOCPMR 2014 Bangkok

Awards: 1.  National Science  Council , Research Award  Gold Metal (1995,1998), Silver Metal (1997)

1.   Academia Sinica    Clinical Research  Awards (1999,2000)

             2.  Taipei-VGH  Innovative  Biotech Awards (2001, Silver Metal; 2002, Bornze Metal)

             3. The World Veterans Federation in Paris, Rehabilitation Award ( 2007)

             4. Rehabilitation Prize-2006 Kuala Lumpur (The World Veterans Federation)



1.  Neuro-rehabilitation

2.  Urodynamic study

3. Electrophysiological study of nerve conduction velocity and electromyography



  1. Penn IW, Sung WH, Lin CH, Chuang E, Chuang TY*, Lin PH. Effects of individualized Tai-Chi on balance and lower-limb strength in older adults. BMC Geriatr. 2019 Aug 27;19(1):235
  2. Penn IW, Chuang E, Chuang TY*, Lin CL, Kao CH. Bidirectional association between migraine and fibromyalgia: retrospective cohort analyses of two populations. BMJ Open. 2019 Apr 8;9(4):e026581.
  3. Lin WS, Huang TF, Chuang TY*, Lin CL, Kao CH. Association between Cervical Spondylosis and Migraine: A Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Mar 25;15(4):587.
  4. Wang CT, Chuang E, Yen DJ, Chuang TY*, Muo CH, Kao CH. First-ever stroke following hip replacement surgeries: a large population-based survey. Eur J Clin Invest. 2016 Nov;46(11):931-939. 
  5. Wang JC, Sung WH, Chang YL, Wu SH,Chuang TY*. Speed and temporal-distance adaptations during non-motorized treadmill walking in stroke and non-disabled individuals. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2017 Dec;53(6):863-869.
  6. Wu SH, Chuang E, Chuang TY*, Lin CL, Lin MC, Yen DJ, Kao CH. A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study of Migraine and Organic-Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Mar;95(10):e3065.
  7. Tsai PY, Wang CP, Hsieh CY, Tsai YA, Yeh SC, Chuang TY*. Long-term sacral magnetic stimulation for refractory stress urinary incontinence. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2014;95(12):2231-8
  8. Huang SF, Tsai YA, Wu SB, Wei YH, Tsai PY, Chuang TY*. Effects of intravascular laser irradiation of blood in mitochondria dysfunction and oxidative stress in adults with chronic spinal cord injury. Photomed Laser Surg 2012;30(10):579-86.
  9. Chiu FY, Hung SH, Chuang TY, Chiang SC. The impact of exsanguinations by Esmarch bandage on venous hemodynamic changes in total knee arthroplasty-A prospective randomized study of 38 knees. Knee 2012;19(3):213-7.
  10. Chiu CM, Huang SF, Tsai PY, Wang RY, Chuang TY, Sung WH. Computer-aided vestibular autorotation testing of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in senile vestibular dysfunction. Comput Methods Programs Biomed.2010;97(1):92-8.
  11. Tsai PY, Cheng H, Huang WC, Huang MC, Chiu FY, Chuang TY. Outcomes of common peroneal nerve lesions after surgical repair with acidic fibroblast growth factor. J Trauma 2009;66(5):1379-84.
  12. Chen CH, Jeng MC, Fung CP, Doong JL, Chuang TY. Psychological benefits of virtual reality for patients in rehabilitation therapy. J Sports Rehabil 2009;18:258-268.
  13. Tsai PY, Wang CP, Chiu FY, Tsai YA, Chang YC, Chuang TY*. Efficacy of functional magnetic stimulation in neurogenic bowel dysfunction after spinal cord injury. J Rehabil Med 2009;41:41-47.
  14. Huang SF, Tsai PY, Sung WH, Lin CY, Chuang TY*. The comparisons of heart rate variability and perceived exertion during simulated cycling with various viewing devices. Presence 2008;6:575-583
  15. Chen Yu-Ping; Kang Lin-Ju; Chuang Tien-Yow; Doong Ji-Liang; Lee Shwn-Jan; Tsai Mei-Wun; Jeng Suh-Fang; Sung Wen-Hsu. Use of virtual reality to improve upper-extremity control in children with cerebral palsy: a single-subject design. Phys Ther 87 (11) : 1441-57 2007 Nov
