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楊振昌 (Chen-Chang Yang)


  • 學歷
    • 美國 哈佛大學 公共衛生學院 公共衛生 博士
    • 美國 哈佛大學 公共衛生學院 公共衛生 碩士
    • 國立陽明醫學院 醫學系 學士
  • 經歷
    • - 迄今 國立陽明交通大學 醫學院 環境與職業衛生研究所 特聘教授
    • 2022- 迄今 臺北榮民總醫院 職業醫學及臨床毒物部 主治醫師 兼 部主任
    • - 迄今 國立陽明交通大學 醫學院 醫學系 環境暨職業醫學科 特聘教授
    • - 迄今 國立陽明交通大學 醫學院 醫學系 公共衛生學科暨研究所 合聘教授
    • - 迄今 國立陽明交通大學 醫學院 急重症醫學研究所 合聘教授
    • - 迄今 國立陽明交通大學 藥物科學院 食品安全與健康風險評估研究所 合聘教授
    • - 國立陽明醫學院 醫學系 內科 專任臨床助教
    • - 國立陽明大學 醫學院 醫學系 內科 專任講師
    • - 國立陽明大學 醫學院 醫學系 內科 專任副教授
    • - 國立陽明大學 醫學院 醫學系 環境暨職業醫學科 代科主任
    • - 國立陽明大學 醫學院 醫學系 環境暨職業醫學科 副教授
    • - 國立陽明大學 醫學院 環境與職業衛生研究所 副教授
    • - 國立陽明大學 醫學院 醫學系 環境暨職業醫學科 教授兼主任
    • - 國立陽明大學 醫學院 環境與職業衛生研究所 教授兼所長
    • - 國立陽明大學 醫學院 環境科技 博士學位學程 主任
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院 內科部 兼任住院醫師
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院 內科部 臨床毒物科 兼任住院總醫師
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院 內科部 臨床毒物科 兼任臨床研究員
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院 內科部 臨床毒物科 兼任主治醫師
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院 內科部 臨床毒物與職業醫學科 兼任主治醫師
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院 內科部 臨床毒物與職業醫學科 兼主任
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院 生物醫學統計小組 指導委員
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院 藥物不良反應評估委員會 委員
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院 用藥安全評估小組 委員
    • - 行政院 食品安全會報 委員
    • - 衛生福利部 全國藥品不良反應通報系統 藥品不良反應評估專家
    • - 衛生福利部 食品安全衛生與營養諮議會 委員
    • - 衛生福利部 食品藥物管理署 藥品安全評估諮議小組 委員
    • - 衛生福利部 食品安全保護基金運用管理監督小組 委員
    • - 衛生福利部 食品藥物管理署 食品衛生安全與營養諮議會 委員
    • - 衛生福利部 油症患者健康照護推動會 委員
    • - 衛生福利部 緊急醫療救護諮議小組 委員
    • - 行政院衛生署 苛難疫病調查中心 諮詢專家
    • - 衛生福利部/衛生署 緊急醫療救護諮詢委員會 委員
    • - 衛生福利部暨臺北榮民總醫院 臨床毒藥物諮詢中心 主持人
    • - 衛生福利部暨臺北榮民總醫院 臨床毒藥物諮詢中心 共同主持人
    • - 衛生福利部 採購評選委員會 專家學者
    • - 衛生福利部 採購評選委員會 專家學者
    • - 農委會 動植物防疫檢疫局 農藥技術諮議委員會 委員
    • - 臺北市政府 食品安全委員會 委員
    • - 農委會 農民健康保險及農民職業災害保險監理委員會 委員
    • - 財團法人毒藥物防治發展基金會 副執行長、董事
    • - 亞洲毒理學會(ASIATOX) 秘書長(Secretary General)
    • - 亞洲毒理學會 參與 國際毒理學會(International Union of Toxicology, IUTOX) 之 代表會員
    • - 亞洲毒理學會(ASIATOX) 財務長(Treasurer)
    • - 亞洲毒理學會 理事
    • - 亞太醫用毒物學會(Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology, APAMT) 理事(board director)
    • - 亞太醫用毒物學會(Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology, APAMT) 理事長(President)
    • - 亞太醫用毒物學會(Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology, APAMT) 執行委員會(steering committee) 委員
    • - 中華民國環境暨職業醫學會 理事、常務理事 兼 理事長
    • - 台灣毒物學學會 理事、常務理事、副理事長
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院 醫學教育委員會 委員
    • - 臺北榮民總醫院 榮總人月刊 編輯
    • - 財團法人 思源內科醫學研究發展基金會 董事
    • - 考選部 命題委員、審題委員及典試委員
    • - 教育部 公費留學甄試委員、留學獎學金審查委員
    • - 勞動部 職業病鑑定委員會 委員
    • - 中華醫學會雜誌、急救加護醫學會雜誌、中臺灣醫學雜誌、高雄醫學科學雜誌、家庭醫學與基層醫療、台灣公共衛生雜誌 等醫學期刊 審稿委員
    • - Drug Safety, Drugs & Aging, Journal of Toxicology-Clinical Toxicology, International Journal of Biomedical Science, Human & Experimental Toxicology, Journal of Injury and Violence Research, Eastern Journal of Medicine, Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Critical Care Medicine 等醫學期刊 審稿委員
    • - Food and Chemical Toxicology, Clinical Toxicology, Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine, International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science, ScienceAsia, African Journal of Microbiology Research, Journal of Medical Case Reports, Asia Pacific Journal of Medical Toxicology 等醫學期刊 審稿委員
    • - International Journal of Medicine & Medical Sciences, Nephrology, Journal of Korean Medical Science, Clinical Neurology & Neurosurgery, Toxicon, Journal of Venomous Animals and Tropical Diseases, Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy, African Journal of Pharmacology & Pharmacy 等醫學期刊 審稿委員
    • - Substance Use & Misuse, Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, Journal of Critical Care Medicine, PLoS One, BMJ Case Reports, Evidence-based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety, Heliyon, Medicine, Neurocase, International Journal of Gerotonology 等醫學期刊 審稿委員
    • - Journal of Clinical Pharmacy & Therapeutics, Journal of International Cooperation, Journal of Clinical Gerontology and Geriatrics, Journal of Food & Drug Analysis, Canadian Medical Association Journal, International Archives of Occupational & Environmental Health, Endocrine Connection 等醫學期刊 審稿委員
    • - American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Journal of Neurological Science, Social Science Research, Neurotoxicity Research 等醫學期刊 審稿委員
    • - Editor, Clinical Toxicology (Phila)
    • - Editor, Asia Pacific Journal of Medical Toxicology
    • - Editor, Journal of the Chinese Medical Association
    • - Advisory Expert, Global incidence alert network for food safety
  • 醫療專長
    1. 學術專長:毒物及藥物流行病學、公共衛生、臨床毒物學、環境暨職業醫學、內科學、食品安全
    2. 研究興趣:農藥中毒、生物毒素中毒、藥物不良反應與中毒、中草藥中毒不良反應與中毒、中毒流行病學
  • 證照




