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Residency Training Program

 Residency Training Program 



The Taipei Veterans General Hospital ophthalmology residency training program offers outstanding clinical training and professional development in a our hospital. Our residents enjoy the abundant resources available in a large ophthalmologic institute, from the superb physical facilities to the numerous full-time faculty members. The faculty offer expertise in all areas of specialization and research in ophthalmology and are readily available to the residents for teaching and consultation.

In addition to the dedicated faculty, residents are supervised by a Chief Resident. He or she is a fellowship-trained junior faculty member and former resident who works closely with all of the residents. The Chief Resident also functions as a connection between the residents and the faculty.

In addition, the program incorporates formal didactics in other important aspects of the practice of ophthalmology including ethics, business of medicine, professionalism, patient safety and quality improvement and personal professional development.

Residents have a their own clinic to follow their own patients since their second-year residency. This fosters the development of long-term physician-patient relationships and allows the resident to see how disease and its physical, social and emotional impact evolve over time. Other strengths include the large volume of patients and ophthalmic surgical cases available to the residents.

Teaching Rounds : every Wednesday afternoon 

Every Wednesday afternoon, there is a formal "Grand Rounds" conference at Ophthalmology department,in which the residents and fellows present the most fascinating cases. In addition, each subspecialty section also holds conferences every week that resident are invited to attend and often give presentations.

Research meeting:  every month 

Research training for residency is an integral component of our mission. Our comprehensive research training program offers mentored training experiences. Training is provided in the interdisciplinary areas of statistical analysis, subspecialty, and clinical research. Both short and long-term opportunities are available for trainees at all levels.

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