日期 | 報告者 | 分享主題 | 參考文獻 |
108/1/14 | 姜保如 | 營養於認知障礙預防之角色 | 1.Scarmeas N, Anastasiou CA and Yannakoulia M. Nutrition and prevention of cognitive impairment. 2018; 17(11): 1006-1015 2.Pistollato F, Iglesias RC, Ruiz R, Aparicio S, Crespo J, Lopez LD, Manna PP, Giampieri F and Battino M. Nutritional patterns associated with the maintenance of neurocognitive functions and the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease: A focus on human studies. Pharmacological Research 2018(131): 32–43 |
108/1/28 | 王郁雯 | 非洲豬瘟現況及因應措施 | 1. 1.行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局http://asf.baphiq.gov.tw/view.php?catid=18293 2. 2.行政院環境保護署https://www.epa.gov.tw/afcp/B669F0AEA9F61298 |
108/2/18 | 黃丹妮 | 巨量營養素之組成及食物型態對餐後賀爾蒙變化及食慾的影響 | 1. Shafaeizadeh S, Muhardi L, Henry CJ, van de Heijning BJM, van der Beek EM. Macronutrient Composition and Food Form Affect Glucose and Insulin Responses in Humans. Nutrients. 2018 Feb 8;10(2):188. 2. Noel CA, Finlayson G, Dando R. Prolonged Exposure to Monosodium Glutamate in Healthy Young Adults Decreases Perceived Umami Taste and Diminishes Appetite for Savory Foods. J Nutr. 2018 Jun 1;148(6):980-988. 3. Ackroff K, Sclafani A. Flavor Preferences Conditioned by Dietary Glutamate. Adv Nutr. 2016 Jul 15;7(4):845S-52S. doi: 10.3945/an.116.012153. |
108/3/11 | 王倩雯 | 老人睡前補充蛋白質對於肌纖維蛋白合成之影響 | 1. Holwerda AM, Kouw IW, Trommelen J, Halson SL, Wodzig WK, Verdijk LB, van LoonLJ.Physical activity performed in the evening increases the overnight muscle protein synthetic response to presleep protein ingestion in older men J Nutr(2016) 146:1307-14. 2. Kouw IW, Holwerda AM, Trommelen J, Kramer IF, Bastiaanse J, Halson SL, Wodzig WK, Verdijk LB, Van Loon LJ. Protein ingestion before sleep increases overnight muscle protein synthesis rates in healthy older men: a randomized controlled trial. J Nutr (2017) 147:2252-61. |
108/3/18 | 曾芬玲 | 探討病人膳食成本、售價及成本控管 | 1.L. Neriz, A. Núñez, F. Ramis, A cost management model for hospital food and nutrition in a public hospital. BMC Health Services Research. 2014, 14:542 2.Mary B. Gregoire, 2013. Foodservice Organizations: a managerial and systems approach. 8th ed. Person Education, Inc. 3.蘇恆安,1996,《團體膳食管理》,台北:華杏。. 4.劉順仁,2009,<管理會計之成本分析>,《經理人月刊》56期 |
108/4/8 | 陳仙恩 | 促進民間參與公共建設法應用於本院生活廣場整建營運移轉案之介紹 | 1. 財政部推動促參司編著(2018)・促進民間參與公共建設法令彙編(107年版)・臺北市:財政部。 |
108/4/29 | 朱佩玲 | 住院病患膳食滿意度與盤餘的關聯性 | 1.Aminuddin N, Vijayakumaran R, Razak S. Patient Satisfaction With Hospital Foodservice and its Impact on Plate Waste in Public Hospitals in East Malaysia. Hospital Practices and Research. Vol 3, Issue 3, 2018, Page 90-97. 2.Williams P, Walton K. Plate waste in hospitals and strategies for change. e-SPEN Eur E J Clin Nutr& Meta.2011,Page235-241. |