項目 作者 文章主題 期刊
1 Chiu YH, Lai JI, Wang SH, How CK, Li LH, Kao WF*, Yang CC, Chen RJ Early changes of the anemia phenomenon in male 100-km ultramarathoners. J Chin Med Assoc 2015;78(2):108-113. (SCI)
2 Yang KC, Wang SJ, Hsieh WC, Lirng JF, Yang CC, Deng JF, Lin CL, Chou YH. Longitudinal changes in the dopamine transporter and cognition in suicide attempters with charcoal burning. Psychiatry Res 2015;231:160-167. (SCI)
3 Chen CY, Liu CJ, Feng JY, Loong CC, Liu C, Hsia CY, Hu LY, Lin NC, Hu YW, Yeh CM, Chen TJ, Yang CC. Incidence and risk factors for tuberculosis after liver transplantation in an endemic area: a nationwide population-based matched cohort study. Am J Transplant 2015;15: 2180-2187. (SCI) * Correspondent
4 Mngomezulu N, Yang CC. Quality of life and its correlates in diabetic outpatients in Swaziland. Int Health 2015;7(6):464-471. (SCI) * Correspondent
5 Chen YJ, Yang CC, Huang LC, Chen LK, Hwu CM. Increasing trend in emergency department visits for hypoglycemia from patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Taiwan. Prim Care Diabetes 2015;9:490-496. (SCI) * Co-first author
6 Wang TH, Wu ML, Wu YH, Tsai WJ, Lin KP, Wang CL, Yang CC, Deng JF. Neurotoxicity associated with exposure to 1-bromopropane in golf-club cleansing workers. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2015;53:823-826.
7 Hou SK, Chiu YH, Tsai YF, Tai LC, Hou PC, How CK, Yang CC, Kao WF. Clinical impact of speed variability to identify ultramarathon runners at risk for acute kidney injury. PLoS One 2015;10(7):e0133146. (SCI) * Correction: PLoS One 2016;11(1):e0146815.
8 Yang CF, Yang CC, Liao HC, Huang LY, Chiang CC, Ho HC, Lai CJ, Chu TH, Yang TF, Hsu TR, Soong WJ, Niu DM. Very early treatment for infantile-onset Pompe disease contribute to better outcomes. J Pediatr 2016;169:174-180. (SCI)
9 Mao YC, Liu PY, Lai WC, Huang ST, Hung DZ, Yang CC. Bacteriology of Naja atra snakebite wound and its implications for antibiotic therapy. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2016;94(5):1129-35. (SCI) * Correspondent
10 St-Onge M, Anseeuw K, Cantrell L, Gilchrist IC, Hantson P, Bailey B, Lavergne V, Gosselin S, Kerns W II, Laliberté M, Lavonas EJ, Juurlink DN, Muscedere J, Yang CC, Sinuff T, Rieder MJ, Mégarbane B. Experts consensus recommendations for the management of calcium channel blocker poisoning in adults. Crit Care Med 2017; 45(3):e306-e315. (SCI)
11 Wang CH, Huang LC, Yang CC, Chen CL, Chou YJ, Chen YY, Yang WC, Chen LK. Short- and long-term use of medication for psychological distress after the diagnosis of cancer. Support Care Cancer 2017;25(3):757-68. (SCI)
12 Cheng CL, Mao YC, Liu PY, Chiang LC, Liao SC, Yang CC. Deinagkistrodon acutus envenomation – A report of three cases. J Venom Anim Toxins incl Trop Dis 2017;23:20. (SCI) * Correspondent
13 Wang IJ, Karmaus WJJ, Yang CC. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons exposure, oxidative stress, and asthma in children. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2017;90(3):297-303. (SCI)
14 Wang IJ, Karmaus WJJ, Yang CC. Lead exposure, IgE, and the risk of asthma in children. J Exposure Sci Environ Epidemiol 2017;27(5):478-483. (SCI)
15 Mao YC, Liu PY, Chiang LC, Liao SC, Su HY, Hsieh SY, Yang CC. Bungarus multicinctus multicinctus snakebite in Taiwan. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2017;96(6):1497-1504. (SCI) * Correspondent
16 Hsieh CF, Chang HC, Huang SL, Chen CL, Chen WT, Yang CC. Prescribed renoprotective Chinese herbal medicines were associated a lower risk of all-cause and cause-specific mortality among patients with chronic kidney disease among patients with chronic kidney disease: a population-based follow-up study in Taiwan. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2017;2017:5632195. doi: 10.1155/2017/5632195. (SCI) * Correspondent
17 林冠宏、楊振昌、胡啟民 年輕族群高尿酸血症與高血壓關聯性研究之進展。 內科學誌 2017;28:317-324。
18 Ngo TH, Doan UV, Yang CC, Chi KH. The potential sources contributing to atmospheric PCDD/Fs in Son La Vietnam. J International Cooperation 2017;12(2):181-196.
19 Yang CF, Yang CC, Wang IJ. Association between allergic diseases, allergic sensitization and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children: a large-scale, population-based study. J Chin Med Assoc 2018;81(3):277-283. (SCI)
20 Mao YC, Liu PY, Chiang LC, Lai CS, Lai KL, Ho CH, Wang TH, Yang CC. Naja atra snakebite in Taiwan. Clin Toxicol 2018;56(4):273-280. (SCI) * Correspondent
21 Lin MS, Lin CC, Chen CY, Huang SY, Chou YH, Yang CC. Myocardial injury was associated with persistent and delayed neurological sequelae among patients with carbon monoxide poisoning in Taiwan. J Chin Med Assoc 2018;81(8):682-690. (SCI) * Correspondent
22 Chen GA, Yang CC. Late diagnosis of methamphetamine inhalation related pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum and diffuse subcutaneous emphysema: a case report. J Acute Med 2018;8(1):30-33. * Correspondent
23 Ceesay LM, Huang SL, Yang CC, Yen PM. The effects of the enablers incentive package on the quality of life among tuberculosis patients receiving DOTS in the Gambia. Taiwan J Public Health 2018;37(2):182-195. (TSSCI) * Correspondent
