曹珮眞 醫師
1. Soong WJ, Tsao PC, Yang CF, Sung YH, Soong YH. (2022, Sep). Early detection of laryngeal cleft in infants by novel technique of flexible endoscopy with sustained pharyngeal inflation.. Pediatr Pulmonol, 57(9):2122-2127.
2. Tsao PC. (2022, May). Effect of a multifaceted quality improvement program on the incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis in infants with very low birth weight..Pediatr Neonatol, 63(2):107-108. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
3. Soong WJ, Tsao PC, Yang CF, Lee YS, Lin CH, Chen CH. (2022, Apr). Flexible Endoscopy With Non-invasive Ventilation Enables Clinicians to Assess and Manage Infants With Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia.. Front Pediatr,10:837329..
4. Soong WJ, Chen CH, Lin CH, Yang CF, Lee YS, Tsao PC, Sung YH, Dhochak N. (2021, Oct). Sustained pharyngeal inflation on upper airway effects in children-Flexible bronchoscopy measurement. Pediatric Pulmonology,56(10):3293-3300.
5. Tsao PC, Lin CH, Lee YS, Chen WY, Jeng MJ, Kou YR. (2021, Aug). Efficacy of intratracheal budesonide-surfactant combined therapy in surfactantinsufficient rat lungs with lipopolysaccharide insult. J Chin Med Assoc.,84(8):783-790. 本人為第一作者.
6. Yeh YT, Liu C, Tsai HL, Chen CY, Lin NC, Chang JW, Tsao PC, Lee YS, Hsia CY, Loong CC (2021, Jul). Living donor liver transplantation for small infants aged less than 6 months: The experience of a single institute. Journal of Pediatric Surgery., 56(7):1157-1161.
7. Chen WY, Lin CH, Lee YS, Tsao PC, Jeng MJ (2020, Sep). Pathophysiological effects of intravenous phosphodiesterase type 4 inhibitor in addition to surfactant lavage in meconium-injured newborn piglet lungs. . Pediatr Pulmonol,55(9):2272-2282.
8. Chen SJ, Lee YS, Tsao PC, Wang C, Chou CS, Jeng MJ. (2020, Aug). Neonatal hospice care utilization in a tertiary hospital in Taiwan before and after the
legalization of life-sustaining treatment withdrawal.. J Chin Med Assoc.,83(8):774-778.
9. Tsao PC, Yeh HL, Shiau YS, Chang YC, Chiang SH, Soong WJ, Jeng MJ, Hsiao KJ, Chiang PH. (2020, Jul). Long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes of significant neonatal jaundice in Taiwan from 2000-2003: a nationwide,population-based cohort study. Scientific Reports. , 2020;10(1):11374. 本人為第一作者.
10. Lo YC, Tsai WJ, Tsao PC, Lee YS. (2020, Apr). Relationship between infectious screening and early unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in well-appearing neonates.. J Chin Med Assoc, 83(4):406-410.
11. Chou CS, Soong WJ, Lee YS, Tsao PC, Chen WY, Chen SJ, Liu CS, Jeng MJ.(2020, Feb). Fiberoptic bronchoesophagoscopy-assisted evaluation and prognostic factor analysis in children with congenital esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula.. J Chin Med Assoc, 83(2):180-187.
12. Yeh YT, Liu C, Tsai HL, Wu FY, Soong WJ, Lee YS, Tsao PC. (2019, Dec). A combination of tracheoplasty and tracheal stenting is an acceptable method of
treating severe congenital tracheobronchial stenosis under extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.. J Pediatr Surg., 54(12):2492-2497.
13. Hsieh KH, Chou YL, Soong WJ, Lee YS, Tsao PC. (2019, Sep). Long-term management and outcomes of tracheobronchial stent by flexible bronchoscopy in
infants <5 kg: A 13-year single-center experience.. J Chin Med Assoc, 82(9):727-731.
14. Tsao PC, Yeh HL, Chang YC, Chiang PH, Shiau YS, Chiang SH, Soong WJ,Jeng MJ, Hsiao KJ. (2018, Oct). Outcomes of neonatal jaundice in Taiwan..Archive Disease of Childhood., 103(10):927-929.本人為第一作者.
15. Lin YT, Lee YS, Jeng MJ, Chen WY, Tsao PC, Chan IC, Soong WJ. (2018, Sep).Flexible bronchoscopic findings and the relationship to repeated extubation
failure in critical children.. Journal of Chinese Medicine Association, 81(9):804-810..
16. Chen WY, Lin YT, Chen Y, Chen KC, Kuo BI, Tsao PC, Lee YS, Soong WJ,Jeng MJ. (2018, Jun). Reference equations for predicting standing height of children by using arm span or forearm length as an index.. Journal of Chinese Medicine Association, 81(7):649-656.
17. Lee YS, Tsao PC, Jeng MJ, Soong WJ. (2018, May). The comorbidities and risk factors in children with congenital airway anomalies: A nationwide populationbased study in Taiwan.. Medicine (Baltimore), 97(18):e0561.
18. Hsieh KH, Chen SJ, Tsao PC, Wang CC, Huang CF, Lin CM, Chou YL, Chen WY, Chan IC. (2018, Feb). The analgesic effect of non-pharmacological interventions to reduce procedural pain in preterm neonates.. Pediatrics Neonatology., 59(1):71-76.
19. Hsieh KH, Soong WJ, Jeng MJ, Lee YS, Tsao PC, Chou YL. (2018, Feb).Flexible endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of esophageal stenosis in children with noninvasive ventilation support.. Pediatrics Neonatology., 59(1):31-34.
20. Soong WJ, Tsao PC, Lee YS, Yang CF. (2018, Feb). Flexible endoscopy for pediatric tracheobronchial metallic stent placement, maintenance and long-term outcomes. . PLoS One, 13(2):e0192557.
21. Tsao PC, Lee YS, Jeng MJ, Hsu JW, Huang KL, Tsai SJ, Chen MH, Soong WJ,Kou YR. (2017, Nov). Additive effect of congenital heart disease and early developmental disorders on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder: a nationwide population-based longitudinal study.. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry., 26(11):1351-1359..本人為第一作者.
22. Soong WJ, Tsao PC, Lee YS, Yang CF. (2017, Aug). Therapeutic flexible airway endoscopy of small children in a tertiary referral center-11 years' experience..PLoS One, 12(8):e0183078.
23. Soong WJ, Tsao PC, Lee YS, Yang CF. (2017). Retrieval of tracheobronchial foreign bodies by short flexible endoscopy in children.. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 95:109-113.