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洪成志 醫師



洪成志 主任 Hong, Chen-Jee (; [email protected][email protected])



國立陽明交通大學腦科學研究所合聘副教授(2007~ now)

臺北榮民總醫院精神部行為與基因實驗室主持人 (1994/05~ )

國立陽明交通大學醫學院副教授 (2005~ now)



陽明大學醫學系畢業 (1979-1986)



臺北榮總精神部住院醫師、總醫師、臨床研究員 (1988~1994)

臺北榮總教研部臨床生化研究室進修 (1990~1992)

陽明大學遺傳研究所進修 (1992~1994)






  1.  憂鬱症、焦慮症、睡眠障礙、躁鬱症、思覺失調症
  2.  失智症與智能不足的基因檢測與遺傳諮詢
  3.   Rab18與Znf326對神經與行為的影響
  4.  精神疾病的動物行為模式



  1.   失智症的基因檢測與遺傳諮詢
  2.  Rab18基因
  3.  Zfp326基因



  1. 洪成志:以乾血片作基因片段放大。中華民國發明第152941號
  2. 洪成志:動物動態量測系統及方法,中華民國發明第176000號
  3. 洪成志:尾部懸吊試驗裝置,中華民國發明第200967號
  4. 洪成志:動物興致程度評估方法及其設備,中華民國發明第205925號
  5. Hong CJ: Method and System for Measuring Motility of a Tested Animal. USA Invention Patent No.: US 6,799,535; Date of Patent: Oct. 5, 2004.
  6. Hong CJ: Tail suspension test apparatus. USA Invention Patent No.: US 6,955,139; Date of Patent: Oct. 18, 2005.
  7. Hong CJ: Method and system for evaluating interest of a tested animal. USA Invention Patent No.: US 7,121,229; Date of Patent: Oct. 17, 2006.



  1. 1999年 台北榮總醫療技術創新獎第一名 
  2. 2004年 台北榮總醫療技術創新獎第三名 
  3. 2014年台北榮總臨床教學績優醫師
  4. 2019年台北榮總臨床教學績優醫師



*Corresponding author  #Co-first author     

  1. Hong CJ*, Hsiao KJ, Chen CH, Tsai SR, Sim CB: Urinary neopterin and biopterin levels in patients with depression. Chinese Psychiatry 1991;5:20-7.
  2. CJ Hong, TY Liu, HC Liu*, SJ Wang, JL Fuh, CW Chi, KY Lee, CB Sim. E4 Allele of Apolipoprotein E Increases Risk of Alzheimer's Disease in a Chinese Population. Neurology 1996;46:1749-1751.
  3. Chen-Jee Hong*, Hsien-Jane Chiu, Yea-Shin Chang, Cho-Boon Sim: Twelve nucleotide repeat polymorphism of DRD4 in Chinese familial schizophrenic patients. Biological Psychiatry 1998;43:432-435.
  4. CJ Hong*, HL Song, HC Lai, SJ Tsai, KJ Hsiao. Methanol/Acetone treatment helps the amplification of FMR1 CGG repeat fragment in dried blood spots from Guthrie cards. Lancet 1999; 353(9159):1153-1154.
  5. Chen-Jee Hong, Joseph J Cheng,Tzung-Jeng Hwang, Ying-Sheue Chen, Shi-Chin Guo, Hsien-Yuan Lane, Ying-Chiao Lee, Fan Zhang, Wen-Ho Chang, Pierre Tran, Hai-Gwo Hwu*. A Double-Blind Study on the Efficacy and Safety of Olanzapine versus Haloperidol in the Treatment of Schizophrenic Patients. Taiwanese J Psychiatry 2001;15(3):184-192.
  6. Yu YWY, Tsai SJ, Chen TJ, Lin CH, Hong CJ*. Association study of the serotonin transporter promoter polymorphism and symptomatology and antidepressant response in major depressive disorders. Molecular Psychiatry 2002;7:1115-1119
  7. Hong CJ, Hu WH, Chen CC, Hsiao CC, Tsai SJ*, Ruwe FJL. A double-blind, randomized, group-comparative study of the tolerability and efficacy of 6 weeks' treatment with mirtazapine or fluoxetine in depressed Chinese patients. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2003;68(8):921-926. 
  8. Hong CJ, Tsai PJ, Cheng CY, Chou CK, Jheng HF, Chuang YC, Yang CN, Lin YT, Hsu CW, Cheng IH, Chen SY, Tsai SJ, Liou YJ, Tsai YS*. ENU mutagenesis identifies mice with morbid obesity and severe hyperinsulinemia caused by a novel mutation in leptin. PLoS One. 2010; 5(12):e15333.
  9. 洪成志、廖敏華、王正如、鄭之雅:遺傳性失智症的基因檢測與諮詢。台灣醫界 2011;54(9):10-18.
  10. Chen WT, Hong CJ, Lin YT, Chang WH, Huang HT, Liao JY, Chang YJ, Hsieh YF, Cheng CY, Liu HC, Chen YR, Cheng IH.Amyloid-beta (Aβ) D7H mutation increases oligomeric Aβ42 and alters properties of Aβ-zinc/copper assemblies. PLoS One. 2012;7(4):e35807.
  11. Liou YJ, Chen CH, Cheng CY, Chen SY, Chen TJ, Yu YW, Nian FS, Tsai SJ, Hong CJ*. Convergent evidence from mouse and human studies suggests the involvement of zinc finger protein 326 gene in antidepressant treatment response. PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e32984.
  12. Cheng CY, Wu JC, Tsai JW, Nian FS, Wu PC, Kao LS, Fann MJ, Tsai SJ, Liou YJ, Tai CY, Hong CJ*. ENU mutagenesis identifies mice modeling Warburg Micro syndrome with sensory axon degeneration caused by a deletion in Rab18. Experimental Neurology 267 (2015) 143–151.
  13. Nian FS, Li LL, Cheng CY, Wu PC, Lin YT, Tang CY, Ren BS, Tai CY, Fann MJ, Kao LS, Hong CJ, Tsai JW. Rab18 Collaborates with Rab7 to Modulate Lysosomal and Autophagy Activities in the Nervous System: an Overlapping Mechanism for Warburg Micro Syndrome and Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy Type 2B. Mol Neurobiol. 2019 Sep;56(9):6095-6105.
  14. Lin SY, Yang CP, Wang YY, Hsiao CW, Chen WY, Liao SL, Lo YL, Chang YH,Hong CJ, Chen CJ. Interleukin-4 Improves Metabolic Abnormalities in Leptin-Deficient and High-Fat Diet Mice. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Jun 23;21(12):4451.
  15. Yung-Shuan Lin, Chih-Ya Cheng, Yi-Chu Liao, Chen-Jee Hong*, Jong-Ling Fuh*. Mutational analysis in familial Alzheimer’s disease of Han Chinese in Taiwan with a predominant mutation PSEN1 p.Met146Ile. Scientific Reports 2020;10:19769.