24 Liao SC, Mao YC, Hung YM, Lee CH, Yang CC. Predictive role of QTc prolongation in carbon monoxide poisoning–related delayed neuropsychiatric sequelae. BioMed Res Int 2018;2018: 2543018. (SCIE) * Correspondent
25 Chen YJ, Hsieh MC, Yang CC, Hwu CM. Hypoglycemia-related emergency department visits in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: focusing on DPP-IV inhibitor vs. sulfonylurea treatment on top of metformin. Formos J Endocrinol Metab 2018;9:10-17.
26 Liao SC, Mao YC, Yang KJ, Wang KC, Wu LY, Yang CC. Targeting optimal time for hyperbaric oxygen therapy following carbon monoxide poisoning for prevention of delayed neuropsychiatric sequelae: A retrospective study. J Neruol Sci 2019;396:187-192. * Correspondent
27 Doan UV, Wu Ml, Phua DH, Bomar, Yang CC. Datura and Brugmansia plants related antimuscarinic toxicity: An analysis of poisoning cases reported to the Taiwan Poison Control Center. Clin Toxicol 2019;59:246-253. (SCI) *Correspondent
28 楊振昌、王德皓、林純吉 重要職業疾病成果與挑戰--以職業性毒物促發疾病經驗為例。 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊 2019;27(3):59-68. * Correspondent
29 Liu CW, Liao SC, Yang CC, Deng JF, Lin CC. Syrian rue seeds interacted with Acacia tree bark in an herbal stew resulted in N-N-Dimethyltryptamine poisoning. Clin Toxicol 2019;57(10):867-869. (SCI)
30 Yang CF, Karmaus WJJ, Yang CC, Chen ML, Wang IJ. Bisphenol A exposure, DNA methylation, and asthma in children. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020;17(1):E298. doi:10.3390/ijerph17010298 (SCI)
31 Tsai TH, Lin CC, Mao YC, Hung CL, Yang YC, Yang CC, Jeng MJ. Naja atra venom-spit ophthalmia in Taiwan: An epidemiological survey from 1990 to 2016. J Chin Med Assoc 2020;83(1):77-83. (SCI) *co-correspondent
32 Chiou BL, Ho CC, Yang CC. Hematologic adverse drug reactions (ADRs) leading to hospitalization among cancer patients: A retrospective case-control Study. J Chin Med Assoc 2020;83(8):784-790. (SCI) *correspondent
33 Fan YP, Wu CT, Lin JL, Hsiung CA, Liu HY, Lai JN, Yang CC. Metformin treatment is associated with a decreased risk of non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a population-based cohort study. J Diabetes Res 2020;Article ID 9161039. (SCI) *co-correspondent
34 Huang CJ, Tseng CL, Chen HS, Hwu CM, Tang KT, Won JGS, Shih CW, Yeh CC, Yang CC, Wang FF. Iodine nutritional status of pregnant women in an urban area of northern Taiwan in 2018. PLoS One 2020;15(5):e0233162. (SCI) *co-correspondent
35 陳怡君、吳欣謙、楊振昌、陳聲平。 探討台灣北部某地區不同行業別工作者代謝症候群之發生率及其危險因子。 中華職業醫學雜誌 2020;27(3):177-184.
36 Liang CK, Chuang HY, Hsiao FY, Liu TY, Yang CC, Chen LK. Prognostic impact of delirium in older people with/without dementia: a retrospective cohort study in Taiwan. J Nutr Health Aging 2020;24(9):951-958.(SCI) *co-correspondent
37 Lin KH, Yang CC, Hwu CM. Hypertension in children and adolescents. Taiwan J Fam Med (台灣家庭醫學雜誌) 2020;30:130-140.
38 Chen PY, Chen CW, Su YJ, Chang WH, Kao WF, Yang CC, Wang IJ. Associations between levels of oxidative stress of 8-OHdG and risk of atopic diseases in children. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020;17:8207. (SCI)
39 Huang CK, Hall A, Wu ML, Yang CC, Hung DZ, Mao YC, Deng JF. Presentations of tetramethylammonium hydroxide dermal exposure and the valuable potential of Diphoterine solution in decontamination: a retrospective observational study. BMC Pharmcol Toxicol 2020;21:83. (SCI)
40 Lin KH, Yen FS, Li HL, Wei JCC, Hsu CC, Yang CC, Hwu CM. Urate-lowering therapy exerts protective effects against hypertension development in patients with gout. J Hum Hypertension 2021;35(4).351-359. (SCI) *co-correspondent
41 Mao YC, Liu PY, Chiang LC, Lee CH, Lai CS, Lai KL, Lin WL, Su HY, Ho CH, Doan UV, Maharani T, Yang YY, Yang CC. Clinical manifestations and treatments of Protobothrops mucrosquamatus bite and associated factors for wound necrosis and subsequent debridement and finger or toe amputation surgery. Clin Toxicol 2021;59(1):28-37.(SCI) *correspondent
42 Huang CJ, Cheng CP, Lee LH, Chen HS, Hwu CM, Tang KT, Shih CW, Yeh CC, Yang CC, Wang FF. Iodine nutritional status of lactating women in northern Taiwan in 2019. J Chin Med Assoc 2021;84(4):400-404. (SCI) *co-correspondent
43 Liang CK, Chu CS, Hsu YH, Chou MY, Wang YC, Lin YT, Renn JH, Liu TY, Yang CC. Effects of modified version of the Hospital Elder Life Program on post-discharge cognitive function and activities of daily living among older adults undergoing total knee arthroplasty. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2021;93:104284. (SCI) *correspondent
44 Yen FS, Wei CC, Chang CL, Yang CC, Hsu CC, Hwu CM. Urate-lowering therapy and chronic kidney disease development in patients with gout. Int J Med Sci 2021;18(12):2599-2606. (SCI)
45 Lin KH, Yen FS, Chern HS, Hwu CM, Yang CC. Serum uric acid and blood pressure among adolescents: data from the Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT) 2010-2011. Blood Pressure 2021;30(2):118-125. (SCI) *co-correspondent
