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1984   國立臺灣師範大學化學系理學士
1993   美國加州大學聖地牙哥分校化學博士
1993 ~ 1996  中央研究院生物醫學科學研究所博士後研究員
1996 ~ 2000  臺北榮民總醫院教學研究部副研究員
1998 ~ 2000  國立陽明大學生化研究所兼任副教授
2000 ~ 2016  臺北榮民總醫院教學研究部兼任副研究員
2016 ~ 迄今   臺北榮民總醫院醫學研究部兼任研究員
2000 ~ 2007  國立陽明大學醫學系生化科專任副教授
2007 ~ 迄今   國立陽明大學醫學系生化科專任教授
2007 ~ 迄今   國立陽明大學生物醫學資訊所合聘教授
2007 ~ 迄今   國立陽明大學生化暨分生所合聘教授
2007 ~ 迄今   國立陽明大學生科系暨基因體科學所合聘教授

  1. 利用高解相異核多維核磁共振技術決定生物巨分子之三維結構,並探討分子結構與功能之關聯,俾以進行疾病導向及分子病理層次之研究。
  2. 「動脈粥狀硬化」和「失智症」等老年退化性疾病相關的生物巨分子,如Apolipoprotein E 和 β-amyloid peptide 之結構生物學研究。
  3. 探討蛋白磷酸?(protein phosphatase 1; PP1)與其蛋白抑制劑(protein inhibitor),例如Inhibitor-1、Inhibitor-2及DARPP-32等之交互作用機制,期能以分子結構之觀點一窺蛋白質磷酸化及活化機轉之堂奧於一二。
  4. 開發去泛素化?(Ubiquitin specific protease, USP)抑制劑之先導化合物(lead compound) 。
  5. 國立陽明交通大學生化暨分子生物學研究所網頁 :
  1. Y-Ren Lai, Jinn-Tsyy Lai, Steven S.-S. Wang*, Young-Chih Kuo*, Ta-Hsien Lin*, "Silver nanoparticle-deposited whey protein isolate amyloid fibrils as catalysts for the reduction of methylene blue", 2022, International Journal of Biological Maeromolecules, 176, 490-497. IF: 8.025, 5 yr IF: 7.626, Ranking (Polymer Science): 6/90, 6.11% (2021 JCR).
  2. Shu-Shun Hsueh, Steven S.-S. Wang, Shu-Han Chen, Chia-Lin Wang, Josephine W. Wu*, Ta-Hsien Lin*, "Insights to Human D-Crystallin Unfolding by NMR Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics Simulations", 2022, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23, 1591. IF: 6.208, 5 yr IF: 6.628, Ranking (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology): 69/296, 23.14% (2021 JCR).
  3. Hsu-Feng Chu, Shu-Chun Cheng, Chiao-Yin Sun, Chi-Yuan Chou, Ta-Hsien Lin*, Wei-Yi Chen*, "Structural and Biochemical Characterization of PEDV Papain-like Protease 2", 2022, Journal of virology, 96, e01372-21. IF: 6.549, 5 yr IF: 5.780, Ranking (Virology): 9/38, 22.37% (2021 JCR).
  4. Tai-Jay Chang*, Cheng-Yuan Hsia, Gar-Yang Chau, Liang-Tsai Hsiao, Kuang-Tzu Huanga, Kung-Liang King, Wing-Yiu Lui, Anna F.-Y Li, Chia-Lin Wang, Pin-Hsing Tsai, Yueh Chien, Ta-Hsien Lin*, "Characterization of Androgen Receptor Complex Associated Protein (ARCAP) in Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Liver", 2021, Journal of the Chinese Medical Association, 84, 1100-1108. IF: 3.396, 5 yr IF: 3.046, Ranking (Medicine, General& Internal-Sciences): 78/329, 23.56% (2021 JCR).