  16. Chuang TY*, Sung WH, Chang HA, Wang RY. The effects of virtual reality-enhanced exercise protocol in patients following coronary artery bypass grafting. Phys Ther 2006;86(10): 1369-1377.
  17. Tsai PY, Chuang TY, Cheng H, Wu HM, Chang YC, Wang CP. Concordance and discrepancy between electrodiagnosis and magnetic resonance imaging in cervical root avulsion injuries. J Neurotrauma 2006;23(8):1274-81.
  18. Lin PH, Cheng H, Huang WC, Chuang TY. Spinal cord implantation with acidic fibroblast growth factor as a treatment for root avulsion in obstetric brachial plexus palsy.  J Chin Med Assoc (68) 8: 392-6, 2005.
  19. Kang LJ, Chen YP, Sung WH, Chuang TY, Lee SJ, Tasi MW, Jeng SF, Doong JL. Training effects of virtual reality on reaching behavior in children with cerebral palsy Formos J Phy Ther Dec, 2005
  20. Lin PY, Chuang TY, Liao KK, Cheng H, Shih YS. Functional recovery of chronic complete idiopathic transverse myelitis after administration of neurotrophic factors.  Spinal Cord Sep: 1-4, 2005.
  21. Chuang TY, Sung WH, Lin CY. Application of virtual reality-enchanced exercise protocol in patients following coronary bypass. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 86;1929-32, 2005.
  22. Teng-Le Huang, Fang-Yao Chiu, Tien-Yow Chuang Tain-Hsiung Chen. Treatment of Complex Subtrochanteric Fracture with the Long Gamma AP Locking Nail: A Prospective Evaluation of 64 Cases. J Trauma Injury Infection & Critical Care 58;304-11, 2005.
  23. Fan CY, Chiang CC, Chuang TY, Chiu FY, Chen TH. Interlocking nails for displaced metaphyseal fractures of the distal tibia. Injury 36(5):669-74, 2005.
  24. Huang TL, Chiu FY, Chuang TY, Chen TH. The results of open reduction and internal fixation in elderly patients with severe fractures of the distal humerus: a critical analysis of the results. J Trauma 58(1):62-9, 2005.
  25. Teng-Le Hung, Fang-Yao Chiu*, Tien-Yow Chuang, Tain Hsiung Chen. Surgical Treatment of Acute Displaced Fractures of Adult Distal Humerus with Reconstruction Plate. Injury, 35;1143-1148,2004.
  26. Wei-Shin Huang, Chang-Yih Shing, Chin-Ping Fung, Tien-Yow Chuang, Ming-Chang Jeng, Ji-Liang Doong. Assessment of various display devices on a virtual reality-based hand rehabilitation system. Robotica, 22;9-14, 2004.
  27. Henrich Cheng, Kwong-Kum Liao, Su-Fen Liao, Tien-Yow Chuang, Yang-Hsin Shih. Spinal cord repair with acidic fibroblast growth factor as a treatment for a patient with chronic paraplegia. Spine, 29(14) pp E284-288, 2004.
  28. Fang-Yao Chiu*, Tien-Yow Chuang, Wai-Hee Lo. Treatment of Unstable Pelvic Fractures:Transiliac Sacral Rod for Posterior Lesions and External Fixator for Anterior Lesions. Journal of Trauma, 57(1):141-4; discussion,144-5, 2004  .
  29. Chen CY. Chuang TY. Tsai YA. Tai HC. Lu CL. Kang LJ. Lu RH. Chang FY. Lee SD. Loss of sympathetic coordination appears to delay gastrointestinal transit in patients with spinal cord injury. Digestive Diseases & Sciences. 49(5):738-43, 2004.
  30. Sanford P.C. Hsu, Yang-Hsin Shih, Ming-Chao Huang, Tien-Yow Chuang, Wen-Cheng Huang, Hsiu-Mei Wu, Pei-Hsin Lin, Liang-Shong Lee, Henrich Cheng. Repair of multiple cervical root avulsion with sural nerve graft. Injury 2004(35): 896-907.
  31. Jung Kuang Yu, Fang-Yao Chiu*, Chi-Kuan Feng, Tien-Yow Chung, Tien-Hsiung Chen. Surgical Treatment of Displaced Fractures of Posterior Column and Posterior Wall of the Acetabulum.  Injury 2004(35): 766-770
  32. Cheng-Yuh. Fann, Fang-Yao Chiu*, Chuan-Mu Chen, Tien-Yow Chuang, Tien-Hsiung Chen. Transacromial Knowles Pin in Treatment of Neer Type II Distal Clavicle Fractures- A Prospective Evaluation of 32 Cases. Journal of Trauma, 2004 (56):1102-1106