46 Ho CC, Wen PC, Yu WC, Hu YW, Yang CC. Pre-existing chronic kidney disease and hypertension increased the risk of cardiotoxicity among colorectal cancer patients treated with anti-cancer drugs. J Chin Med Assoc 2021;84(9):877-884. (SCI) *correspondent
47 Liao SC, Shao SC, Yang KJ, Yang CC. Real-world effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for delayed neuropsychiatric sequelae after carbon monoxide poisoning. Sci Rep 2021;11:19212 (SCI) *correspondent
48 Wang CH, Shao SC, Yang CC, Liao SC. Quantifying the effects of climate factors on carbon monoxide poisoning: A Retrospective Study in Taiwan. Front Pub Health 2021;9:718846. (SCI)
49 Yang CC, Deng JF. The National Poison Center of Taiwan. Japanese Journal of Clinical Toxicology 2021;34(4):260-267.
50 Ou HC, Deng JF, Yang CC, Lin CS, Mao YC, Tsai SH, Ho CH. A successful experience using labetalol and hemodialysis to treat near-fatal caffeine poisoning: a case report with toxicodynamics. Am J Emerg Med 2022;55:224.e1-224.e4. (SCI)
51 Lin CC, Wen TI, Ng CJ, Shih CP, Hsu J, Liao YC, Yang CC, Fang CC and TEDAS Research Group. Emergency department visits due to new psychoactive substances and other illicit drugs in Taiwan: preliminary results of the Taiwan Emergency Department Drug Abuse Surveillance (TEDAS) project. Clin Toxicol 2022;60(6):708-715.(SCI) *co-correspondent
52 Pannoi T, Promchai C, Apiromruck P, Wongpraphairot S, Yang CC, Pan WC. Estimates of chronic kidney diseases associated with proton-pump inhibitors using a retrospective hospital-based cohort in Thailand. Int J Nephrol Renovasc Dis 2022;15:371-381. (SCI)
53 Huang CJ, Lee LH, Cheng CP, Chen HS, Hwu CM, Tang KT, Shih CW, Yeh CC, Wang FF, Yang CC. Analytical validation of an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry method for urinary iodine concentration measurements in Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc 2023;122:757-765. (SCI) *co-correspondent
54 Nguyen TN, Jeng MJ, Chen NY, Yang CC. Outcomes of wasp and bee stings in Taiwan. Clin Toxicol 2023;61(3):181-185. (SCI) *co-correspondent
55 Huang CJ, Lee LH, Cheng CP, Yao SF, Chen HS, Hsion CM, Tang KT, Wang FF, Shih CW, Yang CC, Huang WS. Measurements of elemental iodine in soy sauces in Taiwan using a modified microplate method. Front Endocrinol 2023;14:1058695. (SCI) *co-correspondent
56 Hsu JY, Chiang SO, Yang CC, Hsieh TW, Deng JF, Hung DZ, Mao YC. Nationwide and long-term epidemiological research of snakebite envenomation in Taiwan during 2002–2014 based on the use of snake antivenoms: a study utilizing National Health Insurance Database. PLoS Negl Trop Dis Published online June 8, 2023. (SCI)
57 Huang CJ, Li JZ, Hwu CM, Chen HS, Wang FF, Yeh CC, Yang CC. Iodine concentration in the breast milk and urine as biomarkers of iodine nutritional status of lactating women and breastfed infants in Taiwan. Nutrients 2023;15(19):4125. (SCI) *co-correspondent
58 McCulloch KJ, Chen Y, Gau JP, Yang CC, Isoradi KZ. An attempted homicidal poisoning with bromadiolone. Clin Toxicol 2023;61(12):1059-1060.(SCI)
59 Hsieh CY, Hsu JY, Yang CC. Predictive factors for severe outcome in substance abuse-related emergency visits: A 5-year retrospective analysis at a medical center in Taiwan. J Chin Med Assoc 2024;87(1):40-47. (SCI) *correspondent
60 Huang CJ, Li JZ, Hwu CM, Chen HS, Yeh CC, Wang FF, Yang CC. Determination of the elemental iodine in human breast milk by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Biol Trace Elem Res 2024 Apr;202(4):1517-1523. (ePub Ahead of Print on July 28, 2023) (SCI) *co-correspondent
61 Chen C, Yeh YK, Yan SY, Yang CC, Hwu CM. Analysis of the prescription patterns for drugs used in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome and the distribution of comorbidities among patients in Taiwan. (accepted for publication) Formos J Endocrinol Metab. 2024;.
62 Pannoi T, Promchai C, Apiromruck P, Wongpraphairot S, Dong YH, Yang CC, Pan WC. Risk of circulatory diseases associated with proton-pump inhibitors: A retrospective cohort study using electronic medical records in Thailand. PeerJ 2024;12:e16892. (SCI)
63 Hsu JY, Chiang SO, Yang CC, Mao YC. A nationwide study on complications and healthcare costs of snakebite envenomation in Taiwan. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2024;111(1):205-215. (SCI)
64 Fang YP, Lai TH, Lai JN, Yang CC. Impacts of medication adherence and home healthcare on the associations between polypharmacy and the risk of severe hypoglycemia among elderly diabetic patients in Taiwan from 2002 to 2012: A nationwide case-crossover study. Geriatr Nurs 2024;58:8-14. (SCI) *co-correspondent
65 Su GY, Yeh CC, Yang SJ, Yang CC, Hwu CM, Chen HS, Wang FF, Huang CJ. Assessment of iodine nutritional status and gestational thyroid function reference ranges during the first trimester of pregnancy in Taiwan. J Chin Med Assoc 2024;87(6):590-596. (SCI)
66 林哲平、徐雅媛、楊振昌、曹又中。 嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎COVID-19染疫者重返職場身心健康測量與分析。 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊(已接受)。




