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1. Chen FP, Chang CM, Wu TP, Yang JL, Kung YY, Huang YH, Su CW, Lan KH, Chiang SC, Hwang SJ. Clinical efficacy of Rong-Yang-Jyh-Gan-Tang on patients with chronic hepatitis C: a double-blinded randomized placebo-controlled crossover study. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2017;196:1-8. [PMID: 27965049] [SCI]

2. Syu YF, Inui A, Chen CY. A perspective on metabolic surgery from a gastroenterologist. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 2017;133:61-64. [PMID: 28237320] [SCI]

3. Kung YY, Hwang SJ, Li TF, Ko SG, Huang CW, Chen FP. Trends in global acupuncture publications: an analysis of the Web of Science database from 1988 to 2015. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 2017;80:521-525. [PMID: 28684189] [SCI]

4. Yang YY, Wang SJ, Yang LY, Lirng JF, Huang CC, Liang JF, Lee FY, Hwang SJ, Huang CC, Kirby R. Effects of a new parallel primary healthcare centre and on-campus training programme on history taking, physical examination skills and medical students' preparedness: a prospective comparative study in Taiwan. BMJ Open 2017;7:e016294. [PMID: 28951408] [SCI]

5. Chang HT, Chen HC, Chou P. Fear of falling and mortality among community-dwelling older adults in the Shih-Pai study in Taiwan: a longitudinal follow-up study. Geriatrics & Gerontology International 2017;17:2216-2223. [PMID: 28060445] [SCI]

6. Li YT, Jiang LY, Lee NR, Chang WH, Liu CH, Wang PH, Ju FY, Tsai CP, Ng HT. Uterine carcinosarcoma: the TAG systematic review. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology 2017;38:489-499. [SCI]

7. Chen A, Chen HT, Chen HC, Chen YT, Hwang YH, Sun CC, Hsiao CH, Ma DH, Wu WC, Lai CC. Asymptomatic Meibomian gland dysfunction and cardiovascular disease risk factors in a middle-aged population in Taiwan - a cross-sectional analysis. Scientific Reports 2017;7:4935. [PMID: 28694455] [SCI]

8. Chen CE, Liao ZZ, Lee YH, Liu CC, Tang CK, Chen YR. Subgaleal hematoma at the contralateral side of scalp trauma in an adult. Journal of Emergency Medicine 2017;53:e85-e88. [PMID: 28941556] [SCI]

9. Suenari K, Chao TF, Liu CJ, Kihara Y, Chen TJ, Chen SA. Usefulness of HATCH score in the prediction of new-onset atrial fibrillation for Asians. Medicine 2017;96:e5597. [PMID: 28072697] [SCI]

10. Chang CM, Wu PC, Chiang JH, Wei YH, Chen FP, Chen TJ, Pan TL, Yen HR, Chang HH. Integrative therapy decreases the risk of lupus nephritis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a population-based retrospective cohort study. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2017;196:201-212. [PMID: 27974236] [SCI]

11. Dai YX, Chen TJ, MH Lin. Branding palliative care units by avoiding the terms "palliative" and "hospice": a nationwide study in Taiwan. Inquiry 2017;54:46958016686449. [PMID: 28140730] [SCI] [SSCI]

12. Chen MH, Su TP, Chen YS, Hsu JW, Huang KL, Chang WH, Chen TJ, Bai YM. Comorbidity of allergic and autoimmune diseases among patients with ADHD: a nationwide population-based study. Journal of Attention Disorders 2017;21:219-227. [PMID: 23400216] [SCI] [SSCI]

13. Chang HT, Lin MH, Hwang IH, Chen TJ, Lin HC, Hou MC, Hwang SJ. Scientific publications in gastroenterology and hepatology in Taiwan: an analysis of Web of Science from 1993 to 2013. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 2017;80:80-85. [PMID: 28341083] [SCI]

14. Ou SM, Chen HT, Kuo SC, Chen TJ, Shih CJ, Chen YT. Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors and cardiovascular risks in patients with pre-existing heart failure. Heart 2017;103:404-420. [PMID: 27647170] [SCI]