108/5/13 | 楊筑穎 | 分裝之酒精乾洗手液效期與殺菌效果之探討 | 參考文獻 1.詹明錦、邱勝康、張靜美、王甯祺、張峰義。2012。酒精乾洗手液分裝效期與細菌殺菌效果探討。感染控制雜誌,22,105-114頁。 2.江幸恬、楊斯茜、陳啟清。2009。分裝之酒精性洗手液與殺菌力之關係。台灣醫檢會報,24,39-46頁。 |
108/5/27 | 姜保如 | 國內外高齡飲食質地製備分級概述 | 1.Watanabe E, Yamagata Y, Fujitani J, Fujishima I, Takahashi K, Uyama R, Ogoshi H, Kojo A, Maeda H, Ueda K. The Criteria of Thickened Liquid for Dysphagia Management in Japan. Dysphagia 2018; 33:26–32 2.Cichero JA, Lam P, Steele CM, Hanson B, Chen J, Dantas RO, Duivestein J, Kayashita J, Lecko C, Murray J, Pillay M, Riquelme L, Stanschus S. Development of international terminology and definitions for texture-modified foods and thickened fluids used in dysphagia management: the IDDSI framework. Dysphagia 2017; 32:293-314. 3.黃萾芬、張惠萍(2017)吞嚥困難飲食的發展及國際間差異的比較. 臺灣膳食營養學雜誌9(2) |
108/6/10 | 黃丹妮 | 醫院隔離餐具使用原則 | 1.陸坤泰(2008)。結核病診治指引。行政院衛生署疾病管制局(防疫學苑系列 009)。 2.疾病管制署:醫療(事)機構隔離措施建議-接觸防護措施(2013, Jul 23) 3.疾病管制署:諾羅病毒(Norovirus)感染控制措施指引(2013, Jul 23) 4.童郁琇等。不動桿菌屬感染之流行病學、抗藥性及治療。內科學誌2015:26:336-343 |
108/7/8 | 曾芬玲 | 鉑金類化療藥物與低血鎂 | 1.Kumar G, Solanki MH, Xue X, Mintz R, Madankumar S, Chatterjee PK, Metz CN. Magnesium improves cisplatin-mediated tumor killing while protecting against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2017, 1;313(2):F339-F350. 2.Oronsky B, Caroen S, Oronsky A, Dobalian VE, Oronsky N, Lybeck M, Reid TR, Carter CA Electrolyte disorders with platinum-based chemotherapy: mechanisms, manifestations and management. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2017;80(5):895-907. |
108/7/22 | 陳仙恩 | 機關辦理促參案件缺失態樣分享 | 1.財政部推動促參司編著(2018)・促進民間參與公共建設法令彙編(107年版)・臺北市:財政部。 2.台灣高鐵,維基百科。https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/台灣高鐵(Jul.24, 2019) |
108/8/12 | 朱佩玲 | 探討內部溝通對員工敬業度的影響 | 1.Karanges E, Johnston K, Beatson A, Lings I. The influence of internal communication on employee engagement: A pilot study. Public Relations Review 41 2015 ,p129–131 2.Friedl J, Tkalac A. Media preferences of digital natives’ internal communication: A pilot study. Public Relations Review 37 2011 ,p84–86 |
108/8/26 | 楊筑穎 | 油炸對油脂品質之影響 | Nancy Idun-Acquah1 , George Y. Obeng2,* , Ebenezer Mensah. Repetitive Use of Vegetable Cooking Oil and Effects on Physico-Chemical Properties – Case of Frying with Redfish (Lutjanus fulgens) Science and Technology 2016, 6(1): 8-14 |
108/9/9 | 王郁雯 | 醫院廚餘減量 | 1.Dias-Ferreira, C., Santos, T., Oliveira, V., 2015. Hospital food waste and environmental and economic indicators–A Portuguese case study. Waste Management 46, 146-154. 2.Williams, P. and Walton, K., 2011. Plate waste in hospitals and strategies for change. e-SPEN 6, e235-e241. |
