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  1. 探討利用endo-GIA吻合器吻合靜脈可行性之動物實驗 (台北榮總專題研究C型計劃, Jan   2005 — Dec 2005)
  2. 建立大白鼠肝臟移植模式,併研究不同黏稠度之器官保存液對於肝內及肝外膽管之影響 (台北榮總專題研究C型計劃, Jan 2005 — Dec 2005)
  3. 局部感染是否能使同種肝移植減少發生機率或降低強度? (台北榮總免疫移植專題研究S5型計劃, Jan 2005 — Dec 2005)
  4. 利用顯微血管吻合系統(Microvascular Anastomotic Coupler System)在活體肝移植手術中吻合肝動脈之動物實驗(台北榮總專題研究S22型計劃, Jan 2006 — Dec 2006)
  5. 在肝臟移植時其再灌注傷害(reperfusion injury)對於肝臟粒線體之去氧核糖核酸(DNA)之影響(台北榮總專題研究S5型計劃, Jan 2006 — Dec 2006)
  6. 於活體肝移植手術中--使用不同方式灌注HTK保存液之人體試驗【第一年】(台北榮總專題研究S22型計劃, Jan 2007 — Dec 2007)
  7. 利用高蛋白質及碳水化合物食物快速增重對於肝臟重量及品質影響之研究(台北榮總專題研究C型計劃, Jan 2007 — Dec 2007)
  8. 於活體肝移植手術中--使用不同方式灌注HTK 保存液之人體試驗【第二年】(台北榮總專題研究S22型計劃, Jan 2008 — Dec 2008)
  9. 以大白鼠肝細胞粒線體電子傳遞鏈酵素複合物之定量活性的變化評估研究缺血事先訓練(Ischemic Preconditioning)對肝缺血之影響(台北榮總專題研究C型計劃, Jan 2008 — Dec 2008)
  10. 於活體肝移植手術中--使用不同方式灌注HTK 保存液之人體試驗【第三年】(台北榮總專題研究S22型計劃, Jan 2009 — Dec 2009)
  11. 以大鼠肝細胞Heparin-Binding Epidermal Growth Factor-Like Growth Factor及Amphiregulin變化研究缺血事先訓練對肝缺血之影響(台北榮總專題研究C型計劃, Jan 2009 — Dec 2009)
  12. 肝移植下腔靜脈邊對邊吻合時血流之調節研究-動物實驗(台北榮總專題研究S22型計劃, Jan 2010 — Dec 2010)
  13. 大白鼠肝臟缺血事先訓練所誘發的保護基因(台北榮總專題研究C型計劃, Jan 2010 — Dec 2010)
  14. 兒童肝移植病患停止使用CNI免疫抑制劑及探討運作忍受性之可能機轉之人體試驗 (台北榮總專題研究C型計劃, Jan 2011 — Dec 2011)
  15. 探討缺血事先訓練誘發上皮生長因子家族蛋白對肝臟缺血再灌注傷害之影響及其機轉【國科會, Aug 2011 — Jul 2012】
  16. 心率變異度與末期肝硬化病患之門靜脈脈壓力關係之研究(台北榮總專題研究C型計劃, Jan 2012 — Dec 2012)
  17. 以大白鼠肝內膽管閉鎖合併肝外膽管囊腫與十二指腸吻合之動物模型研究膽道閉鎖接受葛西氏手術後肝纖維化之研究【國科會, Aug 2012 — Jul 2013】
  18. 誘導式多能性幹細胞與間葉幹細胞所產生之肝臟細胞對急性肝衰竭之療效比較【衛生署研究計畫, May 2012 — Apr 2013】
  19. 大白鼠肝臟缺血再灌注傷害引起Amphiregulin上升中IL6, CXCL12及IL17所扮演角色之探討(台北榮總專題研究C型計劃, Jan 2013 — Dec 2013)
  20. 以大白鼠動物模型研究膽道閉鎖接受葛西氏手術後肝纖維化之研究【國科會一般型(個別型)之三年期計畫, Aug 2013 — Jul 2016】
  21. 以創新的手術模式誘發大鼠急性肝衰竭並探討間質幹細胞之治療效果及分子機轉(台北榮總專題研究C型計劃, Jan 2014 — Dec 2014)
  22. 肝臟移植術中血流測量值是否會影響預後 (軍醫局北榮合作, Jun 2014 — Dec 2014)
  23. 探討植入肝表現Foxp3T 細胞是否為肝移植不用免疫抑制藥物的忍受性生物指標(臺北榮總專題研究C型計畫, Jan 2015 — Dec 2015)
  24. 兒童肝移植後是否產生抗人體白血球抗原之抗體 (HLA antibodies)-肝移植忍受性生物指標(臺北榮總專題研究C型計畫, Jan 2016 — Dec 2016)
  25. 針對『B型肝炎核心抗體陽性』捐贈者肝內B型肝炎病毒檢測以評估受贈者術後產生『新生B型肝炎』之風險(臺北榮總專題研究C型計畫, Jan 2017 — Dec 2017)
  26. 比較不同路徑(門脈與體靜脈)給予間質幹細胞對於大動物急性肝衰竭模式之治療效益(臺北榮總專題研究C型計畫-共同主持人, Jan 2017 — Dec 2017)
  27. 研究維他命A, 熊去氧膽酸 (URSO)及類固醇經由降低Alpha-SMA 的表現來緩解大白鼠膽道閉鎖成功葛西氏手術後的肝纖維化機轉 【國科會一般型(個別型)計畫, Aug 2017 — Jul 2018】
  28. 人類脂肪間質幹細胞治療半乳糖胺誘發豬隻急性肝衰竭療效之探討【科技部一般型(個別型)計畫, Aug 2018 — Jul 2019】
  29. 以不同藥物(類固醇、維他命A、熊去氧膽酸)之不同劑量合併使用降低alpha-SMA 在大白鼠膽道閉鎖成功葛西氏手術後的表現探討降低葛西手術後肝纖維化的最好方式以利於臨床上的使用(臺北榮總專題研究C型計畫-共同主持人, Jan 2019 — Dec 2019)
  30. 基質金屬蛋白酶家族(matrix metalloproteinase, MMPs)的抗纖維化功能或是促纖維化功能在大白鼠擬膽道閉鎖及葛西氏手術動物模型的探討【科技部一般型(個別型)計畫, Aug 2019 — Jul 2020】
  31. 動物模型下的氣管手術後肉芽增生使用不同吸入性藥物,對於肉芽組織以及其組織學指標的影響。(臺北榮總專題研究C型計畫-共同主持人, Jan 2020 — Dec 2020)
  32. 運用基質金屬蛋白酶7的數值在大白鼠擬膽道閉鎖及葛西氏手術後藥物治療抗纖維化效果探討。【科技部一般型(個別型)計畫, Aug 2020 — Jul 2021】



  1. Liu C, Chin T, *Wei C. Pancreatic tumors in pediatric patients report of two cases. Journal of Surgical Association, Republic of China. 1993; 26: 2015-2019.
  2. Liu C, *Chin T, Wei C. Implantable central venous access devices (subcutaneous ports) in pediatric oncology patients analysis of complications. Journal of Surgical Association, Republic of China. 1994; 27: 2166-2170.
  3. Liu C, Chin T, Fahn H, *Wei C. Histiocytosis x involving thyroid gland: a case report. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei). 1994; 54: 279-81. (SCI)