15. Su VY, Liu CJ, Chen YM, Chou TY, Chen TJ, Yen SH, Chiou TJ, Liu JH, Hu YW. Risk of second primary malignancies in lung cancer survivors - the influence of different treatments. Targeted Oncology 2017;12:219-227. [PMID: 27766477] [SCI]

16. Lu DY, Huang CC, Huang PH, Chen JW, Chen TJ, Lin SJ, Chan WL, Lee CY, Leu HB. Usefulness of the CHADS2 score for prognostic stratification in patients with coronary artery disease having coronary artery bypass grafting. American Journal of Cardiology 2017;119:839-844. [PMID: 28057218] [SCI]

17. Chao TF, Liu CJ, Tuan TC, Chen SJ, Chen TJ, Lip GYH, Chen SA. Risk and prediction of sudden cardiac death and ventricular arrhythmias for patients with atrial fibrillation - a nationwide cohort study. Scientific Reports 2017;7:46445. [PMID: 28422144] [SCI]

18. Chiang CL, Chen YT, Wang KL, Su VY, Wu LA, Perng DW, Chang SC, Chen YM, Chen TJ, Chou KT. Comorbidities and risk of mortality in patients with sleep apnea. Annals of Medicine 2017;49:377-383. [PMID: 28276869] [SCI]

19. Su VY, Hu LY, Yeh CM, Chiang HL, Shen CC, Chou KT, Chen TJ, Lu T, Tzeng CH, Liu CJ. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease associated with increased risk of bipolar disorder. Chronic Respiratory Disease 2017;14:151-160. [PMID: 28528563] [SCI]

20. Liu HY, Liu CC, Shen TH, Wang YJ, Liu JY, Chen TJ, Chou LF, Hwang SJ. Pattern of visits to older family physicians in Taiwan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017;14:499. [PMID: 28481318] [SCI]

21. Chen LC, Yang AC, Su TP, Bai YM, Li CT, Chang WH, Chen TJ, Tsai SJ, Chen MH. Symptomatic menopausal transition and subsequent bipolar disorder among midlife women with major depression: a nationwide longitudinal study. Archives of Women's Mental Health 2017;20:463-468. [PMID: 28429098] [SCI]

22. Chiu NC, Ho CH, Shen SH, Tsuei YC, Lee KL, Huang CY, Li HY, Chen TJ. Impact of hysterosalpingography after operative treatment for ectopic pregnancy in Taiwan: a 16-year nationwide population-based analysis. Medicine 2017;96:e7263. [PMID: 28640130] [SCI]

23. Lai TY, Wang TH, Liu CJ, Chao TF, Chen TJ, Hu YW. Risk factors for osteonecrosis of the jaw in oral cancer patients after surgery and eventual adjuvant treatment: the potential role of chemotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology 2017;123:406-411. [PMID: 28532609] [SCI]

24. Kuo L, Chao TF, Liu CJ, Lin YJ, Chang SL, Lo LW, Hu YF, Tuan TC, Liao JN, Chung FP, Chen TJ, Lip GYH, Chen SA. Liver cirrhosis in patients with atrial fibrillation: Would oral anticoagulation have a net clinical benefit for stroke prevention? Journal of the American Heart Association 2017;6:e005307. [PMID: 28645935] [SCI]

25. Wang TH, Liu CJ, Chao TF, Chen TJ, Hu YW. Risk factors for and the role of dental extractions in osteoradionecrosis of the jaws: a national-based cohort study. Head & Neck 2017;39:1313-1321. [PMID: 28370713] [SCI]

26. Wang YF, Chen YT, Luo JC, Chen TJ, Wu JC, Wang SJ. Proton-pump inhibitor use and the risk of first-time ischemic stroke in the general population: a nationwide population-based study. American Journal of Gastroenterology 2017;112:1084-1093. [PMID: 28397874] [SCI]

27. Chen YH, Wei HT, Bai YM, Hsu JW, Huang KL, Su TP, Li CT, Lin WC, Wu YH, Pan TL, Chen TJ, Tsai SJ, Chen MH. Risk of epilepsy in individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder: a nationwide longitudinal study. Psychosomatic Medicine 2017;79:664-669. [PMID: 28306623] [SCI]