  33. HA Chang, TY Chuang, SJ Lee, SF Liao, HC Lee, YH Shih, H Cheng. Temporal differences in relative phasing of gait initiation and first step length in patients with cervical and lumbosacral spinal cord injuries. Spinal Cord 2004 (42): 281-9.
  34. LM Lee, MC Huang, TY Chuang, LS Lee, H Cheng, IH Lee. Acidic FGF enhances functional regeneration of adult dorsal roots. Life Science 2004(74):1937-43.
  35. Hsin-Pei Yin, Yun-an Tsai, Su-Fen Lian, Pei-Hisn Lin, Tien-Yow Chuang*. The challenge of diagnosing psoas abscess. J Chin Med Assoc. 2004(67):156-9.
  36. Tien-Yow Chuang* Chin-Hung Chen, Hwa-Ann Chang, Hui-Chen Lee, Cheng-Liang Chou, Ji-Liang Doong. Virtual Reality Serves as a Support Technology in Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing. Presence 12(2003)326-331
  37. Chang-Yih Shing, Chin-Ping Fung, Tien-Yow Chuang, I-Wen Penn and Ji-Liang Doong The study of auditory and haptic signals in a virtual reality-based hand rehabilitation system. Robotica 21(2003)211-218
  38. Ming-Chao Huang, Kuo-Chi Chen, Tien-Yow Chuang, Wen-Chi Chang,    Liang-Shong Lee, Wen-Chung Huang, Henrich Cheng. Cervical Root Repair in Adult Rats after Transection: Recovery of Forelimb Motor Function. Experimental Neurology 180(2003)101-109
  39. Tien-Yow Chuang, Ken-Jen Yu, I-Wenn Penn, Yue-Cune Chang, Pei-Hsin Lin, Yun-An Tsai. Neurourological Changes Before and After Radical Hysterectomy in Patients with Cervical Cancer. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 82(2003)954-959
  40. Pei-Hsin Lin, Fang-Yao Chiu, Nian-Chin Hsiao, Tien-Yow Chuang* Injuries During a Massive Tug-of-War Game. J Chin Med Assoc, 66(2003)436-439
  41. Tien-Yow Chuang*, Fang-Yao Chiu Yun-An Tsai, Shu-Chiung Chiang, Der-Jen Yen, Henrich Cheng. The Comparison of Electrophysiologic Findings of Traumatic Brachial Plexopathies in A Tertiary Care Center. Injury 33(2002) 591-595
  42. Yun-An Tsai, Tien-Yow Chuang* ,Yu-Shu Yen, Ming-Chao Huang, Pei-Hsin Lin, Henrich Cheng, Electrophysiological Findings and Muscle Strength Grading in Brachioplexopathies: a Before and After Surgery Comparison. Microsurgery 22(1):11-15,2002 (SCI)
  43. Tien-Yow Chuang*, Wei-Shin Huang, Henrich Cheng, Shu-Chiung Chiang, Yun-An Tsai, Ji-Liang Doong A Virtual Reality-based System for Hand Function Analysis. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 69 (2002) 189-196
  44. Tien-Yow Chuang, MC Huang, KC Chen, YC Chang, YS Yen, LS Lee, H Cheng. Forelimb muscle activity following nerve graft repair of ventral roots in the rat cervical spinal cord. Life Sci 71(2002) 487-496
  45. Chiu FY, Lin CFJ, Chen CM, Lo WH, Tien-Yow Chuang. Cefuroxime-impregnated cement at primary total knee arthroplasty in diabetes mellitus. J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 2001;83-B:691-5
  46. Tien-Yow Chuang*, Cheng Henrich, Chan RC, Chiang SC, Guo WY. Neurourologic Findings in Patients with Traumatic Thorocolumbar Vertebra Junction Lesions. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2001; 82:375-9
  47. Chen CM, Chiu FY, Lo WH, Tien-Yow Chuang. Ipsilateral hip and distal femoral fractures. Injury 2000; 31:147-51.
  48. Tien-Yow Chuang*, Faye Y. Chiou-Tan. Temporal Effects of Isometric Contraction Maneuvers on Threshold Sural Amplitude. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2000; 79: 40-43
  49. Chan RC, Chiu FY, Tien-Yow Chuang*. Sudomotor abnormalities in reflex sympathetic dystrophy: Using SSR for Assessment. J Chin Med Assoc. 2000; 63:189-195
  50. Fang-Yao Chiu, Chen CM, Tien-Yow Chuang , Lo WH, Chen TH. The effect of posterior capsulorrhaphy in primary total hip arthroplasty: a prospective randomized study. J Arthroplasty 2000; 15(2):194-199.