  4. Chin T, Liu C, Wei C. The morphology of the contralateral internal inguinal rings is age-dependent in children with unilateral inguinal hernia. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 1995; 30: 1663-1665. (SCI)
  5. Liu C, *Chin T, Jan S, Wei C. Intraoperative laparoscopic diagnosis of contralateral patent processus vaginalis in children with unilateral inguinal hernia. British Journal of Surgery. 1995; 82: 106-108. (SCI)
  6. Liu C, Chin T, *Wei C. Successful surgical treatment of bilateral congenital chylothorax: a case report. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei). 1997; 59: 190-3. (SCI)
  7. Liu C, Chin T, *Wei C. Intraoperative non-puncture laparoscopic examination of contralateral internal inguinal rings is feasible in children with unilateral hydrocele. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei). 1998; 61: 188-192. (SCI)
  8. Chin T, Liu C, Wei C. Testicular volume in taiwanese boys. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei). 1998; 61: 29-33. (SCI)
  9. *Liu C, Chin T, Wei C. Value of y-glutamyl transpeptidase for early diagnosis of biliary atresia. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei). 1998; 61: 716-720. (SCI)
  10. Liu C, Chin T, *Wei C. Surgical treatment of vesicoureteral reflux in infants under 3 months of age. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 1998; 33: 1716-1719. (SCI)
  11. Chin T, Liu C, Wei C. A modified technique to correct primary vesicoureteral reflux in children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 1999; 34: 1469-1471. (SCI)
  12. Liu C, Chin T, *Wei C. Contralateral reflux after unilateral ureteral reimplantation-preexistent rather than new-onset reflux. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 1999; 34: 1661-1664. (SCI)
  13. *Liu C, Chin T, Wei C. Obliterated processus vaginalis diagnosed by intraoperative laparoscopy is unlikely to develop into a clinical hernia. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei). 2000; 63: 447-451. (SCI)
  14. Liu C, *Chiu J, Chin T, Wang L, Li A, Chow K, Wei C. Expression of fas ligand on bile ductule epithelium in biliary atresia - a poor prognostic factor. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2000; 35: 1591-1596. (SCI)
  15. Chin T, Liu C, Wei C. Hypospadias repair using a double onlay preputial flap. Pediatric Surgery International. 2001; 17: 496-498. (SCI)
  16. Liu C, *Chiu J-H, Chin T, Wang L-S, Tai C-H, Li Anna F-Y, Chow K-C, Wei C. Expression of aminopeptidase N in bile canaliculi: a predictor of clinical outcome in biliary atresia and a potential tool to implicate the mechanism of biliary atresia. Journal of Surgical Research. 2001; 100: 76-83 (SCI)
  17. *Liu C, Chin T, Wei C. Impalpable cryptorchidism-a review of 170 testes. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei). 2002; 65: 63-68. (SCI)
  18. *Liu C, Chin T, Wei C. Neonatal Duhamel pullthrough. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei). 2002; 65: 398-402. (SCI)
  19. Chin T, Liu C, Wei C. A simple modified method to correct buried penis in boys. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei). 2002; 65: 422-423. (SCI)
  20. Yuan H-C, Wu T-C, Liu I-F, Liu C. Hepatopulmonary syndrome in a child-case report. Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei) (Journal of Chinese Medical Association). 2003; 66:127-130. (SCI)
  21. PhD Thesis: Expression of APN and Fas/Fas ligand in livers of patients with biliary atresia and their relationship with the pathogenesis and prognosis, 2001.
