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日期 報告者 分享主題 參考文獻
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109/06/08 曾芬玲 談膳食管理營養師應具備之管理技能 1.Foodservice management returns: The need to rejuvenate the superhero contribution of dietetics, Nutrition & Dietetics 2017; 74: 113–115
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109/08/10 祝梓芸 老鼠與沙門氏菌之探討 1.衛生福利部食品藥物管理署(2019)。食品中毒案件病因物質分類統計。取自
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109/08/24 王倩雯 探討食品從業人員之衛生安全訓練重點 1.Laís Mariano Zanin , Diogo Thimoteo da Cunha , Veridiana Vera de Rosso , Vanessa Dias Capriles , Elke Stedefeldt. Knowledge, attitudes and practices of food handlers in food safety: An integrative review. Food Research International (2017)53-62.
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109/09/15 王郁雯 影響住院病人用餐滿意度的因素 1. Heather J. Hartwell, Paula A. Shepherd, John S.A. Edwards, Nick Johns. 2016. What Do Patients Value in The Hospital Meal Experience? Appetite.;96:293-298.
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109/09/28 姜保如 預防因化療併發嗜中性白血球低下症病人發生感染之探討  
109/10/12 陳仙恩 餐飲業油脂截留器設置 1. 吳基榮、徐玉村、吳秀賢(20000900)。[談餐廚污水的清道夫--油脂截留器]。《數位典藏與數位學習聯合目錄》。瀏覽)
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109/11/09 陳仙恩 餐飲業廚房空氣汙染防制  

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109/11/23 朱佩玲


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