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Po-Yi Tsai

Po-Yi Tsai

Email: [email protected]

Present positions 

1. Director of Department of Neurological Rehabilitation, Department of  Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of Taipei Veterans General Hospital

2. Associate Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine,  Medical College of National Yang Ming University



1. Neuro-rehabilitation

2. Cerebrovascular disease

3. Pain rehabilitation


Academic Background

  1. Cleveland Metrohealth Medical Center, USA, researcher, 2005- Aug.
  2. University of California, Irvine, USA, researcher, 2010-Feb.


Honor and Awards:

1. Research Award, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, 2014

2. Outstanding Research Award, Laser Medicine Education and Research Foundation, Taiwan, 2013.

3. Astellas scholarship winner, Taiwan, 2010.


Professional Affiliation / Membership

1. Frontier of Neurology (Nature Publication Group), Review Editor, 2014/4- present

2. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, Associate Editor, 2014/6- present

3. Member of American Heart/Stroke Association, 2014-present.

4. Member of Academic Committee, Taiwan Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2013, June- present.



  1. Lin BF, Yeh SC, Kao YJ, Lu CF, Po-Yi Tsai*. Functional Remodeling Associated With Language Recovery After Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Chronic Aphasic Stroke. Front Neurol. 2022 Mar 7;13:809843.
  2. Chen CC, Tsai MC, Wu EH, Chung CR, Lee Y, Chiu PR, Po-Yi Tsai*, Sheng SR, Yeh SC. Neuronal Abnormalities Induced by an Intelligent Virtual Reality System for Methamphetamine Use Disorder. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform. 2022 Jul;26(7):3458-3465. 
  3. Chou TY, Wang JC, Lin MY, Po-Yi Tsai*. Low-Frequency vs. Theta Burst Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for the Treatment of Chronic Non-fluent Aphasia in Stroke: A Proof-of-Concept Study. Front Aging Neurosci. 2022 Jan 14;13:800377.
  4. Pang-Wei Chang, Chia-Feng Lu, Shin-Tsu Chang, Po-Yi Tsai*Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy as a Target Navigator for rTMS Modulation in Patients with Hemiplegia: A Randomized Control Study. Neurol Ther. 2021 Nov 13.doi:10.1007/s40120-021-00300-0 (IF=5.81, Q1)
  5. I-Ting Lee, Chu-Chung Huang, Po-Cheng Hsu, Ching-Po Lin, Po-Yi Tsai*. Resting-State Network Changes Following Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Patients with Aphasia- A Randomized Controlled Study. Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface. (IF=4.7, Q2)
  6. Tsai-Chin Cheng, Shih-Fong Huang, Shang-Yu Wu, Fu-Gong Lin, Wang-Sheng Lin and Po-Yi Tsai* Integration of Virtual Reality intoTranscranial Magnetic Stimulation Improves Cognitive Function in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease with Cognitive Impairment: A Proof-of-Concept Study. Journal of Parkinson’s Disease. 2021 Dec 7. doi: 10.3233/JPD-212978.(IF=5.56, Q1)
  7. Weijia He, J.-C.W., Po-Yi Tsai. Theta Burst Magnetic Stimulation Improves Parkinson’s-Related Cognitive Impairment: A Randomised Controlled Study. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2021 Nov;35(11):986-995.doi: 10.1177/1545968321104131 (IF=3.91, Q1). 
  8. Po-Yi Tsai*, Wang-Sheng Lin, Kun-Ting Tsai, Chia-Yu Kuo, Pei-Hsin Lin. High-Frequency Versus Theta Burst Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for the Treatment of Poststroke Cognitive Impairment in Humans. J Psychiatry &Neuroscience. 2020 Mar 11;45(3):262-270. ( IF=6.1, Q1 ) 
  9. Wang-Sheng Lin, Chen-Liang Chou, Miao-Hsiang Chang, Yuh-Mei Chung, Fu-Gong Lin, Po-Yi Tsai* Vagus Nerve Magnetic Modulation Facilitates Dysphagia Recovery in Patients with Stroke Involving the Brainstem - a proof of concept study. Brain Stimulation, 2018 Jan (11), 264-270 (IF=8.95, Q1)
  10. Lai CJ, Wang CP, Tsai PY*, Chan RC, Lin SH, Lin FG, Hsieh CY. Corticospinal Integrity and Motor Impairment Predict Outcomes after Excitatory Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation - a Preliminary Study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2015 Jan; 96(1):69-75. (IF=3.9, REHABILITATION) 
  11. Chih-Pin Wang, Chin-Yi Hsieh, Po-Yi Tsai*, Chia-To Wang, Fu-Gong Lin, Rai- Chi Chan. Efficacy of Synchronous Verbal Training during rTMS in Patients with Chronic Aphasia. Stroke 2014 Dec; 45(12):3656-62. (IF=7.9, 16/204) CLINICAL NEUROLOGY) 
  12. Wen-Hsu Sung, Chih-Pin WangChen-Liang Chou, Yi-Cheng Chen, Yue-Cune Chang, Po-Yi Tsai*. Efficacy of coupling inhibitory and facilitatory rTMS to enhance motor recovery in hemiplegic stroke patients. Stroke 2013 May; 44:1375-1382.( (IF=7.9, 16/204) CLINICAL NEUROLOGY) Nature Review, Neurology 2013, 9(5):240. doi:10.1038, Article highlight