  22. Tsai H-L, *Liu C-S, Chin T-W, Wei C-F. Hepatoblastoma and hepatocellular carcinoma in children. Journal of Chinese Medical Association. 2004;67:83-88. (corresponding author) (SCI)
  23. Tsai H-L, *Liu C, Chen P-T, Soong W-J, Chang W-G, Chin T, Wei C. The experience of removing Palmaz stent by a rigid bronchoscope. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2004; 39:1772-1774. (SCI)
  24. *Liu C, Wu T-C, Tsai H-L, ChinT, Wei C. Obstruction of the proximal jejunum by an anomalous congenital band- a case report. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2005;40:E27-29. (SCI)
  25. *Liu C-S, Tsai H-L, Chin T-W, Wei C-F. Surgical treatment of chylothorax caused by cardiothoracic surgery in children. Journal of Chinese Medical Association. 2005;68(5):234-236. (SCI)
  26. Chin T, Tsai H, Liu C, Wei C. Modifications of preputial unfuring to reduce postoperative edema in buried penis. Journal of Pediatric Urology. 2005; 1:327-329.
  27. Hsieh M-Y, *Liu C, Ho S-H, Wung S-H, Chin T, Wei C. A simple device for treating prolapsing loop colostomy. Journal of Chinese Medical Association. 2006;69(3):138-139 (corresponding author). (SCI)
  28. Tsai H-L, Chin T-W, Chang J-W, Liu C-S, Wei C-F. Renal cell carcinoma in children and young adults-case reports. Journal of Chinese Medical Association. 2006; 69: 240-244. (SCI)
  29. Hsieh M-Y, *Liu C-S, Chin T-W, Wei C-F. One-stage Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy for intra-abdominal testes. Formosa Journal of Surgery. 2006; 39(4):187-191.(corresponding author)
  30. Yang C-F, Soong W-J, Jeng M-J, Chen S-J, Lee Y-S, Tsao P-C, Hwang B, Wei C-F, Chin T-W, Liu C. Esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal atresia: ten years of experience in an institute. Journal of Chinese Medical Association. 2006; 69(7):317-321. (SCI)
  31. *Liu C, Tsai H-L, Loong C-C, Hsia C-Y, Chin T, Wei C. ENDO-GIA staplers for side-to-side anastomosis of veins. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. 2006; 32: 584-588 (SCI) VGH94-371-5
  32. *Liu C, Tsai H-L, Chin T, Loong C-C, Hsia C-Y, Wei C. Clamping the supra-celiac aorta can effectively increase the success rate of orthotopic rat liver transplantation by increasing the tolerable time of the anhepatic phase. Journal of Surgical Research. 2006; 136: 116-119 (SCI) 【VGH94-251】
  33. *Liu C, Loong C-C, Hsia C-Y, Tsai H-L, Wei C-F. Modified side-to-side cavocaval anastomosis in selected cases of orthotopic liver transplantation. Surgery. 2007; 142(1): 123-124 (SCI)
  34. *Chin T, Liu C, Tsai H-L, Wei C-F. Vaginal reconstruction using urinary bladder flap in a patient with cloacal malformation. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2007; 42(9):1612-1615 (SCI)
  35. *T-W Chin, H-L Tsai, C-S Liu, W-S Chen, C-Y Chan, C-F Wei. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Computer-simulated Training for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Journal of Medical Education. 2008; 12(1):30-35.
  36. Tsai H-L, Liu C-S, Chang J-W, Wei C-F, Lin J-T, *Chin T-W. Severe necrotizing fasciitis of the abdominal wall secondary to colon perforation in a child. Journal of Chinese Medical Association. 2008; 71(5):259-261. (SCI)
  37. Lin N-C, *Hsia C-Y, Loong C-C, Liu C, Tsai H-L, Lui W-Y, Wu C-W. Liver transplantation at a small-volume procedure center-preliminary results from Taipei Veterans General Hospital. Journal of Chinese Medical Association. 2008; 171(4):186-190(SCI)
  38. Tasi H-L, Liu C, Chang J-W, Chin T, Wei C-F. Totally implantable venous access ports via the external jugular vein: safety and effectiveness for young pediatric patients. Journal of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. 2008;30(5):366-368 (SCI)
  39. *Liu C, Loong C-C, Hsia C-Y, Tsou M-Y, Tsai H-L, Wei C-F. Venoplasty of hepatic venous outflow with a venous patch in domino liver transplantation. Liver Transplantation. 2008;14:1378-1379. (SCI)
  40. *Liu C. Domino Liver Transplantation. Formos J Surg. 2008;41:191-196.