項目 作者 文章主題 期刊
1 陳怡君、楊振昌 職業性鎘暴露個案。 中華民國環境職業醫學會會訊,民國106年5月。
2 許仁毓、黃百粲、楊振昌 疑似職業性正溴丙烷暴露個案。 中華民國環境職業醫學會會訊,民國107年3月。
3 楊振昌 參加2018年歐洲毒物中心及臨床毒物學家大會心得(上)。 臺北榮總學訊第269期、電子報第57期,民國109年2月。
4 楊振昌 參加2018年歐洲毒物中心及臨床毒物學家大會心得(下)。 臺北榮總學訊第270期、電子報第58期,民國109年3月。
5 楊振昌 致癌食物真有那麽嚴重嗎? 從2A級致癌物-縮水甘油談起。 愛Care:台灣癌症基金會會訊 2020;82:6-9.
6 施屏、陳雅琪、陳啟信、楊振昌 亞硝酸鹽與變性血紅素血症。 中華民國環境職業醫學會會訊,民國109年5月。
7 唐壹恬、楊振昌 新興產業人造石造成的矽肺症。 臨床醫學 2020;86(6):736-739.
8 張嘉文、楊振昌 曼陀羅屬及木曼陀羅屬植物中毒概論。 臨床醫學 2021;87(1):24-30.
9 施屏、楊振昌 變性血紅素血症。 臨床醫學 2021;87(1):31-37.
10 王培諭、楊振昌、林純吉。 乙醯胺酚中毒的臨床表現以及解毒劑使用。 臨床醫學 2021;87(1):38-45.
11 楊振昌 淺談鉛中毒及如何防範中毒。 癌症新探 2021;97:51-55。
12 李凱如、楊振昌 抗病毒藥物Acyclovir藥物不良反應之簡介。 臨床醫學 2022;89(2):109-112.
13 楊振昌 淺談鉛中毒及如何防範中毒。 癌症新探 2021;97:51-55。
14 楊振昌 推動職場勞工健康服務。 桃園市勞動季刊21期,2022年夏季號。
15 楊智皓、楊振昌 固殺草中毒概論。 臨床醫學 2022;90(2):564-567.
16 聞遠志、楊振昌 簡介硫化氫中毒。 臨床醫學 2023;91(6):358-364.
17 李凱如、楊振昌。 我們與毒化災的距離-從2023年美國俄亥俄州火車翻覆事件談毒化災緊急應變機制。 臨床醫學 2023;92(1):433-437.
18 林譽家、楊振昌 隧道工程異常氣壓作業相關健康危害探討。 臨床醫學 2023;92(1):438-443.
19 李凱如、吳明玲、楊振昌 巴比妥酸鹽中毒。 臨床醫學 2023;92(1):428-432.
20 廖修誼、楊振昌 鋰鹽中毒之診斷及治療。 臨床醫學 2024;94:.(已接受)