  13. Po-Yi Tsai*,Chih-Pin Wang; James S Ko,Yeh-Mei Chung, Ya-Wen Chang, Jian-Xiang Wang. The persistent and broadly modulating effect of inhibitory rTMS in non-fluent aphasic patients - a sham-controlled, double-blind study. Neurorehabilitation& Neural Repair 2014 Oct, 28:779-787 (IF:3.98 Rank:2/64, REHABILITATION) 
  14. Chih-Pin Wang ;Po-Yi Tsai* ;Tsui Fen Yang ; Kuang-Yao Yang; Chien-Chih Wang. Differential Effect of Conditioning Sequences in Coupling Inhibitory/Facilitatory rTMS for Post-stroke Motor Recovery. CNS: Neuroscience and Therapeutics 2014 Apr, 20:355-363. (IF=4.074, rank:43/254, PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY) 
  15. Po-Yi Tsai, Chih-Pin Wang, Chin-Yi Hsieh, Yun-An Tsai, Shih-Ching Yeh, Tien-Yow Chuang*.Long-Term Sacral Magnetic Stimulation for Refractory Stress Urinary Incontinence. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014 Dec;95(12):2231-8. (IF=3.09, Rank: 7/64, REHABILITATION) 
  16. Chien-Chih Wang, Chih-Pin Wang, Po-Yi Tsai*, Chin-Yi Hsieh, Rai-Chi Chan, Shih-Ching Yeh. Inhibitory Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of the Contralesional Premotor and Primary Motor Cortices Facilitate Poststroke Motor Recovery. Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2014 Mar, 32(6):825-35. (IF:2.496, Rank:153/252, NEUROSCIENCE) 
  17. Jia-Yih Feng, Kuan-Ting Liu, Edward Abraham, Cheng-Yu Chen, Po-Yi Tsai, Yu-Chun Chen,Yu-Chin Lee, Kuang-Yao Yang. Serum Estradiol Levels Predict Survival and Acute Kidney Injury in Patients with Septic Shock- A Prospective Study. PLOS ONE, 2014 Jun; 9(6): e97967. (IF=3.234, Rank: 8/56)
  18. Shih-Ching Yeh, Ming-Chun Huang, Pa-Chun Wang, Te-Yung Fang, Mu-Chun Su, Po-Yi Tsai, Albert Rizzo. Machine learning-based assessment tool for imbalance and vestibular dysfunction with virtual reality rehabilitation system. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2014 Oct, 116(3):311-8 (14)00166-7. (IF=1.897, rank=17/102, COMPUTOR SCIENCE, THEORY AND METHOD)
  19. Shih-Ching Yeh, Shuya Chen, Pa-Chun Wang*, Mu-Chun Su, Chia-Huang Chang, Po-Yi Tsai, “Interactive 3-Dimensional Virtual Reality Rehabilitation for Patients with Chronic Imbalance and Vestibular Dysfunction”, Technology and Health Care, 2014, Jul, 22(6):915-21, (SCI, IF=0.697, 78/89, HEALTH CARE SCIENCE &SERVICES)
  20. Huang SF, Tsai YA, Wu SB, Wei YH, Tsai PY, Chuang TY. Effects of intravascular laser irradiation of blood in mitochondria dysfunction and oxidative stress in adults with chronic spinal cord injury. Photomed Laser Surg. 2012 Oct ;30(10):579-86. (IF=1.672, Rank=88/198, SURGERY).
  21. Chih-Pin Wang, Wen-Hsu Sung, Chien-Chih Wang, Po-Yi Tsai*. Early recognition of pelvic floor dyssynergia and colorectal assessment in Parkinson’s disease associated with bowel dysfunction. Colorectal Disease 2013 May; 15(3):, e130-7 (IF=2.351, Rank=57/198, SURGERY)
  22. Chih-Pin Wang, Po-Yi Tsai*. Efficacy of Spinal Magnetic Stimulation in Elderly Persons with Chronic Constipation. J Chin Med Asso 2012 Mar, 75(3):127-31.
  23. Chen-Ming Chiu, Chih-Pin Wang, Wen-Hsu Sung, Shih-Fong Huang, Shu-Chiung Chiang, Po-Yi Tsai*. Functional Magnetic Stimulation in Constipation Associated with Parkinson Disease. J Rehabil Med. 2009 Nov, 41(13): 1085-9. 通訊作者
  24. Po-Yi TsaiHenrich Cheng, Wen-Cheng Huang, Ming-Chao Huang, Fang-Yao Chiu, Yue-Cune Chang, Tien-Yow Chuang*. Outcomes of common peroneal nerve lesions after surgical repair with aFGF. J Trauma, 2009 May, 66(5):1379-84.
  25. Po-Yi Tsai, Chih-Pin Wang, Yu-An Tsai, Fang-Yao Chiu, Yue-Cune Chang, Tien-Yow Chuang*. Efficacy of Functional Magnetic Stimulation in Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction after Spinal Cord Injury. J Rehabil Med 2009 Jan;41:41-47.
  26. Shih-Fong Huang, Po-Yi TsaiWen-Hsu Sung, Chih-Yung Lin, Tien-Yow Chuang*. The Comparisons of Heart Rate Variability and Perceived Exertion During Simulated Cycling with Various Viewing Devices. Presence-Teleop Virt 2008; 17(6):575-583.
  27. Po- Yi Tsai, Tien-Yow Chuang*, Henrich Cheng, Hsiu-Mei Wu, Yue-Cune Chang. “The Concordance and Discrepancy between Electrodiagnosis and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Cervical Root Avulsion Injuries.” J Neurotrauma, 2006; (23):1274-1281.


  1. 2014-2016: Taiwan MOST 1032314-B075059-MY3, Synchronous rTMS and computer-integrated speech training applied in aphasic patients and the neuroimaging study.
  2. 2015: Taipei VGH V104C-058, The role of primary motor cortex and prefrontal cortex modulation for facilitation of motor system and working memory in stroke, Parkinson and elderly patients.
  3. 2014: Taipei VGH V103C-168, Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Facilitates Dysphagia Recovery after Brain Stem Infarction

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