  41. Chin T-W, Chiu C-Y, Tsai H-L, Liu C-S, Wei C-F. Analysis of the RET Gene in Subjects with Sporadic Hirschsprung’s Disease. Journal of Chinese Medical Association. 2008; 71(8):406-410(SCI)
  42. *Liu C. Loong C-C, Hsia C-Y, Huang C-H, Perng C-K, Tsai H-L, Wei C-F. A technique of diamond-shape venoplasty to reconstruct the hepatic venous outflow in living donor liver transplantation for a case of Budd-Chiari syndrome. Pediatric Transplantation. 2008;13:35-38. (SCI)
  43. *Liu C, Loong C-C, Hsia C-Y, Peng C-K, Tsai H-L, Tsou M-Y, Wei C-F. Duct-to-duct biliary reconstruction in selected cases in pediatric living-donor left-lobe liver transplantation. Pediatric Transplantation. 2008;13(6):693-696. (SCI)
  44. *Liu C, Loong C-C, Hsia C-Y, Tsou M-Y, Tsai H-L, Wei C-F. Retrograde arterial flush of the liver graft in living donor liver transplantation. Journal of Investigative Surgery. 2009;  22(6):406-412. (SCI) 【V95S22-012
  45. *Liu C, Loong C-C, Hsia C-Y, Tsai H-L, Wei C-F. ENDO-GIA staplers for side-to-side anastomosis of veins. (letters to the editors) Liver Transplantation. 2009;15:1655. (SCI)
  46. *Hsieh Y-L, Liu C. Progression from an immature teratoma with military gliomatosis peritonei to growing teratoma syndrome with nodular gliomatosis peritonei. Pedatr Neonatol. 2009;50(2):78-81.
  47. Kuo W-T, *Hsia C-Y, Loong C-C ,Liu C, Tsai H-L, Tseng H-S, Lee R-C, Tsou M-Y, Wu C-W, Lui W-Y. Outcome of foreign residents undergoing deceased donor liver transplantation in China – a single center experience in Taiwan. Liver Transplantation. 2009;15:1579-1585.(SCI)
  48. Hung H-H, Chen T-S, Tseng H-S, Hsia C-Y, Liu C-S, Lin H-C, Loong C-C. Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography and Drainage is an Effective Rescue Therapy for Biliary Complications in Liver Transplant Recipients Who Failed Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography. Journal of Chinese Medical Association. 2009;72:395-401. (SCI)
  49. *Liu C, Niu D-M, Loong C-C, Hsia C-Y, Tsou M-Y, Tsai H-L, Wei C. Domino liver graft from a patient with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. Pediatric Transplantation. 2010; 14:E30-E33. (SCI)
  50. Fang-Yuan Chang, Kuo-Yu Liao, Lite Wu, Shih-Peng Lin, Yen-Ting Lai, Chin-Su Liu, Shyh-Haw Tsay, *Tzee-Chung Wu. An Uncommon cause of abdominal pain and diarrhea-gastrinoma in an adolescent. Eur J Pediatr. 2010;169:355-357. (SCI)
  51. N.C. Lin, *C.-S. Liu, C.-J. Chang, C.-C. Loong, C.-Y. Hsia, H.-L. Tsai. Changes in Mitochondrial Respiratory Enzyme Activity After Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Living-Donor Liver Transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings. 2010;42(3):721-724. (SCI) V97C1-166
  52. *Liu C, Lee R-C, Loong C-C, Hsia C-Y, Yeh Y-C, Chiou S-Y. Increasing Donor Body Weight to Prevent Small-for-Size Syndrome in Living Donor Liver Transplantation. World Journal of Surgery. 2010:34(10):2401-2408. (SCI) 【V96C1-166
  53. H-L Tsai, L-Y Yang, T-W Chin, H-H Wang, C-S Liu, C-F Wei, J-W Chang. Outcome and Risk Factors for Mortality in Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis. Peritoneal Dialysis International 2010; 30:233-239. (SCI)
  54. J-T Lee, *C Liu, H-L Tsai, T Chin, C-F Wei. Successful redo pull-through for Hirschsprung’s disease in a Haddad syndrome patient. Journal of Chinese Medical Association. 2010;73:438-440. (SCI) (corresponding author)
  55. S.-C. Wang, J.-F. Shieh, K.-Y. Chang, Y.-C. Chu, C.-S. Liu, C.-C. Loong, K.-H. Chan, S. Mandell, M.-Y. Tsou. Thromboelastography-Guided Transfusion Decreases Intraoperative Blood Transfusion During Orthotopic Liver Transplantatio: Randomized Clinical Trial. Transplantation Proceedings. 2010;42:2590-2593. (SCI)
  56. Jen-Bin Wang, Chin-Su Liu, Shin-Lin Tsai, Chou-Fu Wei, Tai-Wai Chin. Augmentation cystoplasty and simultaneous ureteral reimplantation reduce high-grade vesicoureteral reflux in children with neurogenic bladder. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association. 2011;74:294-297. (SCI)
  57. *Liu C, Lee R-C, Loong C-C, Hsia C-Y. “Consideration not promotion”: in selected cases, we can try to increase donor body weight to increase graft volume in living donor liver transplantation: reply. World Journal of Surgery. 2011; 35:2358-2359. (SCI)
  58. *Chinsu Liu 急性肝衰竭的移植時機. Clinical Medicine臨床醫學. 2012; 1(69):61-68.