1. 楊振昌等人編譯:臨床研究設計,第四版;九州圖書,民國105年7月。(ISBN 978-986-89835-7-1)

2. Yang CC: Tetrodotoxin. In: Brent J et al. eds: Critical Care Toxicology, 2nd ed, Chapter 39-1, pp2085-2099. Springer, Cham, January 2017. (ISBN 978-3-319-17901-8)

3. 楊振昌:從臨床毒物角度深層解析食安事件。 In:陳美蓮、陳誌雄、倪貴榮、呂理德編著:「吃的抉擇-台灣聯大的九堂通識課」。 國立交通大學出版社,民國106年7月。(ISBN 978-986-6301-99-5)

4. Mao YC, Liu PY, Chiang LC, Yang CC. Bacteriology of Naja atra snakebite wound and its implications for antibiotic therapy. In: Shiffman MA, Low M, ed. Recent Clinical Techniques, Results, and Research in Wounds. Springer, Cham, June 2019 (Online May 23, 2018). (ISBN 978-3030106850)

5. Wang JD, Cheng TJ, Yang CC: Taiwan. In: Wexler P, et al. eds: Information Resources in Toxicology: Volume 2: The Global Arena. Chapter 39, pp 545-556. Academic Press, May 2020. (ISBN 978-0-128-21611-8)

6. Yang CC, Deng JF. Taiwan. In: Woolf A, eds. History of Modern Clinical Toxicology - History of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Chapter 6.3. Elsevier Science, October 2021. ISBN: 9780128222195.

7. Woolf A, Deng JF, Yang CC. Clinical Toxicology and Poison Control in Asia and Australia. In: Woolf A, eds. History of Modern Clinical Toxicology - History of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Session 6. Elsevier Science, October 2021. ISBN: 9780128222195.




  1. 劉傳名、陳瑞發、周瑞淑、洪敬宜、楊振昌、陳建彰:用來針對一勞工的疲勞狀況進行預警的系統(中華民國專利新型第M606154號)。




1. Wang T, Wu ML, Ger J, Tsai WJ, Deng JF, Yang CC. Acute human toxicity of emamectin. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2015;53(4):329. (XXXV International Congress of the European Association of Poison Centres and Clinical Toxicologists)

2. Yang CC. Acute/Chronic Poisoning Outbreaks - Role of the Toxicologists. Society for Emergency Medicine in Singapore, Annual Scientific Meeting 2015, January 24-25, 2015, Singapore.

