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  1. 使用較細的針頭(小於23號)。
  2. 注射後延長加壓止血的時間至5-10分鐘,不可搓揉。
  3. 如果可以,盡量將肌肉注射改成皮下注射。
  • A型肝炎疫苗B型肝炎疫苗,五合一疫苗 (包含白喉-破傷風-百日咳(DTap),小兒麻痺疫苗(IPV),b型嗜血桿菌(Hib)),肺炎鏈球菌疫苗PCV13與PPSV(PCV23),皆有研究證實,採用皮下注射相比於肌肉注射能夠減少出血的風險,且皮下注射與肌肉注射能夠產生相同效價的抗體。
  • 流感疫苗雖然缺乏孩童的資料,但在成年人族群已證實皮下注射是安全的且與肌肉注射同樣有效,沒有因而產生嚴重過敏反應的紀錄。
  • 麻疹/德國麻疹/腮腺炎疫苗(MMR),水痘疫苗(Varicella),日本腦炎疫苗(JEV)因為屬於活性疫苗,原先建議的施打方式即為皮下注射。
  1. 若病患有接受預防性凝血因子注射,應將疫苗注射時間安排於補充凝血因子之後24小時內。



  1. Vaccine Recommendations and Guidelines of the ACIP. (CDC)
  2. MASAC recommendations concerning products licensed for the treatment of hemophilia and other bleeding disorders Revised October 2013. MASAC Document #218.
  3. Gert Frösner, MD Robert Steffen, MD Christian Herzog, MD.Virosomal Hepatitis A Vaccine: Comparing Intradermal and Subcutaneous With Intramuscular Administration. Journal of Travel Medicine, Volume 16, Issue 6, 1 November 2009, Pages 413–419.
  4. Carpenter, S. L., Soucie, J. M., Presley, R. J., Ragni, M. V., Wicklund, B. M., Silvey, M., Davidson, H. and the Hemophilia Treatment Center Network Investigators (2014), Hepatitis B vaccination is effective by subcutaneous route in children with bleeding disorders: a universal data collection database analysis. Haemophilia. doi: 10.1111/hae.12569
  5. Togashi T, Yamaji M, Thompson A, Giardina PC, Aizawa M, Patterson S, Gruber WC, Scott DA; 3003 Study Group. Immunogenicity and safety of a 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in healthy infants in Japan. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2013 Sep;32(9):984-9. 
  6. Schaefer BA, Gruppo RA, Mullins ES, Tarango C. Subcutaneous diphtheria and tetanus vaccines in children with haemophilia: A pilot study and review of the literature. Haemophilia. 2017 Nov;23(6):904-909. 
  7. Leung AK, Chiu AS, Siu TO. Subcutaneous versus intramuscular administration of Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine. J R Soc Health. 1989 Apr;109(2):71-3. 




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IMàSC (見輝瑞仿單Ref 1)




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Update on 2023/03/07

撰文者:北榮兒童血液腫瘤科 侯明欣、余廷彥、顏秀如醫師