  59. *Chinsu Liu, Che-Chuan Loong, Cheng-Yuan Hsia, Shen-ChihWang, Yi-Chen Yeh, Niang-Cheng Lin, Hsin-Lin Tsai and Mei-Yung Tsou. Retrograde Arterial Flush of the Liver Graft in Living Donor Liver Transplantation May Ameliorate post-Transplantational Cholestasis - A Prospective Randomized Study. Clinical Transplantation. 2012;26:305-313. DOI:10.1111/j.1399-0012.2011.01493.x. (SCI)
  60. *C Liu, D-M Niu, C-Y Hsia, C-C Loong, N-C Lin, H-L Tsai, M-Y Tsou, T Chin. Living donor liver transplantation using a graft from a donor with Dubin-Johnson syndrome. Pediatric Transplantation 2012;16:E25-29 (SCI)
  61. Niang-Cheng Lin, Dau-Min Niu, Che-Chuan Loong, Cheng-Yuan Hsia, Hsin-Lin Tsai, Yi-Chen Yeh, Mei-Yung Tsou, *Chinsu Liu. Liver Transplantation for a Patient with Homocystinuria. Pediatric Transplantation. 2012;16(7):E311-4. (SCI)
  62. Cheng-Yen Chen, Jen-Bing Wang, Niang-Cheng Lin, Jin-Teng Lee, Hsin-Lin Tsai, Taiwai-Chin, Che-Chuan Loong, Cheng-Yuan Hsia, *Chinsu Liu. Three liver grafts from a deceased whole liver. Medical Hypotheses. 2012; 78:668-671. (SCI).
  63. H-L Tsai, L-Y Yang, T-W Chin, P-H Chen, H-J Yen, C-S Liu, H-H Wang, *J Chang. Child abuse in medical setting presenting as gross hematuria: diagnosis by DNA STRs. Pediatrics 2012;130(1):E224-9. (SCI).
  64. Pei-Wen Chao, Wen-Kuei Chang, I-Wen Lai ,Chinsu Liu, Kwok-Hon Chan , *Cheng-Ming Tsao. Acute life-threatening arrhythmias caused by severe hyperkalemia after induction of anesthesia in an infant with methylmalonic acidemia. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 2012;75(5):243-245. (SCI)
  65. WT Chang, NC Lin, CY Hsia, CS Liu, HL Tsai, *CC Loong. Liver transplantation for a renal transplantation recipient with secondary sclerosing cholangitis by choledochoduodenal fistula. Asia J Surg 2012; 35:49-52. (SCI).
  66. Jeng-Jer Shieh, Yung-Hsiu Lu, Shi-Wei Huang, Yu-Hsiu Huang, Chih-Hao Sun, Hong-Jen Chiou, Chinsu Liu, Ming-Yu Lo, Ching-Yuang Lin, *Dau-Ming Niu. Misdiagnosis as steatohepatitis in a family with mild glycogen storage disease type 1a. Gene 2012;509:154-157.(SCI)
  67. Hsin-Lin Tsai, Jei-Wen Chang, Hui-Wen Yang, Chang-Wei Chen, Chen-Chang Yang, An-Hang Yang, Chin-Su Liu, Tai-wai Chin, Chou-Fu Wei, *Oscar K. Lee. Amelioration of Paraquat-Induced Pulmonary Injury by Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Cell Transplantation 2013; 22(9):1667-81. (SCI).
  68. *Chinsu Liu, Choufu Wei. Hepatoblastoma in children (Review). Formosa Journal of Surgery 2013; 46(4):105-144.
  69. CY Chen, HS Tseng, NC Lin, JB Wang, HL Tsai, CC Loong, CY Hsia, *C Liu. A directional approach for portal vein stent placement in a child with complete portal vein occlusion after living donor liver transplantation. Pediatric Transplantation 2013; 17(6):E137-40. (SCI)
  70. Mei-Lien Pan, Wei-Pin Chang, Hui-Chen Lee, Hsin-Lin Tsai, Chin-Su Liu, Der-Ming Liou, Yen-Jen Sung, Tai-Wai Chin*. A longitudinal cohort study of incidence rates of inguinal hernia repair in 0- to 6-year-old children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2013; 48(11):2327-2331. (SCI)
  71. *C Liu. Pretransplant predictors of early mortality of liver transplantation (editorial comment). Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 2014; 77(1):1-2. (SCI)
  72. Hsin-Lin Tsai, Jei-Wen Chang, Chin-Su Liu, Tai-Wai Chin, Chou-Fu Wei, Oscar Kuang-Sheng Lee, Shyh-Jen Wang. A Newly-Designed Total Implantable Venous Access Device in Rats for Research with High Efficiency and Low Cost. Journal of Surgical Research 2014 Mar 18;187(1):36-42. Epub 2013 Oct 18 (SCI)
  73. Jen-Bin Wang, *Chinsu Liu, Yi-Chen Yeh, Chia-Pei Liu, Chun-Ju Chang, Cheng-Yen Chen, Taiwai Chin. A Novel Rat Model Simulating Biliary Atresia after a Kasai Operation. Journal of Investigative Surgery 2014: 27: 183-190. (SCI) 【NSC 101-2314-B-075-021】
  74. Cheng-Yen Chen, *Chinsu Liu. Hypothesis of Three Liver Grafts from a Deceased Whole Liver. Liver Transplantation 2014; 20: 746. (SCI)
