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Division of General Neurology

Shih-Pin Chen


Shih-Pin Chen, M.D., Ph.D.

Shih-Pin Chen, M.D., Ph.D.


[email protected]

Current position

Adjunct associate professor, Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Yang-Ming University

Attending physician, Department of Neurology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Associate professor, Faculty of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University



Ph.D., Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan


M.D., School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan

Training and relevant experience


Postdoctoral research fellow, Neurovascular Research Lab, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School


Attending physician, Department of Neurology, Taoyuan Veterans Hospital


Chief Resident, the Neurological Institute, Taipei Veterans General


Resident, the Neurological Institute, Taipei Veterans General Hospital


Postdoctoral research fellow, Neurovascular Research Lab, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School


Attending physician, Department of Neurology, Taoyuan Veterans Hospital


Chief Resident, the Neurological Institute, Taipei Veterans General


Resident, the Neurological Institute, Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Major awards and honors


Excellent Doctor Award, 2009, Veterans Affairs Commission,Executive Yuan, Taiwan, ROC. Nominated for outstanding clinical teaching


Academic Prize for Excellent Research, Taipei Veterans General Hospital 


Excellent Teacher Award, Faculty of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University 

Expertise and Research Interest

Clinical expertise

Headache, neurodegenerative diseases (dementia, Parkinson’s disease, etc.), neuroimmunological disorders.

Research interest


Clinical, neuroimaging, and molecular biological studies of thunderclap headache and reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome. Animal models and genomics studies on the pathophysiology of migraine

Selected Publications (SCI)

1. Chen SP, Fuh JL, Lirng JF, Chang FC, Wang SJ.* Recurrent primary thunderclap headache and benign CNS angiopathy: spectra of the same disorder? Neurology. 2006;67:2164-9.

2. Chen SP, Fuh JL, Chang FC, Lirng JF, Shia BC, Wang SJ.* A transcranial color doppler study for reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndromes. Ann Neurol 2008; 63: 751-7.

3. Chen SP, Fuh JL, Lu SR, Wang SJ.* Exertional headache - a survey of 1,963 adolescents. Cephalalgia 2009; 29: 401-7

4. Chen SP, Fuh JL, Wang SJ,* Chang FC, Lirng JF, Fang YC, Shia BC, Wu JC. Magnetic resonance angiography in reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndromes. Ann Neurol 2010; 67: 648-56.

5. Chen SP, Fuh JL, Lirng JF, Wang SJ.*Hyperintense vessels on FLAIR imaging in reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndromes. Cephalalgia 2012; 32:271-8

6. Chen SP, Chung YT, Liu TY, Wang YF, Fuh JL,* Wang SJ.* Oxidative stress and increased formation of vasoconstricting F2-isoprostanes in patients with reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 2013;61C:243-248.

7. Chen SP, Yang AC, Fuh JL, Wang SJ.* Autonomic dysfunction in reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndromes. The Journal of Headache and Pain 2013, 14:94

8. Chen SP, Wang YF, Huang PH, Chi CW, Fuh JL,* Wang SJ* Reduced Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome. The Journal of Headache and Pain 2014;15:82.

9. Chen SP, Chang YA, Chou CH, Juan CC, Lee HC, Chen LK, Wu PC, Wang YF, Fuh JL, Lirng JF, Ducros A, Huang HD*, Wang SJ*. Circulating microRNAs associated with Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome. Annals of Neurology 2021;89:459–473

10. Lee ZF, Huang TH, Chen SP*, Cheng IH*. Altered nociception in Alzheimer disease is associated with striatal-enriched protein tyrosine phosphatase signaling. Pain 2021 Jun 1;162(6):1669-1680. (*Equal contribution)

11. Ling YH, Wang YF, Lirng JF, Fuh JL, Wang SJ, Chen SP*. Post-reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome headache. The Journal of Headache and Pain. 2021; 22(1): 1-8

12. Lin PT, Wang YF, Fuh JL, Lirng JF, Ling YH, Chen SP*, Wang SJ*. Diagnosis and Classification of Headache Associated with Sexual Activity Using a Composite Algorithm: a cohort study. Cephalalgia 2021 Dec;41(14):1447-1457 (*Equal contribution)

13. Tsao YC, Wang SJ, Hsu CL, Wang YF, Fuh JL, Chen SP*, Fann CSJ*. Genome-wide association study reveals susceptibility loci for self-reported headache in a large community-based Asian population Cephalalgia 2021 in press. (*Equal contribution)

14. Wu CH, Wu HM, Ling YH, Wang YF, Fuh JL, Lin CJ, Ling K, Lirng JF, Wang SJ*, Chen SP*. Blood brain barrier permeability in patients with reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome assessed with dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI. Neurology 2021 Nov 2;97(18):e1847-e1859. (*Equal contribution)

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