  5. Yu-Ting Huang, An-Chieh Cheng, Hui-Chi Tang, Guo-Cheng Huang, Ling Cai, Ta-Hsien Lin, Kou-Juey Wu6 Ping-Hui Tseng, Greg G. Wang and Wei-Yi Chen, "USP7 facilitates SMAD3 autoregulation to repress cancer progression in p53-deficient lung cancer", 2021, Cell Death and Disease, 12:880. IF: 9.705, 5 yr IF: 8.713, Ranking (Cell Biology): 37/194, 17.78% (2021 JCR).
  6. Hsin-Cheng Lin, Ying Kuan, Hsu-Feng Chu, Shu-Chun Cheng, Heng-Chih Pan, Wei-Yi Chen, Chiao-Yin Sun*, Ta-Hsien Lin*, "Disulfiram and 6-Thioguanine synergistically inhibit the enzymatic activities of USP2 and USP21", 2021, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 176, 490–497. IF: 8.025, 5 yr IF: 7.626, Ranking (Polymer Science): 6/90, 6.11% (2021 JCR).
  7. Su-Chun How, Ta-Hsien Lin*, Chun-Chao Chang*, Steven S.-S. Wang*, "Examining the effect of bovine serum albumin on the properties and drug release behavior of β-lactoglobulin-derived amyloid fibril-based hydrogels", 2021, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 184, 79–91. IF: 8.025, 5 yr IF: 7.626, Ranking (Polymer Science): 6/90, 6.11% (2021 JCR).
  8. Shu-Shun Hsueh, Jian-Hong Lu, Josephine W. Wu*, Ta-Hsien Lin*, Steven S.-S. Wang*, "Protection of human γD-crystallin protein from ultraviolet C-induced aggregation by ortho-vanillin", 2021, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 261, 120023. IF: 4.831, 5 yr IF: 4.073, Ranking (Spectroscopy): 5/43, 10.47% (2021 JCR).
  9. Kai-Cyuan He, Yi-Ru Chen, Chu-Ting Liang, Shi-Jie Huang, Chung-Ying Tzeng, Chi-Fon Chang, Shing-Jong Huang, Hsien-Bin Huang*, Ta-Hsien Lin*, "Conformational Characterization of Native and L17A/F19A-Substituted Dutch-Type β-Amyloid Peptides", 2020, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21, 2571. IF: 6.208, 5 yr IF: 6.628, Ranking (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology): 67/296, 23.14% (2021 JCR).
  10. Yu-Shan Lin, Kuang-Yung Huang, Hui-Chun Yu, Ming-Chi Lu, Cheng-Jhong Fan, Hsien-Yu Huang Tseng, Bi-Yao Jhuang, Su-Qin Liu, Ning-Sheng Lai*, Ta-Hsien Lin*, Hsien-Bin Huang*, "Identification of phostensin in association with Eps 15 homology domain-containing protein 1 and 4", 2020, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 531, 236-241. IF: 3.322, 5 yr IF: 3.498, Ranking (Biophysics): 39/72, 53.47% (2021 JCR).
  11. De-Ming Yang*, Tai-Jay Chang, Mong-Lien Wang, Ping-Hsing Tsai, Ta-Hsien Lin, Chin-Tien Wang, Kung-Hao Liang, "Hunting severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (2019 novel coronavirus): From laboratory testing back to basic research", 2020, Journal of the Chinese Medical Association, 83, 524-526. IF: 3.396, 5 yr IF: 3.046, Ranking (Medicine, General& Internal): 78/329, 23.56% (2021 JCR).
  12. Tai-Jay Chang*, De-Ming Yang, Mong-Lien Wang, Kung-How Liang, Ping-Hsing Tsai, Shih-Hwa Chiou, Ta-Hsien Lin, Chin-Tien Wang, "Genomic analysis and comparative multiple sequences of SARS-CoV2", 2020, Journal of the Chinese Medical Association, 83, 537-543. IF: 3.396, 5 yr IF: 3.046, Ranking (Medicine, General& Internal): 78/329, 23.56% (2021 JCR).