28. Wang YJ, Chiang SC, Chen TJ, Chou LF, Hwang SJ, Liu JY. Birth trends among female physicians in Taiwan: a nationwide survey from 1996 to 2013. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017;14:746. [PMID: 28698490] [SCI]

29. Wang LU, Wang TY, Bai YM, Hsu JW, Huang KL, Su TP, Li CT, Lin WC, Chen TJ, Chen MH. Risk of obstructive sleep apnea among patients with Cushing's syndrome: a nationwide longitudinal study. Sleep Medicine 2017;36:44-47. [PMID: 28735920] [SCI]

30. Lin TY, Lin PY, Su TP, Li CT, Lin WC, Chang WH, Chen TJ, Bai YM, Chen MH. Risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea among women with polycystic ovarian syndrome: a nationwide longitudinal follow-up study. Sleep Medicine 2017;36:165-169. [PMID: 28599952] [SCI]

31. Chan YE, Bai YM, Hsu JW, Huang KL, Su TP, Li CT, Lin WC, Pan TL, Chen TJ, Tsai SJ, Chen MH. Post-traumatic stress disorder and risk of Parkinson disease: a nationwide longitudinal study. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2017;25:917-923. [PMID: 28416268] [SCI]

32. Leu HI, Chang WT, Lin MH, Chen TJ, Hwang SJ, Chou LF, Jeng MJ. Urban-rural disparity in geographical and temporal availability of pediatric clinics: a nationwide survey in Taiwan. Pediatrics & Neonatology 2017;58:344-349. [PMID: 28126449] [SCI]

33. Shih TC, Chang HT, Lin MH, Chen CK, Chen TJ, Hwang SJ. Trends of do-not-resuscitate orders, hospice care utilization, and late referral to hospice care among cancer decedents in a tertiary hospital in Taiwan between 2008 and 2014: a hospital-based observational study. Journal of Palliative Medicine 2017;20:838-844. [PMID: 28296534] [SCI]

34. Chen MH, Hsu JW, Bai YM, Su TP, Li CT, Lin WC, Tsai SJ, Chang WH, Chen TJ, Huang KL. Risk of stroke among patients with borderline personality disorder: a nationwide longitudinal study. Journal of Affective Disorders 2017;219:80-85. [PMID: 28528281] [SCI]

35. Su VY, Su WJ, Yen YF, Pan SW, Chuang PH, Feng JY, Chou KT, Yang KY, Lee YC, Chen TJ. Statin use is associated with a lower risk of tuberculosis. Chest 2017;152:598-606. [PMID: 28479115] [SCI]

36. Hsiao YH, Chen YT, Tseng CM, Wu LA, Perng DW, Chen YM, Chen TJ, Chang SC, Chou KT. Sleep disorders and an increased risk of Parkinson's disease in individuals with non-apnea sleep disorders: a population-based cohort study. Journal of Sleep Research 2017;26:623-628. [PMID: 28470725] [SCI]

37. Chang WT, Leu HI, Chen HP, Lin MH, Chen TJ, Hwang SJ, Chou LF, Wang PH. Temporal availability of obstetrics and gynecology clinics in Taiwan: a nationwide survey. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2017;56:636-641. [PMID: 29037550] [SCI]

38. Tsai CK, Huon LK, Ou SM, Kuan AS, Yeh CM, Lee YT, Liu YC, Chen TJ, Liu JH, Liu CJ. Risk and impact of tuberculosis in patients with multiple myeloma. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2017;58:2598-2606. [PMID: 28482714] [SCI]

39. Chen MH, Pan TL, Lan WH, Hsu JW, Huang KL, Su TP, Li CT, Lin WC, Wei HT, Chen TJ, Bai YM. Risk of suicide attempts among adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorder: a nationwide longitudinal follow-up study. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2017;78:e1174-e1179. [PMID: 28872268] [SCI] [SSCI]

40. Lai TY, Chao TF, Chen TJ, Liu YM, Hu YW. The risk of cancer in patients with keloid and the association with radiotherapy. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2017;24:279-291.

41. Liu DH, Kuo CH, Wang CT, Chiu CC, Chen TJ, Hwang DK, Kao CL. Age-related increases in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo are reversed in women taking estrogen replacement therapy: a population-based study in Taiwan. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2017;9:404. [PMID: 29311896] [SCI]  