108/10/14 | 黃丹妮 | 健康成年男性及女性的肉類攝取在TMAO的代謝和腎臟排出的影響 | 1.Wang Z, Bergeron N, Levison BS, Li XS, Chiu S, Jia X, et al. Impact of chronic dietary red meat, white meat, or non-meat protein on trimethylamine N-oxide metabolism and renal excretion in healthy men and women. Eur Heart J. 2019 Feb 14;40(7):583-594. 2.Yip CSC, Lam W, Fielding R. A summary of meat intakes and health burdens. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2018 Jan;72(1):18-29. |
108/10/28 | 蘇意婷 | 醫院營養部門及菜單成本分析方法 | 1.Liliana Neriz, Alicia Núñez and Francisco Ramis. A cost management model for hospital food and nutrition in a public hospital. BMC Health Services Research 2014, 14:542. 2.Reham Alaini, Roslee Rajikan and Siti Masitah Elias. Diet optimization using linear programming to develop low cost cancer prevention food plan for selected adults in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. BMC Public Health 2019, 19(Suppl 4):546. |
108/11/11 | 董萃英 | 醫院飲食與微量元素 | 1.Moreira DC, de Sá JS, Cerqueira IB, Oliveira AP, Morgano MA, Quintaes KD. Evaluation of iron, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium in oral hospital diets. Clin Nutr. 2014;33(5):808-14. 2.Ahmadipour F, Mahjoub S, Pouramir M, Siahposht A, Afshar Naderi A, Absalan A. Determining Serum Zinc and Magnesium Levels in Hemodialysis Patients Could be Helpful for Clinicians. Ind J Clin Biochem 2017; 32(4):464–467. 3.Tsui-Yin Tung, Leh Chii Chwang, Wu Chang Yang, Chueh-Lien Yang, Guoo-Shyng Wang Hsu. Trace Element (Zn, Cu, Se) Status and Nutrition-Related Parameters in Hemodialysis Patients. Acta Nephrologica 2015; 29(1):12-18. |
108/11/25 | 曾芬玲 | 仙人掌桿菌食物中毒之探討 | 1.C. E. Thirkell, T. S. Sloan-Gardner, M. C. Kaczmarek and B. G. Polkinghorne. An outbreak of Bacillus cereus toxin-mediated emetic and diarrhoeal syndromes at a restaurant in Canberra, Australia 2018 Commun Dis Intell , 2019;43 2.陳學儒、陳婉青、陳珮甄、吳芳姿、魏孝倫、葉民煉、林詩菱、陳依婷,2016年11月新北市校園食品中毒群聚事件,疫情報導,2017年12月19日‧第33卷‧第24期‧第469頁 3.餐飲業食材危害分析參考手冊,衛福部主辦,食品工業研究所協辦,104年12月 4.谷鴻喜、陳錦英,醫學微生物學,合計圖書出版社,2007年8月10日‧第1版‧第229頁 |
108/12/9 | 陳仙恩 | 都市汙水中油脂特性與油脂截留器設置 | 1. 許振峰、翁煥廷(2009)・探討都市污水中油脂特性及油脂截留器設置問題。 2. 台灣水環境再生協會(102年10月)・污水下水道納管水質之油脂標準委外研究・臺北市政府工務局衛生下水道工程處。 3. 油脂截留器使用維護及設計說明,臺北市政府工務局衛生下水道工程處。https://www-ws.gov.taipei/Download.ashx?u=LzAwMS9VcGxvYWQvcHVibGljL0F0dGFjaG1lbnQvNTQxNjEzNTU0NTYzLnBkZg%3D%3D&n=NTQxNjEzNTU0NTYzLnBkZg%3D%3D |
108/12/23 | 朱佩玲 | 認識勞動事件法 | 1.勞動事件法,民國107年12月5日公布,自109年1月1日施行 2.陳絲倩、鄭忻忻 勞動事件法通過,企業不可不知的三大重點,5月1日, 2019 http://www.winklerpartners.com/?p=9682&lang=zh-hant 3.勞動訴訟新制 企業五個注意,2019-05-07經濟日報https://money.udn.com/money/story/6710/3799428 |