  75. Yi-Ting Yeh, Hsin-Lin Tsai, Cheng-Yen Chen, Jen-Bing Wang, Tai-Wai Chin, Chou-Fu Wei, *Chin-Su Liu. Surgical outcomes of total colonic aganglionosis in children: a 26-year experience in a single institute. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 2014; 77(10):519-23. (SCI)
  76. *Tai-Wai Chin, Hsin-Lin Tsai, Chin-Su Liu. Modifieid prepuce unfurling for buried penis: a report of 12 years of experience. Asia J Surg 2015; 38(2):74-8. (SCI)
  77. CY Chen, CJ Liu, JY Feng, CC Loong, C Liu, CY Hsia, LY Hu, NC Lin, YW Hu, CM Yeh, TJ Chen, CC Yang. Incidence and risk factors for tuberculosis after liver transplantation in an endemic area: a nationwide population-based matched cohort study. Am J Transpl 2015; 15:2180-7. (SCI)
  78. Niang-Cheng Lin, Hsin-Kai Wang, Yi-Chen Yeh, Chia-Pei Liu, Che-Chuan Loong, Hsin-Lin Tsai, Cheng-Yen Chen, Taiwai Chin, *Chinsu Liu. Minimization or withdrawal of immunosuppresants in pediatric liver transplant recipients. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2015; 50(12):2128-2133. (SCI) DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2015.08.043.【V100C-162】
  79. *Chinsu Liu, Hsin-Lin Tsai, Taiwai Chin, Choufu Wei. Experience of surgical treatment of hepatoblastoma. Formosan Journal of Surgery 2016; 49:56-62.
  80. Cheng-Yen Chen, *Chinsu Liu, Niang-Cheng Lin, Hsin-Lin Tsai, Che-Chuan Loong, Cheng-Yuan Hsia. Exchange of partial liver transplantation between children with different non-cirrhotic metabolic liver diseases: how do we arrive there? Annals of Transplantation 2016; 21:525-530. (SCI) DOI: 10.12659/AOT.898677.
  81. Yi-Ting Yeh, Hsiu-Ju Yen, Niang-Cheng Lin, Kuo-Chiang Wang, Hsin-Lin Tsai, *Chin-Su Liu. Successful ABO-incompatible pediatric living donor liver transplantation in an infant with protein C deficiency. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2017 Oct;64(10). doi: 10.1002/pbc.26521. Epub 2017 Mar 7. (SCI)
  82. Yi-Ting Yeh, Cheng-Yen Chen, Hsiou-Shan Tseng, Hsin-Kai Wang, Niang-Cheng Lin, Hsin-Lin Tsai, Chou-fu Wei, *Chinsu Liu. Enlarging Vascular Stents after Pediatric Liver Transplantation. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2017; 52(12)1934-1939. doi:10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2017.08.060. (SCI)
  83. H-K Wang, C-Y Chen, N-C Lin, C-S Liu, C-C Loong, Y-H Lin, Y-C Lai, H-J Chiou. Comparison of two devices for intraoperative portal venous flow measurement in living-donor liver transplantation: transit time ultrasound and conventional Doppler ultrasound. Transplantation Proceedings 2018; 50:1157-1159.
  84. Yi-ting Yeh , Niang-cheng Lin , Yi-chen Yeh , Hsin-lin Tsai , Cheng-yen Chen , Chia-pei Liu, *Chinsu Liu. Vitamin A Can Ameliorate Fibrosis of Liver in an Established Rat Model of Biliary Atresia and Kasai Portoenterostomy. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2018; 53(12)2416-2422. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2018.08.033. (SCI)
  85. Tzu-hung Chu, Yin-Hsiu Chien, Hsiang-Yu Lin, Hsuan-Chieh Liao, Huey-Jane Ho, Chih-Jou Lai,  Chuan-Chi Chiang, Niang-Cheng Lin, Chia-Feng Yang, Wuh-Liang Hwu, Ni-Chung Lee, Shuan-Pei Lin, Chin-Su Liu, Rey-Heng Hu, Ming-Chih Ho, Dau-Ming Niu. Methylmalonic Acidemia/Propionic Acidemia - The Biochemical Presentation and the Comparing the Outcome between Liver Transplantation versus Non-Liver Transplantation Groups. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. 2019 Apr 2;14(1):73. doi: 10.1186/s13023-019-1045-1. (IF, 3.607)
  86. Niang-Cheng Lin, Hao-Hsiang Wu, Jennifer Hui-Chun Ho, *Chin-Su Liu, Oscar Kuang-Sheng Lee. Mesenchymal Stem Cells Prolong Survival and Prevent Lethal Complications in a Porcine Model of Fulminant Liver Failure. Xenotransplantation 2019 Jun 20:e12542. doi: 10.1111/xen.12542. [Epub ahead of print] (IF, 4.717) (co-corresponding author) (SCI)
