姓名 | 題目 |
吳柏姍 | Differences in gut microbiota correlate with symptoms and regional brain volumes in patients with late-life depression. Front Aging Neurosci. 2022; 14: 885393. (IF: 5.7) |
祝梓芸 |
血中同半胱胺酸、維生素B6、B12及葉酸濃度與糖尿病視網膜病變 臨床醫學月刊111.02 |
陳佑霖 |
臨床醫學月刊111.02 |
楊筑穎 |
臨床醫學月刊111.02 |
陳子恩 |
臨床醫學月刊111.03 |
張慈怡 |
臨床醫學月刊111.03 |
舒宜芳 |
臨床醫學月刊111.03 |
蘇意婷 |
臨床醫學月刊111.03 |
吳佳蕙 |
臨床醫學月刊111.06 |
楊子穎 |
臨床醫學月刊111.07 |
卓虹均 |
卓虹均、邱哲琳、楊妹鳳。因應疫情下衛教型態的改變-以遠距教學進行社區活動 (營養師公會全聯會 poster) ________________________________________________________
曾芬玲 |
Fen-Ling Tseng, Pao-Ju Chiang, Yu-Wen Wang, Mei-Fang Yang. Innovative Meal Ordering System for Patient-Centered Service at General Hospital in Taiwan. (Asian Congress of Dietetics poster)
陳佑霖 |
Yu-Lin Chen, Che-Lin Chiu, Mei-Fang Yang. Effects of Multiple Nutrition Consultations on Diet Compliance, Body Weight and eGFR Progression in Outpatients with Stage 3, 4 and 5 Chronic Kidney Disease: A Retrospective Single-Center Cohort Study. (Asian Congress of Dietetics poster)
張慈怡 | Tzu-Yi Chang, Che-Lin Chiu, Mei-Fang Yang. Effects of Nutrition Counseling Twice on Weight Changes in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer Undergoing Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy: Comparison between Nasopharyngeal Cancer and Non- nasopharyngeal Cancer. (Asian Congress of Dietetics poster) ________________________________________________________ |
祝梓芸 |
Tzu-Yun Chu, Che-Lin Chiu, Mei-Fang Yang. Effects of Dietary Intervention and Monthly Follow Up in Gastric Carcinoma Patients with Subtotal Gastrectomy. (Asian Congress of Dietetics poster) |
吳柏姍 |
膳食療養學 Therapeuric Nutrition (專業書籍)