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Rai-Chi Chan


Department of medicine, National Defense Medical Center 1971/08 ~1978/08


Current position

Taipei Veterans General Hospital Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Associate doctor 2019/01/16~


Past experiences

National Defense Medical College

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Assistant Army Medical Officer


Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Resident Physician


Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinical Research Associate


Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Department of Medicine Clinical Lecturer


National Defense Medical College

Department of Medicine, Rehabilitation Medicine Associate Professor


Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Attending Physician


Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Neuro-rehabilitation Section Section Chief


National Yang Ming University

Department of Medicine, Rehabilitation Medicine Associate Professor and Acting Director


Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Director of the Department


Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Attending Physician



Other experiences

President, Taiwan academic association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation(1999/12-2005/12)

Superviser, Taiwan academic association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (2006~)

Vice president, Taiwan myopain academic association (2014~ )


Specialty and Research

  1. Electrodiagnosis
  2. Management of myofascial pain syndrome
  3. Neurological rehabilitation

Publications in the last five years

  1. Lee TH, Chiu JW, Chan RC. (2011) Cervical cord injury after massage. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2011 Oct;90(10):856-9
  2. Kao CL, Hsieh WL, Chern CM, Chen LK, Lin MH, Chan RC.  (2011). Clinical features of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) in Taiwan: differences between young and senior age groups. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 49 Suppl 2:S50-4. (SCI).
  3. Yang TF, Chan RC, Lee SS, Wang JC, (2012): Quantitative investigation of effect of age and bolus characteristics on laryngeal movement during swallowing. Taiwan journal of Physical medicine and Rehabilitation 2121;40(1):1-7
  4. Wu JY, Chen HC, Lee SH, Chan RC, Lee CC, Chang SS. (2012) Diagnostic role of procalcitonin in patients with suspected appendicitis. World J Surg 2012 Aug;36(8):1744-9
  5. Sun PC, Chen CS, Kuo CD, Lin HD, Chan RC, Kao MJ, Wei SH. (2012) Impaired microvascular flow motion in subclinical diabetic feet with sudomotor dysfunction. Microvasc Res 2012 Mar 23;83(2):243-8.
  6. Wu JY, Lee SH, Shen CJ, Hsieh YC, Yo PH, Cheng HY, Chan RC, Lee CC, Chang SS. (2012). Use of serum procalcitonin to detect bacterial infection in patients with autoimmune diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Arthritis Rheum, 64(9):3034-42.
  7. Chang PY, Chan RC, Tsai YN, Huang WC et al. 2013: Quantitative measures of functional outcomes and quality of life in patients with C5 palsy. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association vol 76, no 7, July 2013, pp378-84
  8. Lee SH, Chan RC, Wu JY, Chen HW, Chang SS, Lee CC. (2013). Diagnostic value of procalcitonin for bacterial infection in elderly patients - a systemic review and meta-analysis. . Int J Clin Pract. , 67(12):1350-7. 
  9. Wang JC, Chiou HJ, Lu JH, Hsu YC, Chan RC, Yang TF. (2013)  Ultrasound guided perineural steroid injection to treat intractable pain due to sciatic nerve injury. Can J Anaesth 2013 Sep 27;60(9):902-6.
  10. Wang JC, Lai CJ, Wang TT, Lian ML, Chen HH, Chan RC, Yang TF. (2013) Health related quality of life in children and adolescents with spinal dysraphism results from a Taiwanese sample. Childs Nerv Syst 2013 Sep 7;29(9):1671-9.
  11. Chang PY, Chan RC, Tsai YA, Huang WC, Cheng H, Wang JC, Huang SF. (2013) Quantitative measures of functional outcomes and quality of life in patients with C5 palsy. J Chin Med Assoc 2013 Jul 9;76(7):378-84.
  12. Yang TF, Wang JC, Chiu JW, Lai CJ, Chan RC, Lee SS. (2013) Ultrasound guided refilling of an intrathecal baclofen pump-a case report. Childs Nerv Syst 2013 Feb 6;29(2):347-9.
  13. Lee SH, Chang SS, Lee M, Chan RC, Lee CC. (2014) Risk of osteonecrosis in patients taking bisphosphonates for prevention of osteoporosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Osteoporos Int. 2014 Mar;25(3):1131-9..
