1. 臨床試驗主持人的責任義務與利益衝突 -案例分享
The responsibility, obligation, and conflict of interest of Principal Investigator-case study
邱昭華 醫師 臺北榮民總醫院胸腔部 / 臨床研究受試者保護中心執行秘書
Chao-Hua Chiu, M.D. Department of Chest Medicine, Executive Secretary, Human Research Protection Center, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
2. 研究案如何通過一般審查:介紹IRB審查會議
Review of research by the convened IRB
傅中玲 醫師 臺北榮民總醫院神經醫學中心 / 人體試驗委員會(二)副執行秘書
Jong-Ling Fuh, M.D. Neurological Institute, Deputy Executive Secretary, Institutional Review Board(2), Taipei Veterans General Hospital