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楊傑思 醫師


楊傑思 主治醫師    Chieh-Szu Yang, Asst.Prof.

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教育部 部定助理教授
台北榮總骨科部 關節重建科暨骨腫瘤治療中心 主治醫師
國立陽明交通大學醫學系 助理教授
KSRR雜誌 編輯
國際外固定學會技術顧問委員會(AOTK) 國際教師
中華民國關節重建醫學會 理事
台灣電腦輔助骨科手術醫學會 秘書長

國立陽明交通大學臨床醫學研究所 博士

臺北榮民總醫院骨科部 關節重建科
中國醫藥大學附設醫院 人工關節中心
臺北榮民總醫院 骨骼肌肉腫瘤
臺北榮民總醫院 關節重建科
臺北榮民總醫院 骨科專科醫師
臺北榮民總醫院骨科部 總醫師
臺北榮民總醫院骨科部 住院醫師

1.正前入路肌肉完全保留人工髖關節手術(MIS DAA total hip replacement),超過1000例
2.PSI微創導引高位脛骨截骨保膝手術 發明人(PSI guided High Tibial Osteotomy),超過1000例經驗
3.人工關節重置換 (Revision of joint arthroplasty)
4.微創骨創傷 (Minimal invasive Orthopaedic trauma)
5.人工關節微創置換 (Minimal invasive surgery of joint arthroplasty)
6.骨腫瘤肢體保留重建 (Limb salvage surgery of bone tumor)


  1. Jesse Chieh-Szu Yang , Kuan-Jung Chen,”Comparison of Double Chevron-Cut and Biplanar Distal Femoral Osteotomy Techniques: A Biomechanical Study” PLOS ONE, 2023
  2. Hsuan-Hsiao Ma, Philip Lobenhofer, Jesse Chieh-Szu Yang,”The benefts of a percutaneous supplemental screw to reinforce the hinge of a medial open wedge tibial osteotomy”AOTS,2022
  3. 1.Yen-Chun Huang , Kuan-Jung Chen , Kuan-Yu Lin , Oscar Kuang-Sheng Lee and Jesse Chieh-Szu Yang, “Patient-Specific Instrument Guided Double Chevron-CutDistal Femur Osteotomy” Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2021
  4. 2. Jesse Chieh-Szu YangI, Kuan-Yu Lin, Hsi-Hsien Lin, Oscar K. Lee, “Biomechanical evaluation of high tibial osteotomy plate with internal support block using finite element analysis” PLOS ONE, 2021
  5. 3. Jesse Chieh-Szu Yang, Phillipp Lobenhoffer, Chia-Ming Chang, Cheng-Fong Chen, Hsiu-Chen Lin, Hsuan-Hsiao Ma, Pei-Yuan Lee, Oscar Kuang-Sheng Lee, “A supplemental screw enhances the biomechanical stability in medial open-wedge high tibial osteotomy”PLOS ONE, 2020
  6. 4. Jesse Chieh-Szu Yang, Cheng-Fong Chen, Oscar K. Lee,〝Benefits of Opposite Lag Screw Insertion in Medial Open-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy: A Preliminary Biomechanical Study〞Journal of Orthopaedic Translation, 2020
  7. 5.  Jesse Chieh-Szu Yang, Kang-Ping Lin, Hung-Wen Wei, Wen-Chuan Chen, Chao-Ching Chiang, Ming-Chau Chang, Cheng-Lun Tsai, Kun-Jhih Lin〝Importance of a moderate plate-to-bone distance for the functioning of the far cortical locking system〞Medical Engineering and Physics, 2018
  8.  6. Jesse Chieh-Szu Yang, Cheng-Fong Chen, Chu-An Luo, Ming-Chau Chang, Oscar K. Lee, Ye Huang, and Shang-Chih Lin.〝Clinical Experience using a 3D-printed Patient-specific Instrument for Medial Opening wedge High Tibial Osteotomy〞Hindawi, 2018
  9. 7. Jesse Chieh-Szu Yang, Kun-Jhih Lin, Hung-Wen Wei, Cheng-Lun Tsai, Kang-Ping Lin, Pei-Yuan Lee.〝Morphometric Analysis of the Clavicles in Chinese Population〞Hindawi, 2017
  10. 8. Jesse Chieh-Szu Yang, Hsin-Chang Chen, Yu-Shu Lai, Cheng-Kung Cheng.〝Measurement of Tip Apex Distance and Migration of Lag Screws and Novel Blade Screw used for the Fixation of Intertrochanteric Fractures〞PLOS ONE, 2016
  11. 9.  Yang Chieh-Szu, Huang Ching-Kuei, Chen Wei-Ming, Chen Tain-Hsiung. 〝Postirrediation osteosarcoma from hepatocellular carcinoma〞Journal of Orthopedic Surgery, 2009
  12. 10. Yang Chieh-Szu, Chen Wei-Ming, Chen Tain-Hsiung. 〝Soft tissue sarcoma misdiagnosed as hematoma- 5 cases report〞. Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2002
  13. 11.  Yang Chieh-Szu, Ma Shiao-Li, Chen Tian-Hsiung. 〝The lateral approach for operative release of post-traumatic elbow stiffness〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2003
  14. 12.  Yang Chieh-Szu, Chen Wei-Ming, Chen Tian-Hsiung. 〝Secondary osteosarcoma over the distal radius〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2003
  15. 13.  Yang Chieh-Szu, Wang Shih-Tien, Liu Chien-Lin.〝A rare type of multiple T-L spine flexion-distraction injury-case report〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2003
  16. 14. Yang Chieh-Szu, Chiu Fang-Yao, Huang Ching-Kuei, Chen Wei-Ming, Chen Tain- Hsiung. 〝Elbow function after tension band wire fixation of displaced fractures of displaced olecranon fracture- 10 years follow-up.〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2003
  17. 15.  Yang Chieh-Szu, Huang Ching-Kuei,Chen Wei-Ming,Chen Tain-Hsiung. 〝Postirrediation osteosarcoma from hepatocellular carcinoma.〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2004
  18. 16. Yang Chieh-Szu, Chen Wei-Ming, Chen Tain-Hsiung. 〝Synovium sarcoma- A review of 20 cases.〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2004
  19. 17. Yang Chieh-Szu, Chen Wei-Ming, Chen Tain-Hsiung. 〝Comparison of extensively hydroxyapatite-coated long stem and extensively porous-coated long stem: 10-year long-term follow-up.〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2007
  20. 18. Yang Chieh-Szu, Hung te-lou, Hsu hon-chiung. 〝MIS in THR W large head MOM, preliminary report〞 Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2010
  21. 19. Yang Chieh-Szu, Hung te-lou, Hsu hon-chiung.〝Large bearing (MOM) total hip arthroplasty in developmental dysplasia of hip (DDH): preliminary report〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2011
  22. 20. Yang Chieh-Szu, Hung te-lou, Hsu hon-chiung 〝The clinical result using locking plate in periprosthetic supracondylar femur fracture〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2012
  23. 21.  Yang Chieh-Szu, Hung te-lou, Hsu hon-chiung 〝Zirconia ceramic-on-ceramic bearing in total hip arthroplasty- preliminary report of 50 cases〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, Taiwan 2013
  24. 22.  Yang Chieh-Szu, Hung te-lou, Hsu hon-chiung〝Acetabular revision arthroplasty for septic loosening hip arthroplasty using tantalum cup〞 Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, 2013
  25. 23. 〝Severe femoral deformity treated with extensive porous-coated stem in revision hip arthroplasty.〞Annual meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Association, Taipei, 2013

