112 年膳食管理相關新知
日期 |
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題目 |
參考文獻 |
2023/3/27 |
蔡亦雯 |
探討透過不同食物製備方式提升質地調整飲食接受度 |
1. Razalli, N. H.; Cheah, C. F.; Mohammad, N. M A.; Manaf, Z. A. Plate waste study among hospitalised patients receiving texture-modified diet. Nutr Res Pract. 2021, 15(5): 655-671. |
2023/4/17 |
宋品昕 |
傳統素肉與替代性肉品的發展與應用 |
蔡書憲, 簡全基, 李士畦等. (2021). 淨零碳排趨勢帶動之替代性肉品的產業發展、研究進展及未來挑戰. 長庚科技學刊, 34, 1–15. Kyriakopoulou K, Keppler JK, van der Goot AJ. Functionality of Ingredients and Additives in Plant-Based Meat Analogues. Foods. 2021;10:600. |
2023/5/15 |
周秋燕 |
開發質地改良飲食對咀嚼或吞嚥困難老年人用餐體驗與相關因素分析 |
M. Gallego, J.M. Barat, R. Grau, et al. (2022). Compositional, structural design and nutritional aspects of texture-modified foods for the elderly. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 119, 152-163. R. Smith, L. Bryant, C. Reddacliff, , et al. (2022). A review of the impact of food design on the mealtimes of people with swallowing disability who require texture-modified food. IJFD, 7(1): 7-28. |
2023/5/29 |
曾芬玲 |
探討自動化服務在餐飲業的應用 |
Saori Shibata, Resolving Labour Shortage? The Digital Transformation of Working Practices in the Japanese Service Sector. LeidenAsiaCentre, July 2019.[Online]. Omise Lab (2017) ‘YoshinoyaxClipLine no Jirei kara Himotoku, IT jidai no Insyoku Gyoukai [Examine from a case of YoshinoyaxClipLine: Food service industry in the era of IT]’, 28 February 2017. |
2023/6/27 | 王郁雯 | 餐飲服務人員人格特質與服務態度之研究 |
蕭淑藝(2022)。餐飲服務人員人格特質與服務態度之研究。東亞論壇季刊,515期,41-46。 蕭淑藝(2022)。餐飲服務人員服務態度之研究-以國際觀光旅館為例。東亞論壇季刊,492期,17-28。 |
2023/7/31 | 姜保如 | 探討如何降低醫院病人餐食盤餘策略 | Manimaran, S.; Razalli, N.H.; Abdul Manaf, Z. et al.,(2023) Strategies to Reduce the Rate of PlateWaste in Hospitalized Patients: A Scoping Review. Nutrients(15)301. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu15020301
Razalli NH, Cheah CF, Mohammad NMA, et al.,(2021).Plate waste study among hospitalised patients receiving texture-modified diet. Nutr Res Pract. 15(5):655-671 doi: 10.4162/nrp.2021.15.5.655. Epub 2021 Mar 10. |
2023/8/14 | 陳仙恩 | 探討餐飲場所火災預防及防火管理 | 陳秀羚,廚房烹調火災事故分析之研究-以臺北市內湖區老舊集合住宅為例,中華科技大學土木工程系土木防災與管理碩士班碩士論文,2022。
黃軍瑜,大型廚房火災預防及防火管理-以國軍伙房為例行,長榮大學安全衛生科學學院職業安全與衛生學系碩士在職專班論文,2021。 |
2023/9/7 | 王倩雯 | 人工智慧在餐飲業的應用與對消費者道德行為的影響 |
Giroux, M., Kim, J., Lee, J. C et al(2022). Artificial intelligence and declined guilt: Retailing morality comparison between human and AI. Journal of Business Ethics, 178(3), 1027-1041.
Wu, M. Y., Lee, J. H., & Hsueh, C. Y. (2021). A framework of visual checkout system using convolutional neural networks for bento buffet. Sensors, 21(8), 2627 |
2023/9/18 | 黃丹妮 | 失智症的營養照護 | Perry E, Walton K, Lambert K. Prevalence of Malnutrition in People with Dementia in Long-Term Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients. 2023 Jun 28;15(13):2927. doi: 10.3390/nu15132927.
Volkert D, Chourdakis M, Faxen-Irving G, et al. ESPEN guidelines on nutrition in dementia. Clin Nutr. 2015 Dec;34(6):1052-73. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2015.09.004. Epub 2015 Sep 25. |
2023/10/16 | 覃澤硯 | 各式種類之蟑螂餌膠對於德國蟑螂之存活影響 | Shahraki, Gholamhossein and Farashiani, Mohammad Ebrahim. "Comparison of slow and fast action gel baits for pest management of Blattella germanica (German cockroach) infestation in housing"
Sallehudin, Sulaiman, Ahmad Hairi Muhammad, Hidayatulfathi, Othman. “Efficacy of Hydramethylnon and Fipronil Gel Baits with Laboratory and Field Strains of Periplaneta americana (Dictyoptera: Blattidae) in Malaysia” |
2023/11/15 | 蔡旻君 | 人工智慧在醫學教育的應用 | Fazlollahi AM, Bakhaidar M, Alsayegh A, et al. Effect of Artificial Intelligence Tutoring vs Expert Instruction on Learning Simulated Surgical Skills Among Medical Students: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(2):e2149008.
Liaw SY, Tan JZ, Bin Rusli KD, et al. Artificial Intelligence Versus Human-Controlled Doctor in Virtual Reality Simulation for Sepsis Team Training: Randomized Controlled Study. J Med Internet Res. 2023;25:e47748. |
2023/11/27 | 周秋燕 | 吞嚥困難特殊飲食設計與產業化前景 |
A. Ebrahimi Pure, MS. Yarmand, M. Farhoodi. Special Foods for Dysphagia: Designing and Industrialization Prospects (May 8, 2023). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4441959 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4441959 農業部. 農業科技專案計畫-業界科專. 農業部AGTECH農業科技專案計畫服務網https://www.intelligentagri.com.tw/xmdoc/cont?xsmsid=0J165627312537358519&sid=0J171539186493866423 |
2023/12/14 | 陳佩歡 | 建立專業領域的GPT | Javaid, M., Haleem, A., & Singh, R. P., ChatGPT for healthcare services: An emerging stage for an innovative perspective. BenchCouncil Transactions on Benchmarks, Standards and Evaluations 2023, 3(1), 100105.
Sallam, M., ChatGPT Utility in Healthcare Education, Research, and Practice: Systematic Review on the Promising Perspectives and Valid Concerns. Healthcare 2023, 11(6), 887. |