  14. Chan RC . Lee SH, Su YT. (2013) Needle Electrical Intra-Muscular Stimulation (NEIMS) for myofascial pain syndrome. Proceedings of the 7th world congress of the international society of physical and rehabilitation medicine. 2013 June 37-39
  15. Lee SH, Chan RC, Chang SS, Tan YL, Chang KH, Lee MC, Chan HE, Lee CC. (2014) Use of bisphosphonates and the risk of osteonecrosis among cancer patients: a systemic review and meta-analysis of the observational studies Support Care Cancer 2014 Feb 8;22(2):553-60.
  16. Wang CP, Hsieh CY, Tsai PY, Wang CT, Lin FG, Chan RC. (2014)  Efficacy of synchronous verbal training during repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with chronic aphasia. Stroke 2014 Dec 6;45(12):3656-62.
  17. Wang CC, Wan CP, Tsai PY, Hsien CY, Chan RC, Yeh SC. (2014) Inhibitory repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the contralesional premotor and primary motor cortices facilitates poststroke  motor recovery. Restor Neurol Neurosci 2014 ;32(6):825-35
  18. Yeh SC, Lee SH, Chan RC, Chen S, Rizzo A. (2014) A virtual reality system integrated with robot assisted haptics to simulate pinch grip task Motor in chronic stroke. NeuroRehabilitation 2014 ;35(3):435-49
  19. Yan TF, Chan HH, Lian ML, Chen C, Chiu JW, Wang JC, Lai CJ, Liao KK, Chan RC. (2014) Intraoperative brain mapping to identify corticospinal projections during resective epilepsy surgery in children with congenital hemiparesis. Childs Nerv Syst 2014 Sep 14;30(9):1559-64.
  20. Chou CL, Lee SH, Su YT, Pan BR, Chan RC. (2014) Impact of Phase II cardiac rehabilitation on abnormal heart rate recovery. J Chin Med Assoc 2014 Sep 5;77(9):482-6.
  21. Wang JC, Chan RC, Yang TF. (2014) Delayed onset of peroneal neuropathy after minor ankle torsion in a 9-year-old boy. J Child Neurol 2014 Jun 21;29(6):843-5.
  22. Chen IH, Yang YR, Cheng SH, Chan RC, Wang RY. (2014) Neuromuscular and biomechanical strategies of turning in ambulatory individuals post stroke. Chin J Physiol 2014 Jun;57(3):128-36
  23. Kao CL, Cheng YY, Leu HB, Chen TJ, Ma HI, Chen JW, Lin SJ, Chan RC. (2014) Increased risk of ischemic stroke in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo a 9 year follow up  nationwide population study in Taiwan. Front Aging Neurosci 2014 2;6:108.
  24. Kao CL, Tsai KL, Cheng YY, Kuo CH, Lee SD, Chan RC. (2014) Vestibular rehabilitation ameliorates chronic dizziness through the SIRT1 axis. Front Aging Neurosci 2014 4;6:27.
  25. Lee SH, Lu WA, Lee CS, Wang JC, Lin TC, Yan JL, Chan RC, Ko SC, Kuo CD. (2014) The therapeutic effect of collateral meridian therapy is comparable to acupoint pressure therapy in treating myofascial pain syndrome. Complement Ther Clin Pract 2014 Nov 18;20(4):243-50.
  26. Lai CJ, Wang CP, Tsai PY, Chan RC, Lin SH, Lin FG, Hsieh CY. (2015)  Corticospinal integrity and motor impairment predict outcomes after excitatory repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: a preliminary study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2015 Jan 11;96(1):69-75.
  27. Lai CJ, Liu WY, Yang TF, Chen CL, Wu CY, Chan RC. (2015) Pediatric aquatic therapy on motor function and enjoyment in children diagnosed with cerebral palsy J. J Child Neurol 2015 Feb 5;30(2):200-8.
  28. Wang JC, Chan RC, Tsai YA, Huang WC, Cheng H, Wu HL, Huang SF. (2015) The influence of shoulder pain on functional limitation perceived health and depressive mood in patients with traumatic paraplegia.  J Spinal Cord Med 2015 Sep 9;38(5):587-92.
  29. Yang TF, Wang JC, Hsu SPC, Lee CL, Lin CF, Chiu JW, Lai CL, Chan RC, Lee SS. (2015)  Localization of the cricothyroid muscle under ultrasound guidance for vagal nerve mapping J Clin Anesth 2015 May 11;27(3):252-5.
  30. Wang JC, Chan RC, Wu HL, Lai CJ. (2015)  Effect of pillow size preference on extensor digitorum communis muscle strength and electromyographic activity during maximal contraction in healthy individual. J Chin Med Assoc 2015 Mar 30;78(3):182-7.
  31.  Wan JC, Chan RC, Chang PY, Yang TF. (2015) Profuse unilateral hyperhidrosis induced by urinary retention in a stroke patient. Neurologist 2015 Feb;19(3):82-4
  32.  Chang CY, Wu YT, Chen LC, Chan RC, Chang ST, Chiang SL. (2015) Massage induced brachial plexus injury. Phys Ther 2015 Jan 11;95(1):109-16.

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