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Division of General Neurology

Jong-Ling Fuh



General neurology

Jong-Ling Fuh, M.D.


Attending Physician


Jong-Ling Fuh, M.D.


1.Attedning physician, Neurological Institute, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei

2. Professor of National Yang-Ming University School of medicine

3. Program director of neurology residency training program, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei

4. Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology (FAAN)


Academic Education and Training

1. MD, National Yang-Ming University School of Medicine, Taipei, TAIWAN, 1987

2. Resident in Neurology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, TAIWAN, 1989-1992

3. Chief Resident in Neurology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, TAIWAN, 1993-1994

4. Behavioral Neurology Fellow, Alzheimer disease center, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Ca, USA, 1996-1997


dementia, headache


1. Clinical and epidemiology of dementia

2. Biomarker study of Alzheimer disease

3. Parkinson disease with dementia

Awards and Honors

1. Millenium Best Essay Award, Cerebrovascular Disease Prevention Foundation, 2000

2. Award of the Best Poster, 2nd Asian Society against Dementia Congress & 3rd Taiwan Dementia society Annual Meeting, 2008

3. Top Cited Papers in International Psychogeriatrics

4. Outstanding physician, Veterans Affairs Commission, Executive Yuan, ROC, 2010.

5. Outstanding physician, Veterans Affairs Commission, Executive Yuan, ROC, 2015.

6. First place of poster award, 16th/17th Veterans General Hospitals and University System of Taiwan Joint Research Program, 2021.

7. Excellent Doctor Award, Veterans Affairs Commission, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, ROC. Nominated for outstanding clinical teaching, 2021.


1. Hsieh TJ, Lee WJ, Liao YC, Hsu CC, Fang YH, Chen TY, Lin YS, Chang IS, Wang SJ, Hsiung CA, Fuh JL*, for the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Association between Alzheimer’s disease genes and trajectories of cognitive function decline in Han Chinese in Taiwan. Aging 13(13): 17237-17252, 2021.

2. Hsu TW, Fuh JL*, Wang DW, Chen LF, Chang CJ, Huang WS, Wu HM, Guo WY. Disrupted metabolic connectivity in dopaminergic and cholinergic networks at different stages of dementia from 18 F-FDG PET brain persistent homology network. Sci Rep. 11(1):5396, 2021

3. Lin YS, Cheng CY, Liao YC, Hong CJ, Fuh JL*. Mutational analysis in familial Alzheimer's disease of Han Chinese in Taiwan with a predominant mutation PSEN1 p.Met146Ile. Sci Rep. 10(1):19769, 2020

4. Lee WJ, Liao YC, Wang YF, Lin YS, Wang SJ, Fuh JL*. Summative effects of vascular risk factors on the progression of Alzheimer's disease. JAGS 68 (1), 129-136, 2020

5. Tien YT, Lee WJ, Liao YC, Wang WF, Jhang KM, Wang SJ, Fuh JL*. Plasma Transthyretin as a Predictor of Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment Conversion to Dementia. Scientific Reports 9:18691, 2019.

6. Lin YS, Lee WJ, Wang SJ, Fuh JL*. Levels of plasma neurofilament light chain and cognitive function in patients with Alzheimer or Parkinson disease. Scientific Reports. 26;8(1):17368, 2018.

7. Lee WJ, Liao YC, Wang YF, Lin IF, Wang SJ, Fuh JL*. Plasma MCP-1 and Cognitive Decline in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Two-year Follow-up Study. Scientific Report 19;8(1):1280, 2018

8. Hsu JL, Lee WJ, Liao YC, Wang SJ, Fuh JL*. The clinical significance of plasma clusterin and Aß in longitudinal follow-up of patients with Alzheimer disease. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 9(1):91, 2017

9. Hsu JL, Lee WJ, Liao YC, Lirng JF, Wang SJ, Fuh JL*. Plasma biomarkers are associated with cognition, agitation, and regional brain atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease. Scientific Reports 11;7(1):5035, 2017.

10. Liu YC, Hsu JL, Wang SJ, Yip PK, Meguro K, Fuh JL*. Language background in early life may be related to neuropsychiatry symptoms in patients with Alzheimer disease. BMC Geriatrics 17(1):50, 2017.

