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About Us

The Taipei Veterans General Hospital Cardiovascular Surgery Department is located in the Shih-Yuan Building of Taipei Veterans General Hospital. The physicians' offices and administrative units are concentrated on the second floor of the Shih-Yuan Building. The operating room is located on the third floor of the Shih-Yuan Building. The adult cardiac surgery intensive care unit is located on the third and tenth floors of the Shih-Yuan Building. The pediatric cardiac surgery intensive care unit is located within the pediatric intensive care unit on the ninth floor of the Chung Building. The general wards are concentrated on the  tenth, eleventh floors of the Shih-Yuan Building and the ninth floor of the Chung-Cheng Building (pediatric ward). The vascular function examination room is located on the second floor of the Shih-Yuan Building. The clinical and basic research laboratories are located in the Shih-Yuan Building Experimental Surgery Department, the Zhide Building Research Center, and the Yangming University Research Center.

The department's services include outpatient, emergency, hospitalization, and consultation for all cardiovascular diseases. The treated diseases include various valvular heart diseases, coronary artery disease, congenital heart disease, end-stage heart failure, large vascular diseases in all parts of the body (such as aneurysms), various types of peripheral vascular diseases, and arteriovenous fistula surgeries for renal failure patients to facilitate hemodialysis.