3. Yang CC. Toxicological Analysis in ED for Poisoned Patients. Society for Emergency Medicine in Singapore, Annual Scientific Meeting 2015, January 24-25, 2015, Singapore.

4. Yang CC. The impacts of low-dose-rate radiation exposure on health-related quality of life and mental health: Experience from the Taiwan Radiation Contaminated Building (RCB) cohort. 7th International Congress of ASIATOX, June 23-26, 2015. Jeju, Korea.

5. Yang CC. New Psychoactive Substances in Asia: Clinical and Epidemiologic Perspectives. 7th International Congress of ASIATOX, June 23-26, 2015. Jeju, Korea.

6. Yang CC. Adulteration of Chinese herbal medicine by pharmaceuticals in Taiwan. 2015 North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology, San Francisco, CA, USA.

7. 楊振昌:農藥與食品安全。臺灣醫學會年會,台北國際會議中心,2015。

8. Chen HL, Yang CC*. Epidemiology of herb-induced liver injury in Taiwan: a poison center-based study.  2016 North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology, Boston, MA, USA. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2016;54(8):677.

9. Yang CC. Herbs-related anticholinergic toxicity in Taiwan: An analysis of poisoning cases reported to a poison center. 2016 North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology, Boston, MA, USA.

10. Yang CC. Pattern and trend of pharmaceutical adulteration of Chinese herbs and dietary supplements in Taiwan: Roles of the Taiwan FDA. XIV International Congress of Toxicology, Merida, Mexico. Toxicol Lett 2016;259S:S57.

11. Hsieh CY, Wang TH, Chu WL, Tsai WJ, Yang CC, Deng JF. Occupational dimethylacetamide (DMA) exposure related hepatic failure: The importance of late measurement of urinary concentration of DMA and its metabolite monomethylacetamide (MMA). XIV International Congress of Toxicology, Merida, Mexico. Toxicol Lett 2016;259S:S211.

12. Liu YC, Yu KP, Huang YF, Yang CC. Potential cardiovascular toxicities of heavy metal and particulate matter exposure among naval shipyard workers. XIV International Congress of Toxicology, Merida, Mexico. Toxicol Lett 2016;259S:S212.

13. Yang CC, Phua DH, Wu ML. Cardioactive steroids related poisoning in Taiwan. 15th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology International Scientific Congress, Singapore.

14. Wang TH, Tsai WJ, Wu ML, Deng JF, Yang CC. Analysis of hydrogen sulfide poisoning from 1986 to 2015 in Taiwan: a clinical poison center data-based research. 15th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology International Scientific Congress, Singapore.

15. Wu ML, Yang CC. Mushroom poisoning- The Taiwan experience. 15th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology International Scientific Congress, Singapore.

16. Lin CC, Yang CC. Delayed and fatal toxicity of chlorfenapyr. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2017;55(5):372. (XXXVII International Congress of the European Association of Poison Centres and Clinical Toxicologists)

17. Wu ML, Deng JF, Yang CC. Mercury vapor poisoning associated with home gilding. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2017;55(5):395. (XXXVII International Congress of the European Association of Poison Centres and Clinical Toxicologists)

18. Lin MS, Lin CC, Yang CC. Myocardial injury and coma were associated with both persistent and delayed neurological sequelae of acute carbon monoxide poisoning in Taiwan. Toxicol (Phila) 2017;55(7):853. (2017 North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology [NACCT] abstracts)

19. Ciou WJ, Ho CC, Yang CC. Poor renal function was associated with a higher risk of cardiotoxicity following anti-cancer therapy among female patients with early breast cancer. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2018;56(S1): (XXXVIII International Congress of the European Association of Poison Centres and Clinical Toxicologists)

20. Yang CC. Updates on the management of tetrodotoxin poisoning. 8th International Congress of ASIATOX, June 17-20, 2018. Pattaya, Thailand.

21. Wu YH, Hsieh CS, WL Chu, Wang TH, Wu ML, Yang CC, Deng JF. The research of analytic system development for studies of human carcinogen. 8th International Congress of ASIATOX, June 17-20, 2018. Pattaya, Thailand.

22. Yang CC. Highly toxic herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine: part I. XXXIX International Congress of the European Association of Poison Centres and Clinical Toxicologists, May 21-24, 2019. Naples, Italy.

23. Yang CC. The role of clinical toxicologists in the management of homicide/attempted homicide cases: experience of the Taiwan National Poison Control Center. The Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine 2019;73(1):49-51. (103rd Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine, Sendai, Japan) 

24. Liao SC, Mao YC, Hung YM, Lee CH, Yang CC. Predictive role of QTc prolongation in carbon monoxide poisoning-related delayed neuropsychiatric sequelae. 17th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology International Scientific Congress, Bali, Indonesia, November 16-18, 2018. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2019;57(12):1169.