  87. Yi-Ting Yeh, *Chinsu Liu, Hsin-Lin Tsai, Fei-Yi Wu, Wen-Jue Soong, Yu-Sheng Lee, Pei-Chen Tsao. A combination of tracheoplasty and tracheal stenting is an acceptable method of treating severe congenital tracheobronchial stenosis under extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2019 Dec;54(12):2492-2497. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2019.08.043. Epub 2019 Aug 30. (SCI) (IF, 2.092)
  88. S-H Wu, C-C Loong, C-J Chu, C-W Su, C-C Lin, C-Y Hsia, C Liu, S-D Lee, Y-J Wang, F-Y Lee, N-C Lin, C-Y Chen, Y-H Huang, M-C Hou. Highly effective treatment response and well tolerability by all oral direct acting antivirals for chronic hepatitis C post organ transplantation. J Chin Med Assoc 2020; 83:18-24. (SCI)
  89. Chia-Sui Chou, Wen-Jue Soong, Yu-Sheng Lee, Pei-Chen Tsao, Wei-Yu Chen, Szu-Jung Chen, Chin-Su Liu, Mei-Jy Jeng. Fiberoptic bronchoesophagoscopy-assisted evaluation and prognostic factor analysis in children with congenital esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula. J Chin Med Assoc 2020; 83(2):180-187. (SCI)
  90. Hao-Jan Lei, Niang-Cheng Lin(共同第1作者), Cheng-Yen Chen, Shu-Cheng Chou, Meng-Hsuan Chung, Bor-Uei Shyr, Hsin-Lin Tsai, Cheng-Yuan Hsia, Chin-Su Liu, Che-Chuan Loong*. Safe Strategy to Initiate Total Laparoscopic Donor Right Hepatectomy: A Stepwise Approach From a Laparoscopy-Assisted Method. World Journal of Surgery 2020(Sep);44(9):3108-3118. DOI 10.1007/s00268-020-05572-5 (SCI)
  91. Shen-Chih wang,Chien-Kun Ting,Cheng-Yen Chen,Chin-Su Liu,Niang-Cheng Lin,Che-Chung Loong,Hau-Tieng Wu,Yu-Ting Lin.Temporal Structure Intricacy of Arterial Blood Pressure Waveforms Discovered Via Unsupervised Manifold Learning is Associated with Acuity of Liver Transplant and Short-Term Surgical Outcome.January 2021SSRN Electronic Journal DOI:10.2139/ssrn.3973432(SCI)
  92. Cheng-Yen Chen, Yi-Ting Yeh, Chinsu Liu*, Rheun-Chuan Lee, Shan-Su Huang, Che-Chuang Loong. The feasibility of medial segment graft in pediatric liver transplantation revisited by three-dimensional printing. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2021(Mar); S0022-3468(21)00260-8. (SCI)【V105A-007; MOST105-2314-B-075-020】
  93. Jung-Jyh Hung, Fu-Der Wang, Hsu Ma, Mei-Yung Tsou, Hung-Da Dai, Yi-Han Lin, Wei-Ming Chen, Chin-Su Liu*. The precaution strategy toward the COVID-19 pandemic in the operating room of a tertiary hospital in Taiwan. J Chin Med Assoc 2021 Feb 1;84(2):171-176. doi: 10.1097/JCMA.0000000000000457. (SCI)
  94. Yi-Ting Yeh, Chinsu Liu*, Hsin-Lin Tsai, Cheng-Yen Chen, NiangCheng Lin, Jei-Wen Chang, Pei-Chen Tsou, Yu-Sheng Lee, Cheng-Yuan Hsia, Che-Chuan Loong. Living donor liver transplantation for small infants under 6 months of age. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2021 July;56(7):1157-1161. (SCI)
  95. Hsin-Lien Tsai, Yi-Chen Yeh, Ting-Yen Yu, Chih-Ying Lee, Giun-Yi Hung, Yi-Ting Yeh, Chin-Su Liu, Hsiu-Ju Yen. Complete and durable response to immune checkpoint inhibitor in a patient with refractory and metastatic hepatoblastoma. Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 2021 May38(4):385-390. DOI: 10.1080/08880018.2020.1853859. (SCI)
  96. Shen-Chih Wang, Chien-Kun Ting, Cheng-Yen Chen,Chin-Su Liu, Niang Cheng Lin ,Che-Chuan Loon, Hau-Tieng Wu, Yu-Ting Lin. Discovery of temporal structure intricacy in arterial blood pressure waveforms representing acuity of liver transplant and forecasting short term surgical outcome via unsupervised manifold learning. 2021-09-27  CoRR abs/2109.10258 (2021)
  97. Yi-Fan Tsou, Niang Cheng Lin, Cheng-Yuan Hsia, Che-Chuan Loong, Hsin-Lin Tsai, Cheng-Yen Chen, Shou-Dong Lee, Shu-Cheng Chou, Meng-Hsuan Chung, Fang-Cheng Kuo, Chin-Su Liu. Repeated loco-regional therapies for hepatocellular carcinoma is associated with inferior outcome after living donor liver transplantation in cirrhotic patients. November 2021Journal of the Chinese Medical Association Publish Ahead of Print(3) DOI:10.1097/JCMA.0000000000000670 (SCI)
