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Obstetrics & Gynecology

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Clinical Elective program for International Medical Students



    The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology has five divisions: Gynecology, Obstetrics, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Human Genetics, and Laboratory.  In Taiwan, our historical achievements include the first established cervical cancer cell line (1979), the first successfully detection of Down’s syndrome through amniocentesis (1981), the first sperm bank, and the first IVF baby (1985). Now our hospital has become one of the major IVF centers in the world, as well as the major center for high-risk pregnancies in Taiwan. Now there are 100+ beds available and 19 attending physicians in our department.


  1. Learn and practice how to take integrated patient history, perform physical and pelvic examinations, and further make obstetrical and gynecological differential diagnoses.
  2. Know the clinical presentations and treatments of common obstetrical and gynecological diseases.
  3. Learn and practice patient-centered hospital care and communication skills.
  4. Perform evidence-based medicine.

Available Supervisors

Professor Peng-Hui Wang

Associated Professor Ming-Shyen Yen

Associated Professor Hsian-Tai Chao

Associated Professor Hsin-Yang Li

Associated Professor Chi-Mou Juang

Associated Professor Yi-Jen Chen

Assisted Professor Ming-Jie Yang

Assisted Professor Nae-Fang Twu

Lecturer Hua-His Wu

Lecturer Huann-Cheng Horng

Lecturer Chia-Ming Chang

Lecturer Chi-Hong Ho

Lecturer Hei-Yu Lau

Lecturer Pi-Lin Sung

Lecturer Jen-Yu Tseng

Lecturer Kuo-Chang Weng

Tentative Schedule

Week One

  1. Attend obstetrical and gynecological lectures and meetings.
  2. Practice in resident work rounds and attending teaching/ management rounds.
  3. Visit the obstetrical and gynecological clinics.


Week Two

  1. Attend obstetrical and gynecological lectures and meetings.
  2. Practice in resident work rounds and attending teaching/ management rounds.
  3. Visit the obstetrical and gynecological surgical rooms and participate general gynecological surgerys.


Week Three (Selective)

  1. Attend obstetrical and gynecological lectures and meetings.
  2. Practice in resident work rounds and attending teaching/ management rounds.
  3. Visit the delivery room and participate normal spontaneous delivery with supervisors.


Week Four (Selective)

  1. Attend obstetrical and gynecological lectures and meetings.
  2. Practice in resident work rounds and attending teaching/ management rounds.
  3. Visit the infertility laboratory and participate oocyte pick-up surgery and embryo transfer with supervisors.


Mini-CEX performed by supervisors.


  1. Jonathan S. Berek. (2011) Berek & Novak's Gynecology. (15th ed)
  2. F. Cunningham, Kenneth Leveno, Steven Bloom, Catherine Spong, Jodi Dashe, Barbara Hoffman, Brian Casey, Jeanne Sheffield (2014). Williams Obstetrics. (24th ed)
  3. Marc Fritz & Leon Speroff. (2010). Clinical Gynecology Endocrinology & Infertility. (8th ed)
  4. Courtney Townsend Jr., R. Beauchamp, B. Evers, Kenneth Mattox. (2012). Sabiston Textbook of Surgery. (19th ed)