25. Chen HL, Wong WL, Wu ML, Deng JF, Hung YH, Yang CC. Digoxin Immune Fab treatment of cardioactive steroid poisoning in Taiwan: analysis of the data reported to the National Poison Control Center. 17th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology International Scientific Congress, Bali, Indonesia, November 16-18, 2018. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2019;57(12):1178.

26. Wen PC, Ciou WJ, Ho CC, Yang CC. The risk of anti-cancer drugs related cardiotoxicities in colorectal cancer patients following different anti-cancer drug treatments. 17th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology International Scientific Congress, Bali, Indonesia, November 16-18, 2018. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2019;57(12):1182.

27. Yen PY, Lin KP, Yang CC. A case of Fuzi herbal poisoning presenting with paraplegia. 17th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology International Scientific Congress, Bali, Indonesia, November 16-18, 2018. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2019;57(12):1199.

28. Hsu JY, Wu ML, Yang CC. Aloe vera juice-related photodermatitis: the importance of avoiding sun exposure after applying Aloe vera. 17th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology International Scientific Congress, Bali, Indonesia, November 16-18, 2018. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2019;57(12):1207.

29. 楊振昌:中草藥與慢性腎病變:好處與壞處。2019年海峽兩岸暨港澳青年科學家毒理學學術交流會,2019年9月16-17日;中國山西省太原市。

30. Ma PY, Yang CC, Chou YC, Chen HL, Deng JF, Chang YL. Valproic acid poisoning in Taiwan: a poison center-based study. 18th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology International Scientific Congress, Purajaya, Malaysia, November 4-7, 2019. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2020;58(4):336-337.

31. Wen PC, Ciou WJ, Ho CC, Yang CC. The risk of anti-cancer related cardiotoxicities in colorectal cancer patients following different anti-cancer drug treatments. 18th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology International Scientific Congress, Purajaya, Malaysia, November 4-7, 2019. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2020;58(4):337-338.

32. Wen PC, Liao SC, Yang CC. A study of the long-term outcomes of patients with carbon monoxide poisoning in Taiwan. 18th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology International Scientific Congress, Purajaya, Malaysia, November 4-7, 2019. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2020;58(4):339.

33. Wang TW, Yang CC. Preliminary results of a multi-center clinical assessment of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits for the rapid diagnosis of new psychoactive substance abuse in Taiwan. 18th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology International Scientific Congress, Purajaya, Malaysia, November 4-7, 2019. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2020;58(4):350.

34. Chen TY, Yang CC, Wu ML. Bilateral globus pallidus necrosis and delayed neurologic sequelae following acute n-ethylpentylone poisoning. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2020;58:575. (IVX International Congress of the European Association of Poison Centres and Clinical Toxicologists)

35. Yang CC, Wu HC. A study of the incidence rate and risk factors of metabolic syndrome among workers of different job categories in Taiwan. 27th International Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH), New Zealand. (April 30-May 2, 2019). Occup Environ Med 2109;76(Suppl 1):A86-A87.

36. 張家瑗、楊振昌、陳威宇、李昱聲、曹珮真、鄭玫枝。A ten-year review of pediatric poisoning exposures in Taiwan. 台灣兒童急診醫學會年會,2020年12月13日,中國醫藥大學兒童醫院。

37. 許仁毓、毛彥喬、楊振昌。運用健保資料庫研究2002-2014年台灣蛇傷流行病學。2021 職業衛生暨職業醫學國際學術研討會,2021年4月23日至4月25日,台北醫學大學。

38. 林純吉、劉鴻文、楊振昌。職業暴露非選擇性除草劑中毒。2021職業衛生暨職業醫學國際學術研討會,2021年4月23日至4月25日,台北醫學大學。

39. Chen HL, Deng JF, Wu ML, Yang CC. National Antidote Network in Taiwan, 2001-2020. March 10-13, 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting & Symposium of American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT).

40. Shiah M, Chen HL, Yang CC. Olanzapine poisoning in Taiwan: a poison center-based study. September 16-18, 2022. San Francisco, CA, USA.

41. Tseng HJ, Yang CC. Detergent and disinfectant related poisonings before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology International Scientific Congress (Virtual Meeting), November 17-18, 2022.

42. Mohan J, Chen NY, Chen HL, Deng JF, Yang CC. Quetiapine poisoning in Taiwan: A poison center-based study. Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology International Scientific Congress (Virtual Meeting), November 17-18, 2022.

43. Lee KJ, Yang CC. Salvia divinorum abuse among teenagers and young adults: an emerging phenomenon in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology International Scientific Congress (Virtual Meeting), November 17-18, 2022.

44. NY Chen, Deng JF, Yang CC. Acute tolfenpyrad poisoning reported to Taiwan National Poison Center: a case series. Clin Toxicol 2023;61(Sup1):44. (IVXIII International Congress of the European Association of Poison Centres and Clinical Toxicologists)

45. Yang CC. Patterns and trends of drug abuse related poisonings in Taiwan. The 10th International Congress of Asian Society of Toxicology (ASIATOX-X), Taipei, Taiwan, July 17-20, 2023.