  98. Chih-Yao Hu, Yi-Fan Tsou, Pei-Chang Lee, Cheng-Yen Chen, Niang-Cheng Lin, Meng-Hsuan Chung, Chin-Su Liu*. Hepatitis B Virus Infection Flare Induced Acute-on-chronic Liver Failure After COVID-19 Vaccination: A Case Report. Hepatitis Monthly. 2021(December);21(12):e126460. (SCI)
  99. Hsien-Tzu Liu, Chien-An Liu, Hsin-Kai Wang, Cheng-Yen Chen, Chin-Su Liu, Shu-Huei Shen. Minimal invasive treatment for post‐liver and renal transplant lymphatic leaks April 2022Clinical Transplantation 36(4) DOI:10.1111/ctr.14691
  100. Cheng-Yen Chen, Yi-Fan Tsou, Yi-Ting Yeh,  Hsin-Lin Tsai, Niang-Cheng Lin, Chin-Su Liu*. Advanced preoperative three-dimensional planning decreases the surgical complications of using large-for-size grafts in pediatric living donor liver transplantation. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2022(July);57(7):1210-1214. (SCI)
  101. Jeng-Hung Wu, Chin-Su Liu, Hsin-Lin Tsai, Chih-Ting Su, Yi-Hsuan Tang, Yu-Sheng Lee, Pei-Chen Tsao, Yi-Ting Yeh, Wei-Yu Chen, Mei-Jy Jeng. Factors Associated with Postoperative Respiratory Conditions and Critical Outcomes on Pediatric Liver Transplantation: A Single Center Experience. J Chin Med Assoc. 2022(Mar);85(3):369-374. doi: 10.1097/JCMA.0000000000000689 (SCI)
  102. Niang-Cheng Lin, Hsin-Lin Tsai, Cheng-Yen Chen, Yi-Ting Yeh, Hao-Jan Lei, Shu-Cheng Chou, Meng-Hsuan Chung, Chia-Feng Yang, Dau-Ming Niu, Che-Chuan Loong, Cheng-Yuan Hsia, Chin-Su Liu*. Safety and Long-term Outcomes of Early Liver Transplantation for Pediatric Methylmalonic Acidemia Patients. Pediatric Transplantation. 2022(Jun);26(4):e14228. doi: 10.1111/petr.14228. (SCI)
  103. Fang-Cheng Kuo, Cheng-Yen Chen*, Niang-Cheng Lin, Chinsu Liu, Cheng-Yuan Hsia, Che-Chuan Loong. Optimizing the Safe Washout Period for Liver Transplantation Following Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors with Atezolizumab, Nivolumab, or Pembrolizumab. Transplantation Proceedings. 2023 May;55(4):878-883. (SCI)
  104. Cheng-Yen Chen*, Niang-Cheng Lin, Chin-Su Liu, Cheng-Yuan Hsia, Che-Chuan Loong. Single-Center Experience in Managing Right Liver Grafts From Trifurcation or Independent Right Posterior Portal Vein in Adult Living Donor Liver Transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings. 2023(May);55(4):888-892. (SCI)
  105. Szu-Yuan Li, Cheng-Yen Chen, Ming-Tsun Tsai, Niang Cheng Lin, Chin-Su Liu,Chih-Ching Lin. Hybrid Method for Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter Insertion: A New Technique for Improved Outcomes and Reduced Costs. May 2023American Journal of Nephrology 54(7-8)DOI:10.1159/000531162 (SCI)
  106. Shen-Chih Wang, Chien-Kun Ting, Cheng-Yen Chen, Chinsu Liu, Niang Cheng Lin, Che-Chuan Loong, Hau-Tieng Wu, Yu-Ting Lin. Arterial blood pressure waveform in liver transplant surgery possesses variability of morphology reflecting recipients’ acuity and predicting short term outcomes July 2023Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 37(7):1-11 DOI:10.1007/s10877-023-01047-9
  107. Niang-Cheng Lin, Chinsu Liu, Cheng-Yen Chen,  Hao-Jan Lei, Yi-Fan Tsou, Fang-Cheng Kuo, Shu-Cheng Chou, Meng-Hsuan Chung, Cheng-Yuan Hsia, Che-Chuan Loong, Shen-Chih Wang, Oscar K Lee, Hsin-Lin Tsai*. Long-term outcomes of liver transplantation for alcohol-related liver disease. Transplantation Proceedings. J Chin Med Assoc. 2023(Aug);86(8):748-755. doi: 10.1097/JCMA.0000000000000940. (SCI)


  1. Deputy Editor: Chinese Medical Journal (Taipei) (Journal of Chinese Medical Association, Taipei since 2004, SCI)): 2001-2003.
  2. Editorial Board: Formosan Journal of Surgery: 2008-2010.
  3. Members of Publication Committee of Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeon (a branch of Journal of Pediatric Surgery, SCI): since 2013.
  4. Invited Reviewer in SCI journal: Pediatric Transplantation (SCI), Annals of Transplantation (SCI), Clinical Biochemistry (SCI), Asian Journal of Surgery (SCI), Journal of Chinese Medical Association (SCI).
  5. Editor Board of Asia Journal of Surgery (SCI) since 2014.
  6. 臺北榮總 臨床研究室管理委員(104.8.4~106.7.31) 研究委員會委員(106.1.1~109.12.31)