  13. Kung-Hao Liang, Tai-Jay Chang, Mong-Lien Wang, Ping-Hsing Tsai, Ta-Hsien Lin, Chin-Tien Wang, De-Ming Yang*, "Novel biosensor platforms for the detection of coronavirus infection and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2", 2020, Journal of the Chinese Medical Association, 83, 701-703. IF: 3.396, 5 yr IF: 3.046, Ranking (Medicine, General& Internal): 78/329, 23.56% (2021 JCR).
  14. Ping-Hsing Tsai, Mong-Lien Wang, De-Ming Yang, Kung-How Liang, Shih-Jie Chou, Shih-Hwa Chiou, Ta-Hsien Lin, Chin-Tien Wang, Tai-Jay Chang*, "Genomic variance of Open Reading Frames (ORFs) and Spike protein in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)", 2020, Journal of the Chinese Medical Association, 83, 725-732. IF: 3.396, 5 yr IF: 3.046, Ranking (Medicine, General& Internal): 78/329, 23.56% (2021 JCR).
  15. Chu-Ting Liang, Yu-Shan Lin, Yi-Choang Huang, Hsien-Lu Huang, Jia-Qian Yang, Tsung-Hsien Wu, Chi-Fon Chang, Shing-Jong Huang, Hsien-Bin Huang*, Ta-Hsien Lin*, "Characterization of the interactions between inhibitor-1 and recombinant PP1 by NMR spectroscopy", 2018, Scientific Reports, 8, Article number:50, IF: 4.996, 5 yr IF: 5.516, Ranking (Multidisciplinary Sciences): 19/79, 25.34% (2021 JCR).
  16. Su-Chun How, Yu-Hong Cheng, Chun-Hsien Lo, Jinn-Tsyy Lai, Ta-Hsien Lin, Zuzana Bednarikova, Andrea Antosova, Zuzana Gazova*, Josephine W.Wu**, Steven S.-S. Wang***, "Exploring the effects of methylene blue on amyloid fibrillogenesis of lysozyme", 2018, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 119, 1059–1067. IF: 8.025, 5 yr IF: 7.626, Ranking (Polymer Science): 6/90, 6.11% (2021 JCR).
  17. Chun-Tien Kuo, Yi-Lin Chen, Wei-Tse Hsu, Su-Chun How, Yu-Hong Cheng, Shu-Shun Hsueh, Hwai-Shen Liu, Ta-Hsien Lin, Josephine W. Wu*, Steven S.-S. Wang*, "Investigating the effects of erythrosine B on amyloid fibril formationderived from lysozyme", 2017, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 98, 159-168. IF: 8.025, 5 yr IF: 7.626, Ranking (Polymer Science): 6/90, 6.11% (2021 JCR).
  18. Chu-Ting Liang, Hsien-Bin Huang, Chih-Ching Wang, Yi-Ru Chen, Chi- Fon Chang, Ming-Shi Shiao, Yi-Cheng Chen*, Ta-Hsien Lin*, "L17A/F19A Substitutions Augment the α-Helicity of β-Amyloid Peptide Discordant Segment", 2016, PLOS ONE, 11, e0154327. IF: 3.752, 5 yr IF: 4.069, Ranking (Multidisciplinary Sciences): 29/73, 39.04% (2021 JCR).
  19. Chi-Jen Lo, Chih-Ching Wang, Hsien-bin Huang, Chi-Fon Chang, Ming-Shi Shiao, Yi-Cheng Chen*, Ta-Hsien Lin*, "Arctic mutation accelerates Aβ aggregation in SDS through reducing the helical propensity of residues 15-25", 2015, Amyloid, 22, 8-18. IF: 6.571 5 yr IF: 6.770, Ranking (Medicine, General & Internal): 29/172=16.57% (2021 JCR).

