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Gamma Knife Radiosurgery


Gamma-Knife Radiosurgery(GKRS) is not like traditional radiotherapy. It is much more accurate and targeted for intracranial lesions, including benign brain tumor, vascular abnormalities lesion, brain metastasis, few malignancy, trigeminal neuralgia.



The purpose of GKRS is to treat the patient with aforementioned intracranial lesion who are not suitable for traditional surgery, either because of lesion size, amounts, or underlying conditions.



The patient will be admitted 1 day prior to the procedure. On operation day, Leksell frame will be fixed on the skull under local anesthesia. Then localization will be done after brain MRI. The neurosurgeon will conduct treatment plan/dose/target. Radiosurgery will be performed. The patient will be discharged on the following day. The whole length of stay will be 3 days.



  • Complications of GKRS

1. Temporary brain perifocal edema or IICP sign

2. Radiation necrosis

3. ICH (rare)


Estimated Cost

For estimated medical costs, please contact International Medical Services Center.

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