  51. Yang TF, Chan RC, Tien-Yow Chuang, Liu TJ, Chiu JW. Treatment of cerebral palsy with botulinum toxin A: evaluation with gross motor function measure. J Formos Med Assoc 1999;98:832-836.
  52. Penn IW, Tien-Yow Chuang, Chan RC, Hsu TC. EMG Power Spectral Analysis of First Dorsal Interosseous Muscle in Pianist. Med Sci Sports Exer. 1999; 31:1834-1838
  53. Tien-Yow Chuang, Lawrence R. Robinson, Maureen R. Nelson, Frank Moss, Faye Y. Chiou-Tan. Effect of Isometric Contraction on Threshold Somatosensory Evoked Potentials. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 1999;78:2-6
  54. Tien-Yow Chuang*, Faye Y. Chiou-Tan, Michael J. Vennix. Brachial plexopathy in gunshot wounds and motor vehicle accidents: comparison of electrophysiologic findings. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1998;79:201-4.
  55. Faye Y. Chiou-Tan, Tien-Yow Chuang, T. Dinh, L.R. Robinson. S.M. Tuel, F. Moss. Effect of nerve block on sural amplitude during remote muscle contraction. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol 1998;38: 231-235.
  56. Chi-The Lee, Tien-Yow Chuang, Ching-Liang Lu, Chih-Yen Chen, Full-Young Chang, Shou-Dong Lee. Abnormal vagal cholinergic function and psychosocial behaviors in irritable bowel syndrome patients-- a hospital-based oriental study. Dig Dis Sci 1998;43(8):1794-1799.
  57. Rai-Chi Chan, Tsui-Fen Yang, I-Wen Penn, Tien-Yow Chuang*. Compound muscle action potential amplitude and area changes in normal subjects and patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol 1998;38:317-320.
  58. Tien-Yow Chuang, Faye Y. Chiou-Tan, Elmer G. Pinzo, Stephen M. Tuel. Late facilitation of the human soleus H reflex by sustained isometric maneuver. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 1997;76:188-190.
  59. Jenny M. Lai, Tien-Yow Chuang, Gerard E. Francisco, Jonathan R. Strayer. Diversion colitis: a cause of abdominal discomfort in spinal cord injury patients with colostomy. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1997;78:670-671.
  60. Tsui-Fen Yang, Tai-Tong Wong, Ling-Yee Cheng, Te-Tau Chang, Tao-Chang Hsu, Shu-Jen Chen, Tien-Yow Chuang. Neuropsychological sequelae after treatment for medulloblastoma in childhood- the Taiwan experience. Child’s Nerv Syst 1997;13:77-81.
  61. Tien-Yow Chuang, Yu-Shu Yen, Jan-Wei Chiu, Rai-Chi Chan, Shu-Chyong Chiang, Meng-Ping Hsiao, Liang-Shong Lee. Intraoperative monitoring of skin temperature changes of hands before, during, and after endoscopic thoracic sympathetectomy: using infrared thermograph and thermometer for treatment. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1997; 78:85-88.
  62. Tuei-Fen Yang, Rai-Chi Chan, Tai-Tong Wang, Wei-Nan Bair, Chih-Chuan Kao, Tien-Yow Chuang, Tao-Chang Hsu. Quantitative measurement of improvement in sitting balance in children with spastic cerebral palsy after selective posterior rhizotomy. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 1996;75348-352.
  63. Tien-Yow Chuang, Shie-Wei Lin, Rai-Chi Chan. Guillain-Barre’ syndrome: an unusual complication after snake bite. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996;77:729-731.
  64. Rai-Chi Chan, Tien-Yow Chuang*. Power spectrum analysis of EMG at different voluntary efforts in normal subjects. J Chin Med Assoc.1996; 57:54-58.
  65. Tien-Yow Chuang*, Rai-Chi Chan, Lin-Show Chin, Tao-Chang Hsu. Neuromuscular injury during limb lengthening: a longitudinal follow-up by rabbit tibial model. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1995; 76:467-470.
  66. CM Chen, FY Chiu, Tien-Yow Chuang, WH Low, Treatment of acetabular fracture: 10-year experience. J Chin Med Assoc.   1995;63;382-390.



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